Evan T's home timeline


  1. The Power Glove - it's so bad!

    Monday, 06-May-13 04:35:03 UTC from web
  2. @vt3c !mnbronies Cool! How old is your sister?

    Sunday, 05-May-13 16:43:58 UTC from web
  3. @russianbronymn !midwestbronies Yes, but currently attending collage in SD

    Thursday, 02-May-13 12:24:54 UTC from web
  4. @vt3c Here is a better picture. http://ur1.ca/dley0

    Monday, 29-Apr-13 13:48:16 UTC from web
  5. Rand: Ah. All I had to do was become the most powerful warlord on Earth to get a woman to stop nagging me.

    Monday, 29-Apr-13 13:26:30 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
  6. !ndbronies I'll throw up a link to the meetup group that is currently going. This one is centered in Grand Forks. http://www.meetup.com/North-Dakota-Bronies/

    Wednesday, 17-Apr-13 11:15:11 UTC from web
  7. @snowlynx Tests you don't have to care about are fun. I also drew a slice of pizza for an answer and, on three separate occasions, answered questions with complaints about how the guy behind me kept resting his feet on my chair.

    Thursday, 25-Apr-13 02:38:11 UTC from web
  8. yay and why am i your hero and what is lemongrab

    Thursday, 25-Apr-13 02:57:01 UTC from web
  9. Mmmm. Apple cider.

    Thursday, 25-Apr-13 02:55:04 UTC from web
  10. Ping statistics for XXXXXXXX: Packets: Sent = 100, Received = 84, Lost = 16 (16% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 41ms, Maximum = 109ms, Average = 53ms http://ur1.ca/9y5si

    Tuesday, 14-Aug-12 15:38:25 UTC from web
  11. I wish I had a healthy snake, I'm in the mood for an apple

    Thursday, 25-Apr-13 02:46:58 UTC from web
  12. I just remembered that I have the soundtrack to like 3 sonic games and I don't even like Sanic

    Sunday, 21-Apr-13 20:32:22 UTC from web
  13. Anything interesting being talked about?

    Tuesday, 23-Apr-13 04:28:49 UTC from web
  14. What do you mean Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood isn't available for stream. I'm getting tired of your sh** netflix

    Monday, 22-Apr-13 21:24:41 UTC from web
    • I can't type, Iit just took me five times to type "Fullmetal Alchemist" into my netflix.

      Monday, 22-Apr-13 21:23:39 UTC from web
    • Yes, this is dog.

      Monday, 22-Apr-13 21:21:26 UTC from web
    • I went to a friend's house to play spaceship games. Instead we're all watching said friend play star wars games while eating pork chops.

      Saturday, 20-Apr-13 23:37:02 UTC from web
    • http://25.media.tumblr.com/07c1f89a8b43e132e10d84ea45242872/tumblr_mhjzgjaLJt1s2i16to1_1280.jpg

      Saturday, 20-Apr-13 20:11:33 UTC from web
    • Wow I have not been on here in like a year XD I must say thank you to anyone who was on here when I used this becuase it changed my life. I was studying IT at the time and seeing all the great art being posted on here got me to try it myself. Now I draw, vector and animate atm im studying media doing somthing I love to do. This place got me on the right track for my future career. I cant remember names of people who influenced me but thank you. =) <3

      Saturday, 20-Apr-13 19:22:54 UTC from web
    • https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/400696_503385913051376_1883872159_n.jpg

      Saturday, 20-Apr-13 02:49:58 UTC from web
    • Since I don't know what "Avant garde" means and I'm too lazy to look it up, if someone says that to me I'll assume it stands for "en garde" and will hit that person.

      Saturday, 20-Apr-13 03:10:48 UTC from web
    • I Tumblr'd too hard, now I have Tumblr eyes.

      Saturday, 20-Apr-13 02:47:14 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    • brb crying

      Saturday, 20-Apr-13 02:56:18 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      • It hurts

        Saturday, 20-Apr-13 02:47:24 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        • I have arrived

          Friday, 19-Apr-13 00:44:27 UTC from web
        • What the hell does Rigby look like at a front profile?

          Thursday, 18-Apr-13 20:51:46 UTC from web

          Thursday, 18-Apr-13 20:33:00 UTC from web
        • SH********T.

          Thursday, 18-Apr-13 02:19:38 UTC from web
        • Parappa the network.

          Thursday, 18-Apr-13 02:16:56 UTC from web
        • It seems my computer can run most gamea pre-2007. Gimme some games to pirate.

          Thursday, 18-Apr-13 01:32:29 UTC from web