bronyhellfire's home timeline


  1. !coderponies On a often-used Mac, I left bash for zsh and installed oh-my-zsh (then left it for prezto) and antigen. ALL HAIL ZSH

    Monday, 29-Dec-14 20:13:05 UTC from web
  2. I'm gonna make a cron script to e-mail myself upcoming assignments for next semester. No more schedule book :)

    Monday, 29-Dec-14 01:12:44 UTC from web
  3. GAAHH CURSE YOU LIBCONFIG. I'm trying to code a D20 system attack calculator that uses a character.cfg file to grab all the stats and weapons required to add the correct modifiers, and it's just deciding not to work. !nolife

    Sunday, 21-Dec-14 19:13:25 UTC from web
  4. Boolean values on C++. False = 0, True = WHATEVER C++ FEELS LIKE THROWING AT YOU.

    Tuesday, 16-Dec-14 00:53:28 UTC from web
    • !coderponies So I was ditzing around on the internet, and I found out that C++ was deliberately overcomplex.

      Friday, 05-Dec-14 16:24:37 UTC from web
    • Just learned that scientific publications don't routinely make available the computer code used. Seems a glaring omission to me. !coderponies

      Tuesday, 25-Nov-14 18:56:12 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      • !coderponies So, I just created a free Koding VM to muck around with. Suggestions? @redenchilada It's sorta like DigitalOcean except it has a free plan and provides full-on SSH, so I may be able to create a Poképon server.

        Friday, 21-Nov-14 00:36:53 UTC from web
        • !coderponies

          Wednesday, 12-Nov-14 11:34:24 UTC from Choqok
        • !coderponies Teacher taught us about defining custom Java robots (in this case called "Athletes"). Of course I took this opportunity to define way more commands than he told us to and as a result my main class work was done in like half the amount of code than my classmates.

          Friday, 31-Oct-14 14:44:35 UTC from web