

  1. The Cabal has arrived.

    Monday, 04-Apr-11 23:23:56 UTC from web
    1. @oracle Yo.

      Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 23:22:19 UTC from web
    2. @oracle Oh yeah, I forgot you were asexual. *crosses off list of potential waifus*

      Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 23:24:01 UTC from web
      1. @northernnarwhal He can still be a platonic husbando

        Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 23:33:08 UTC from web
        1. @nerthos One of many husbands :D

          Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 23:35:02 UTC from web
    3. @oracle wut

      Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 23:24:39 UTC from web
    4. @oracle im so confused, what?

      Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 23:25:20 UTC from web
    5. @oracle sexy eyeeesss

      Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 23:25:51 UTC from web
    6. @oracle

      Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 23:26:17 UTC from web
      1. @northernnarwhal Oh snap, you just went full David Bowie. You never go full David Bowie.

        Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 23:27:30 UTC from web
        1. @clayinthecarpet I always go full David Bowie.

          Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 23:28:32 UTC from web
          1. @northernnarwhal :O

            Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 23:29:30 UTC from web
            1. @clayinthecarpet >=)

              Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 23:31:00 UTC from web
    7. @oracle Why are you toying with my emotions ;-;

      Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 23:30:14 UTC from web
    8. @oracle How dare you abuse your body to manipulate me. I feel so violated ;_;

      Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 23:31:44 UTC from web
    9. @oracle ALIEN YOU SAY

      Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 23:33:32 UTC from web
      1. @mastertdi Alien japanese schoolgirls!

        Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 23:38:15 UTC from web
        1. @nerthos You don't realise how excited those three words made me feel you deceiving motherappleser

          Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 23:39:44 UTC from web
          1. @mastertdi But that's what the image literally is!

            Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 23:40:32 UTC from web
            1. @nerthos *unzips trousers*

              Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 23:41:07 UTC from web
              1. @mastertdi What are you doing in there?

                Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 23:42:06 UTC from web
                1. @northernnarwhal Mom get out

                  Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 23:42:51 UTC from web
                  1. @mastertdi I need to use the internet box!

                    Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 23:43:57 UTC from web
                    1. @northernnarwhal WAIT UNTIL I'M DONE WITH THE ALIEN BOX

                      Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 23:44:30 UTC from web
                      1. @mastertdi I'm coming in now. You better not be on one of those lady sites.

                        Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 23:45:05 UTC from web
                        1. @northernnarwhal *throws computer at mother*

                          Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 23:45:47 UTC from web
                          1. @mastertdi *swallows computer*

                            Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 23:46:44 UTC from web
                            1. @northernnarwhal MMMY WAIFU ;;

                              Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 23:47:39 UTC from web

                                Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 23:51:16 UTC from web
                                1. @northernnarwhal You cannot eat Maud Pie. She will dole you up hardcore.

                                  Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 23:51:35 UTC from web
                                  1. @clayinthecarpet *eats Vinyl Scratch and laughs*

                                    Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 23:52:30 UTC from web
                                    1. @northernnarwhal Vinyl would hoof you in the groin until it was dust. No dice there, either.

                                      Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 23:52:53 UTC from web
                                      1. @clayinthecarpet REALLY WELL THEN WHAT'S THIS IN MY MOUTH

                                        Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 23:53:10 UTC from web
                                        1. @northernnarwhal :x

                                          Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 23:53:21 UTC from web
                                          1. @clayinthecarpet

                                            Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 23:56:23 UTC from web
                                            1. @northernnarwhal OH MY GOD RARITY WHAT ARE YOU DOING.

                                              Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 23:56:47 UTC from web
                                              1. @clayinthecarpet [CHEWING INTENSIFIES]

                                                Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 23:57:33 UTC from web
                                                1. @northernnarwhal goddamnit I can't even sit here and not laugh.

                                                  Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 23:57:58 UTC from web
                                                  1. @clayinthecarpet THIS IS NO LAUGHING MATTER. WAIFU CHEWING == SRS BSNS

                                                    Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 23:59:40 UTC from web
                                                    1. @northernnarwhal I have stated my case already! ...Actually? Let's get REAL for a moment. If you tried to chew a horse of ANY size, it would kick your ass. You would be broken. You might even be dead.

                                                      Wednesday, 26-Mar-14 00:01:15 UTC from web
                                                      1. @clayinthecarpet Well it's a damn good thing I'm chewing cartoon ponies then xD

                                                        Wednesday, 26-Mar-14 00:02:12 UTC from web
                                2. @northernnarwhal You're the worst

                                  Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 23:53:06 UTC from web
                                  1. @mastertdi I'm an acquired taste.

