i will die tonight...
Monday, 14-May-12 17:32:10 UTC from web-
@largist ... Why???
@derpyshy because i am so bored...
Monday, 14-May-12 17:33:31 UTC from web-
@largist wanna POP, then?
@derpyshy POP?
Monday, 14-May-12 17:34:40 UTC from web -
@derpyshy no inter net would crash... school has a terrible internet tonight...
Monday, 14-May-12 17:35:39 UTC from web-
@largist why are you on school tonight?
Monday, 14-May-12 17:38:18 UTC from web -
@largist Oh... how terrible, exactly?
@derpyshy speedtest says 0.20 ms :/
Monday, 14-May-12 17:41:50 UTC from web
@largist um nor sure how slow that us, but Im assuming its slow :P
@derpyshy it is slow...
Monday, 14-May-12 17:44:11 UTC from web-
@largist Watermelon is good :3 Fluttershy loves em' :D
@derpyshy i like water melon too :3
Monday, 14-May-12 17:52:28 UTC from web -
@derpyshy no wait water melons are evil!
Monday, 14-May-12 17:53:19 UTC from web-
@largist oh... well, Fluttershy likes them, so they're probably normal ones :)
@derpyshy still don't let your guard down...
Monday, 14-May-12 17:57:55 UTC from web-
@largist they're dead!
@derpyshy NOOOO!!!! wait are you talking about melons or fluttershy?
Monday, 14-May-12 18:00:36 UTC from web-
@largist the melons, of course!
@derpyshy don't let those things mislead you... they are sneaky >:/
Monday, 14-May-12 17:54:45 UTC from web-
@largist yes, but when Fluttershy eats it, it CAN'T be evil ;)
@derpyshy but there might be more lurking behind a corner... >:/
Monday, 14-May-12 17:59:16 UTC from web-
@largist Fluttershy checked :) nomelony there :D
@derpyshy remember... they are like ninjas... they move in the shadows...
Monday, 14-May-12 18:03:08 UTC from web-
@largist Fluttershy is a ninja too ;) Aaaaw! She'sc so cute when she throws the dice /)^3^(\
@derpyshy why is it so hard to install revolt... >:(
Monday, 14-May-12 18:09:33 UTC from web-
@largist revolt?
@derpyshy it is only the best game ever...
Monday, 14-May-12 18:12:45 UTC from web-
@largist looks good :) maybe you should watch some series then?
@largist please don't.
Monday, 14-May-12 17:33:43 UTC from web