

  1. *hugs @MrDragon @Colfax @CeruleanSpark @Purpletinker @cabal @Redenchilada @Scribus @Communistprime @Ecmc* Thanks to all of you for making RDN possible the way it is. I know sometimes it becomes a hellish place here, but that's more human nature than your fault. It's impossible to always get 100% along with each other. But still, in general, I think this is one of the best managed communities I've seen in a while. Sure, sometimes things happen that upset others, but that doesn't mean this place is terrible. The site is quite usable, the moderation seems to be about right (neither too extreme, nor so soft it becomes like 4chan) and all-along this is one of my favorite places to be. I know that most of you don't often hear what you deserve to hear, so I will speak it out loud: Thank you, all of you, for making this place possible. I'm happy it exists, even though I may sometimes sound like I'm not. RDN is a great place, and I don't want it to disappear at all, it became like a second home

    Monday, 16-Jul-12 22:54:43 UTC from web