Ashton Davis's home timeline


  1. Also happy holidays to you all. Hadn't been around before to leave a message.

    Saturday, 29-Dec-18 03:12:33 UTC from web
    • just spent the night dancing with a part russian girl who absolutely wanted to Potato Knishes, how;s everyone else's lives going

      Saturday, 15-Dec-18 01:22:47 UTC from web
    • today is my dad's birthday and, now that he no longer lives here, i hope he's feeling as awful as he's made us feel all these years

      Saturday, 15-Dec-18 23:12:07 UTC from web
    • Giveaways on both humblebundle and gog for anyone interested

      Friday, 14-Dec-18 17:46:08 UTC from web
      • @ceruleanspark Thoughts on fallout 76?

        Friday, 30-Nov-18 01:19:33 UTC from web
        • Show all 9 replies
        • @nerthos There are AI enemies, just no NPC humans. It's kind of a man vs. nature sort of thing in that every AI that you DO encounter is usually a wild animal (or a busted robot). There's the usual stuff, there are feral ghouls, super mutants, robots, deathclaws, mole rats, etc. etc., but then there's also some new ones. Scorched are ghouls that are in between feralism and still having some semblance of brain activity, so they don't communicate verbally but they can use guns. Mole Miners hang out in the coal mines and I THINK they're people that have gone mad? I'm not sure, the game's really ambiguous about what they actually are, and you can't see what's underneath their masks. Scorched Beasts are, uh, really buff dragons. The closest thing I've seen to an actual NPC is a supercomputer who reads poetry to you, and I want to put her AI into a synth body and marry her.

          Monday, 03-Dec-18 02:59:23 UTC in context
        • @mrmattimation TFW you'll need to wait 150 years for your robowaifu

          Thursday, 06-Dec-18 01:13:47 UTC in context
        • @nerthos I am not saving my virtue for the wedding night.

          Thursday, 06-Dec-18 01:49:21 UTC in context
      • RIP alpha timeline George Bush

        Saturday, 01-Dec-18 22:17:22 UTC from web
        • 3 years can go by so fast. I left in May of 2015, and I'm back. Some long term members may remember me. Some may not.

          Wednesday, 28-Nov-18 20:44:49 UTC from web
        • Remember when this place was popular enough for random mothers to threaten to sue me over it? Good times.

          Tuesday, 06-Nov-18 23:20:58 UTC from web
        • i just learned that my adv. organic chem professor is from latvia .

          Friday, 02-Nov-18 13:11:34 UTC from web
          • Not sure if any of you have tried Dragalia Lost yet. Quite fun if you're into mobile games, it's basically Fate: Grand Order but with actual gameplay and passable dialogues you don't want to skip.

            Thursday, 01-Nov-18 06:14:05 UTC from web
            • Apparently they're gonna be writing Apu out of The Simpsons starting this season. I know that these days he's sort of a controversial character and a lot of people don't like him, and I'm not really one to complain about PC culture, but Apu's character goes beyond his ethnicity, and I think the people who called for his removal ignored that. With that being said, I’m not going to pretend this is a tragedy. Ultimately, whatever they choose to do with the character on The Simpsons is up to them. Apu's been out of focus for several years now, so I can't say that his absence would be a huge deal, because that would be disingenuous. The Simpsons is also a much different show now than it was thirty years ago. Almost none of the original writers are still on the show, and a few of them are even younger than the show itself. If their vision of the show doesn't include Apu, I can't really fault them.

              Friday, 26-Oct-18 22:06:16 UTC from web
            • I can count the amount of Hispanic-American cartoon characters on mainstream TV on one hand, none of them are Puerto Rican, and one of them is this lady (voiced by Mike Henry, a white actor). In fact, I’m struggling to think of a single Hispanic character in ANY animated media, save for my namesake in My Little Brony (whose Hispanic heritage is touched on lightly, if at all), to actually be voiced by a Hispanic actor (and I’m guilty of vocal blackface, whiteface, orangeface...) Hispanic characters in media are often portrayed as illegal immigrants or drug dealers. Or both. On The Simpsons, we have a whopping TWO Hispanic characters—one of them is batcaveing Bumblebee Man, and the other one is Dr. Nick maybe. I don’t sound like cherryin’ Dr. Nick. I don’t know a SINGLE Hispanic person that sounds like Dr. Nick. AND he’s incompetent! But APU, the hard-working ladies man with a DOCTORATE in COMPUTER SCIENCE, is the problem?

              Monday, 29-Oct-18 04:32:46 UTC from web

              Thursday, 18-Oct-18 09:58:34 UTC from web
            • .

              Thursday, 18-Oct-18 00:16:41 UTC from web
              • @ceruleanspark

                Wednesday, 17-Oct-18 23:58:22 UTC from web
                • I don't even dislike some of these shows but I thought the video might be interesting to some of you. # language at parts but that's about all the questionable content

                  Tuesday, 16-Oct-18 06:43:56 UTC from web
                • Momo Knows it

                  Monday, 15-Oct-18 21:07:01 UTC from web
                  • @nerthos because if it is. I'd say having a presitend who says children die because the mothers have cavities, that platypus milk is an amazonian product and is is constantly saying he supports the military dictature is not not my biggest dream

                    Saturday, 13-Oct-18 14:25:04 UTC from web
                  • @mushi So what are your feelings on the first round results?

                    Monday, 08-Oct-18 05:15:05 UTC from web
                  • @ceruleanspark Not sure if I have the date right but if I do, happy birthday.

                    Wednesday, 03-Oct-18 01:18:40 UTC from web
                    • not to imply anything, but i was watching a documentary on drugs on natgeo today and i had the curiosity to look at the ecstasy's molecule and as coincidetal as it seems, it seems it can be done with a reaction i saw just today studying for advanced organic chemistry

                      Tuesday, 02-Oct-18 04:14:37 UTC from web
                      • @tiffany

                        Thursday, 20-Sep-18 00:08:32 UTC from web
                      • Hey @mushi

                        Wednesday, 12-Sep-18 02:05:03 UTC from web
                        • Final Space is worth watching if you've got netflix, incidentally.

                          Thursday, 23-Aug-18 20:47:34 UTC from web
                        • RIP Stefán

                          Wednesday, 22-Aug-18 16:05:19 UTC from web
                          • well, this is random and pretty pointless since noeory will really care. But i'd just like to apaolgize for going full retard with all that Twilight thing back then. Really, i dont know how it got to that....

                            Friday, 27-Jul-18 03:02:13 UTC from web
                            • @thelastgherkin

                              Thursday, 12-Jul-18 06:33:12 UTC from web
                            • And if anyone cares, list of current giveaways:
                              Last one is a bit tricky to grab since the base game is F2P and the actual giveaway are the DLC. Solution is to go to the dlc pages and manually clicking install on each, they should show up on your library under the game's dlc box after that.

                              Friday, 25-May-18 13:38:52 UTC from web
                            • i dont know how the hell i'm going to the doctorate selection exam in the wednesday if it keeps like this. ANd knwo the post grad secretary, they could probably wait untill we're 30 mins waiting for the exam to let us know that they had delayed it

                              Saturday, 26-May-18 21:17:01 UTC from web
                              • well, my japanese test got delayed because of the chaotic state of the country :v

                                Saturday, 26-May-18 16:37:06 UTC from web