wolfboy's home timeline


  1. went through my DMs for old time's sake and damn I caused a lotta FrankerZ around here huh lol

    Monday, 20-Apr-20 20:00:33 UTC from web
  2. damn the end of bojack was rough huh

    Sunday, 12-Apr-20 21:03:32 UTC from web
  3. I have a pretty great immune system and viral infections don’t actually do a whole lot to me and I’m wondering if maybe I could shrink down to microscopic size and just take on the coronavirus myself, mono y mono

    Sunday, 29-Mar-20 23:31:32 UTC from web
  4. we need the Bernie Can Still Win meme now more than ever

    Wednesday, 11-Mar-20 16:10:55 UTC from web
  5. well, my dying friend is now my dead friend.

    Sunday, 01-Mar-20 20:34:05 UTC from web
  6. Time for me to be a big boy and come out and admit that I don’t know the difference between bisexuals and pansexuals. I have heard each definition. My brain can not comprehend a difference.

    Friday, 21-Feb-20 01:18:49 UTC from web
  7. not to be a total papaya but seeing my mum in a healthy relationship with a nice dude who doesn't have any sort of alcohol dependency makes me very happy to see

    Wednesday, 19-Feb-20 17:19:52 UTC from web
  8. time to deny the american people the right to vote

    Tuesday, 21-Jan-20 20:41:50 UTC from web
  9. Just learned a friend has brain cancer. Ngl, that’s kind of a huge bummer

    Wednesday, 08-Jan-20 22:48:30 UTC from web
  10. But I do have something today: I bought a house!

    Friday, 27-Dec-19 00:16:28 UTC from web

    Friday, 20-Dec-19 12:20:16 UTC from web

    Friday, 20-Dec-19 12:21:00 UTC from web
  13. Pokémon mystery dungeon is the best Pokémon ever prove me wrong nerds

    Saturday, 14-Dec-19 10:26:26 UTC from web
  14. "i hate minorities"
    "that's cool bro, everyone has their own opinion"
    "i hate people who hate minorities"
    "whoa man, that's not cool?? what have they done to you??"

    Saturday, 14-Dec-19 00:01:02 UTC from web
  15. there are people on this planet who want me and my loved ones dead, go papaya yourself if you think i'm not allowed to defend myself

    Saturday, 14-Dec-19 00:01:48 UTC from web

    Friday, 13-Dec-19 07:09:46 UTC from web
  17. apple TORIES

    Friday, 13-Dec-19 07:09:38 UTC from web
  18. also i'm pretty sure if you're diabetic you can still eat junk food if you take the appropriate amount of insulin?? like it's a good idea in general to not eat too much

    Thursday, 12-Dec-19 20:28:09 UTC from web
  19. hearing people at work speak about intersex individuals as if it's some recent millennial trend is trimming precious years off my already flimsy life span

    Wednesday, 11-Dec-19 18:50:14 UTC from web
  20. grapeing SJWs and their MADE UP third person gender neutral pronoun that hasn't existed for centuries

    Wednesday, 11-Dec-19 18:48:31 UTC from web
  21. society

    Wednesday, 11-Dec-19 23:40:43 UTC from web
  22. "i conducted no research on this person and now you're telling me i'm wrong?!?!?!?!"

    Wednesday, 11-Dec-19 23:40:21 UTC from web
  23. I despise Caitlyn Jenner but I’m not gonna deadname her out of spite or whatever, in any case she hasn’t been relevant in like three years so to bring her up out of nowhere just says a lot about how out of touch you are to begin with

    Wednesday, 11-Dec-19 23:31:44 UTC from web
  24. "queer people are and have historically been discriminated against"
    "i disagree [proceeds to discriminate]"

    Wednesday, 11-Dec-19 23:14:10 UTC from web
  25. trans rights, terfs get the guillotine

    Wednesday, 11-Dec-19 23:10:18 UTC from web
  26. epic gamer talk up in here

    Wednesday, 11-Dec-19 22:25:33 UTC from web
  27. Told me wife about being transgender this week, glad I did. She has been super amazing and supportive. Been experimenting with makeup, clothing and some other things. I promise this post wasn't timed.

    Wednesday, 11-Dec-19 21:12:02 UTC from web
  28. what's the point of youtube premieres other than to show me something i can't watch yet

    Wednesday, 11-Dec-19 20:01:34 UTC from web
  29. the sheer knowledge that Neil Cicierega was one of the first minds to shape my relationship with the Internet when I was like 7 years old, and how he will undoubtedly continue to do so going into the new decade, makes me extremely happy to be alive

    Monday, 02-Dec-19 21:25:01 UTC from web
  30. death to america

    Sunday, 01-Dec-19 11:49:38 UTC from web