                                    Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 23:54:31 UTC from web
                                    1. @northernnarwhal Like Marmite, or Hitler.

                                      Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 23:54:59 UTC from web
                                      1. @mastertdi Hey, say what you will about Hitler, but he did kill Hitler.

                                        Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 23:56:14 UTC from web
                                        1. @mrmattimation He also killed his dog though

                                          Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 23:59:01 UTC from web
                                      2. @mastertdi Skittles: Taste the Rainbow, Taste the Hitler

                                        Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 23:57:17 UTC from web
                                        1. @northernnarwhal Skittler

                                          Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 23:59:56 UTC from web
                                          1. @mastertdi I've gotten reports you're hiding berry skittles in zis house.

                                            Wednesday, 26-Mar-14 00:01:47 UTC from web
                                            1. @northernnarwhal I'm hiding skittles in your mom's house ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                                              Wednesday, 26-Mar-14 00:02:26 UTC from web
                                              1. @mastertdi You fruity grapes.

                                                Wednesday, 26-Mar-14 00:03:06 UTC from web
                                                1. @northernnarwhal Smell my breath

                                                  Wednesday, 26-Mar-14 00:03:29 UTC from web
                                                  1. @mastertdi Smells like flatulence. I knew you had a buttface, Buttface.

                                                    Wednesday, 26-Mar-14 00:04:41 UTC from web
                                                    1. @northernnarwhal *blows raspberry*

                                                      Wednesday, 26-Mar-14 00:06:51 UTC from web
                                                      1. @mastertdi ALL I SMELL IS BUTTS

                                                        Wednesday, 26-Mar-14 00:07:52 UTC from web
                                                        1. @northernnarwhal Welcome to New Jersey

                                                          Wednesday, 26-Mar-14 00:08:08 UTC from web
                                                          1. @thatonestocking I ended up in New Jersey again? Does every bad decision have a way of converging there?

                                                            Wednesday, 26-Mar-14 00:11:16 UTC from web
                                                            1. @northernnarwhal Jersey Shore is a thing isn't it?

                                                              Wednesday, 26-Mar-14 00:11:37 UTC from web
                                                              1. @mrmattimation I refuse to accept its existence.

                                                                Wednesday, 26-Mar-14 00:12:46 UTC from web
                                                            2. @northernnarwhal Yes.

                                                              Wednesday, 26-Mar-14 00:11:40 UTC from web
                                                              1. @thatonestocking Oh my...

                                                                Wednesday, 26-Mar-14 00:13:30 UTC from web
                                                        2. @northernnarwhal I'LL SMELL *YOUR* BUTT D:<

                                                          Wednesday, 26-Mar-14 00:08:20 UTC from web
                                                          1. @mastertdi NOT NOW FIDO

                                                            Wednesday, 26-Mar-14 00:08:56 UTC from web
                                                            1. @northernnarwhal Why did I read that as Frodo

                                                              Wednesday, 26-Mar-14 00:09:12 UTC from web
                        2. @northernnarwhal depending on your definition of "lady"...

                          Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 23:46:25 UTC from web
                          1. @awl Tell me more...

                            Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 23:47:44 UTC from web
              2. @mastertdi Oh no you didn't wait until marriage!

                Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 23:44:14 UTC from web
                1. @nerthos Alien customs yo

                  Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 23:44:55 UTC from web
                  1. @mastertdi You know that you'll be the one giving birth, right?

                    Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 23:45:32 UTC from web
                    1. @nerthos I've had great practice excreting spiny egg-shaped things.

                      Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 23:47:12 UTC from web
                      1. @mastertdi BOOM goes your torso!

                        Wednesday, 26-Mar-14 00:01:39 UTC from web
                        1. @nerthos But I like my torso :<

                          Wednesday, 26-Mar-14 00:01:57 UTC from web
                          1. @mastertdi Your torso is the price for having a shiny caparaced alien waifu

                            Wednesday, 26-Mar-14 00:05:18 UTC from web
                            1. @nerthos The pretty ones aren't any less flawed, it seems.

                              Wednesday, 26-Mar-14 00:05:49 UTC from web
    10. @oracle Hasn't stopped me before.

      Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 23:33:52 UTC from web
    11. @oracle All the more reason to let me meet one of your kind.

      Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 23:38:04 UTC from web
    12. @oracle Don't Lumerians have amazing empathy? Help a brother out.

      Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 23:40:40 UTC from web
    13. @oracle WUB WOO

      Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 23:42:15 UTC from web