

  1. 7:24 - Next bus is in six minutes.
    7:40 - Next next bus is in five minutes.
    7:53 - Next next next bus is in seven minutes.
    7:55 - Oh I just remembered... Thankfully I don't need to be at work until 9:00 today. Screw it, I'll walk.
    8:10 - Passed by three eastbound 38s within 45 seconds of each other.

    Monday, 22-Feb-16 16:42:08 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    1. @scribus How far do you have to travel? Maybe a motor scooter or a bike might serve you better.

      Monday, 22-Feb-16 16:46:52 UTC from Choqok
      1. @adiwan Like, just under four miles. And I do have a bike, I've just been waiting for the weather to get a little friendlier in the mornings.

        Monday, 22-Feb-16 16:48:43 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        1. @scribus Or, at least, friendly weather is my excuse.

          Monday, 22-Feb-16 16:50:46 UTC from MuSTArDroid
          1. @scribus You just gotta find the time to approach the weather and make small talk!

            Monday, 22-Feb-16 16:52:48 UTC from MuSTArDroid
            1. @northernnarwhal I can't even find the time (or guts) to approach humans and make small talk! Dogs, though, I will always make time for.

              Monday, 22-Feb-16 16:54:27 UTC from MuSTArDroid
              1. @scribus Scribus Callabus: Dog Whisperer (as in literally whispering to dogs to be inconspicuous)

                Monday, 22-Feb-16 16:58:43 UTC from MuSTArDroid
          2. @scribus Ah. I forgot that the weather in California can also be rainy sometimes.

            Monday, 22-Feb-16 16:58:28 UTC from Choqok
            1. @adiwan And I have to ride into the sunrise, so I need to time it such that I'm not blinded. # :p

              Monday, 22-Feb-16 18:12:50 UTC from MuSTArDroid
              1. @scribus Let's hope that your bus driver doesn't have a problem with the rising sun blinding him.

                Monday, 22-Feb-16 18:22:13 UTC from Choqok
                1. @adiwan Yeah, I appreciate an orderly grid like city layout as much as the next guy, but I admit east / west streets are a challenge.

                  Monday, 22-Feb-16 18:37:57 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                  1. @scribus Honestly arranging streets diagonally would be better, as there's few moments where you can get blinded.

                    Monday, 22-Feb-16 18:39:35 UTC from web
                    1. @nerthos I do not disagree. I understand some direct E/W will be necessary, but making almost half of all streets extra dangerous at the most traffic heavy times of day is just . . . dumb.

                      Monday, 22-Feb-16 18:54:11 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                  2. @scribus I'm on the other side of the spectrum. I rather prefer the "chaotic" way the cities are built here in Europe. Because every street is not straight there are a lot of shadows on the street that prevent being blinded by the sun, especially with 4-story buildings surrounding them. There is one long and fairly straight street that I seldomly use and it makes me aggressive. Firstly because of the huge amount of traffic lights and secondly I'm unwillingly focused on the way ahead and every stop feels like I'm making no progress at all.

                    Monday, 22-Feb-16 18:55:28 UTC from Choqok
                    1. @adiwan I'm with that 100%. And let me add, cities that look like they could have been build in Cities XL by someone with OCD make me feel like I'm going around in circles getting nowhere.

                      Monday, 22-Feb-16 18:59:41 UTC from web
                      1. @critialcloudkicker A grid city in city building games is sadly the easiest to build, the only possible way, or the only best-looking one. I've seen a lot of City Skylines gameplay and you can curve the streets but the building space grid area around the streets and the buildings themselves don't allow for more varied looks and layouts.

                        Monday, 22-Feb-16 19:04:10 UTC from Choqok
                        1. @adiwan Nono, I am saying that I do not like cities that look like they were made in that game ( by someone with OCD ). I like the game, and I see the power of it, but it's still a game. If you take the same layouts and put them in real life... yeah... not a fan, feels too static and unalive.

                          Monday, 22-Feb-16 19:15:39 UTC from web
                    2. @adiwan fully agreed. In this city because of designed in the grid style for the outer limits people drive too fast because apparently in a straightaway people judge they can slow down if need be quicker, which isn't really the case.

                      Monday, 22-Feb-16 19:01:56 UTC from web
                      1. @awl The judgment of speed gets worse when it's dark.

                        Monday, 22-Feb-16 19:05:40 UTC from Choqok