

  1. Well more like @flamingpandaomg @northernnarwhal @mastertdi @clayinthecarpet i'm sorry for behaving the way i have these last months. (Probably someone i'm forgetting). No excuses, just that i'm aware and not feeling good about it.

    Monday, 12-May-14 15:39:51 UTC from web
    1. @awlderpy oh

      Monday, 12-May-14 15:41:30 UTC from web
    2. @awlderpy Well, at least you haven't made a sequence of terrible decisions and turned a once thriving community into a virtual wasteland

      Monday, 12-May-14 15:48:33 UTC from web
      1. @cinnamonswirl if i were a national leader we wouldn't be saying that.

        Monday, 12-May-14 16:15:27 UTC from web
        1. @awlderpy If I were a national leader we wouldn't be saying that. Nobody would be saying anything, ever on account of all the nuclear holocausts

          Monday, 12-May-14 16:16:55 UTC from web
          1. @cinnamonswirl largest ever roleplay of The Great War.

            Monday, 12-May-14 16:22:31 UTC from web
            1. @awlderpy I'm just gonna nuke the same place over and over. papayas this ONE SPOT IN PARTICULAR

              Monday, 12-May-14 16:24:07 UTC from web
              1. @cinnamonswirl will it be your own land like North Belka?

                Monday, 12-May-14 16:29:54 UTC from web
                1. @awlderpy Nah. New Jersey. Might as well make my last decision a popular one.

                  Monday, 12-May-14 16:30:36 UTC from web
                  1. @cinnamonswirl no "sitting duck" last term for you!

                    Monday, 12-May-14 16:32:41 UTC from web
                    1. @awlderpy No more terms for anyone. Just wind, ashes and dust. A better world.

                      Monday, 12-May-14 16:33:14 UTC from web
                      1. @cinnamonswirl revelations, yes? Death upon a pale horse.

                        Monday, 12-May-14 16:37:23 UTC from web
    3. @awlderpy It's cool.

      Monday, 12-May-14 16:05:58 UTC from web
    4. @awlderpy You're just fine, sir. No ill feelings at all. :)

      Monday, 12-May-14 16:45:58 UTC from web