Harrison Tetreault's home timeline


  1. I’m not too proud to admit I was wrong @nerthos was right. I am in fact, enjoying Fallout 76 a great deal.

    Friday, 28-Feb-20 09:01:25 UTC from web
  2. well, my dying friend is now my dead friend.

    Sunday, 01-Mar-20 20:34:05 UTC from web
  3. Time for me to be a big boy and come out and admit that I don’t know the difference between bisexuals and pansexuals. I have heard each definition. My brain can not comprehend a difference.

    Friday, 21-Feb-20 01:18:49 UTC from web
  4. not to be a total papaya but seeing my mum in a healthy relationship with a nice dude who doesn't have any sort of alcohol dependency makes me very happy to see

    Wednesday, 19-Feb-20 17:19:52 UTC from web
  5. why was it such a big deal that Anakin Skywalker had a secret wife, and why did she need to be a secret, did anyone ever watch the Clone Wars show?? Obi-Wan was a FrankerZing grapey-slaying Potato Knishes machine, this man kiwied CONSTANTLY and nobody seemed to give a rat's ass about it.

    Thursday, 06-Feb-20 06:33:28 UTC from web
  6. I just want to start challenging politricksters to trial by combat in exchange for their positions

    Tuesday, 04-Feb-20 15:52:20 UTC from web
  7. I had the best terminator batcavepost but the file is too big :c

    Thursday, 06-Feb-20 06:33:58 UTC from web
  8. Just got back from a shooting range, it was pretty cool

    Wednesday, 29-Jan-20 22:40:05 UTC from web
  9. Watched "Little Witch Academia". It's alright. The overarching plot however is weak and with a lot of wasted potential.

    Sunday, 02-Feb-20 19:19:15 UTC from web
  10. special shoutouts to the woman who just called me ugly to her daughter in Spanish because she thought I couldn’t understand her. When I raised my eyebrow she turned to me and said “I was just telling my daughter you look like someone we know”. Okay, ma’am.

    Sunday, 02-Feb-20 02:29:46 UTC from web
  11. O Lord, the Girl Scout cookies...

    Saturday, 01-Feb-20 08:29:42 UTC from web
  12. the whole experience did sort of underscore everything i believe about that sort of thing though, there was a guy with an AR-15 in the booth next to me and a guy with eight(!!!!!) magazines on his belt in the other booth, and it made me SUPREMELY uncomfortable

    Thursday, 30-Jan-20 07:29:10 UTC from web
  13. I'm not sure what digital magic my cousins' tv is doing to The Simpsons but man is it ever uncanny

    Monday, 27-Jan-20 22:05:43 UTC from web
    • Jonathan Chouinard likes this.
    • Show all 6 replies
    • @adiwan The high frame rate video debate is scheduled to be the next big generational tech gap, according to one headline I skimmed once online. "Gemini Man" will remain dumb, regardless.

      Tuesday, 28-Jan-20 08:00:37 UTC in context
      Jonathan Chouinard likes this.
    • @scribus High frame rate video is one thing but another thing to interpolate frames of lower frame rate to a higher and smooth out "choppiness", especially with non-contiguous motion like in animation with few feature points in the picture. High frame rate video will be the norm some day. Right now the amount of data is mostly not feasible or the technology is not good enough to simulate. Current films are exported in 2k because all of the rendering time and visual effects. Also visual flaws get more obvious with a higher temporal resolutions. I heard that "acting" is more apparent at higher frame rates, meaning that the acted motions and emotions are perceived as not genuine.

      Tuesday, 28-Jan-20 08:17:16 UTC in context
      Jonathan Chouinard likes this.
    • @adiwan I can vouch for the last bit, a perfect example is the marvel cape movies. They look just fine on tv or a cinema screen, but look at scenes in >1080 60fps on a high DPI cellphone screen and the actors look awkward, movement looks cartoony and poorly acted, you can notice the weird physics from cable pulls and all that.

      Friday, 31-Jan-20 22:48:32 UTC in context
      Jonathan Chouinard likes this.
  14. time to deny the american people the right to vote

    Tuesday, 21-Jan-20 20:41:50 UTC from web
  15. Space Force is actually happening? Space Force is actually gorram happening!? I always wanted to live in a cartoon, but not this one!!

    Wednesday, 15-Jan-20 02:25:44 UTC from web
  16. Just learned a friend has brain cancer. Ngl, that’s kind of a huge bummer

    Wednesday, 08-Jan-20 22:48:30 UTC from web
  17. Happy new year, to those that remain, and would still be called friends.
    May time never erode what was built, the chapter of our lives that we spent together.

    In perpetuity you will find a brother in me if that is what you desire.

    Tuesday, 31-Dec-19 11:24:27 UTC from web
  18. I do actually miss you guys pretty often. I just very rarely find I have anything to say anymore?

    Friday, 27-Dec-19 00:16:09 UTC from web
  19. But I do have something today: I bought a house!

    Friday, 27-Dec-19 00:16:28 UTC from web

    Friday, 20-Dec-19 12:20:16 UTC from web

    Friday, 20-Dec-19 12:21:00 UTC from web
  22. Pokémon mystery dungeon is the best Pokémon ever prove me wrong nerds

    Saturday, 14-Dec-19 10:26:26 UTC from web
  23. "i hate minorities"
    "that's cool bro, everyone has their own opinion"
    "i hate people who hate minorities"
    "whoa man, that's not cool?? what have they done to you??"

    Saturday, 14-Dec-19 00:01:02 UTC from web
  24. there are people on this planet who want me and my loved ones dead, go papaya yourself if you think i'm not allowed to defend myself

    Saturday, 14-Dec-19 00:01:48 UTC from web

    Friday, 13-Dec-19 07:09:46 UTC from web
  26. apple TORIES

    Friday, 13-Dec-19 07:09:38 UTC from web
  27. also i'm pretty sure if you're diabetic you can still eat junk food if you take the appropriate amount of insulin?? like it's a good idea in general to not eat too much

    Thursday, 12-Dec-19 20:28:09 UTC from web
  28. hearing people at work speak about intersex individuals as if it's some recent millennial trend is trimming precious years off my already flimsy life span

    Wednesday, 11-Dec-19 18:50:14 UTC from web
  29. grapeing SJWs and their MADE UP third person gender neutral pronoun that hasn't existed for centuries

    Wednesday, 11-Dec-19 18:48:31 UTC from web
  30. society

    Wednesday, 11-Dec-19 23:40:43 UTC from web