

  1. OK well Moho keeps basic, fundamental necessities like "manipulating bezier handles" behind their $400 edition so I think they can mango themselves just on principle alone

    about 10 months ago from web
    • @scribus Definitely look into using Blender, make the assets in like Inkscape or something, export them either as high res transparent PNGs, import them into Blender as planes, light uniformly, place the camera above the assets looking straight down with an orthographic lens, animate the assets, render out using Blender EEVEE which renders in seconds using consumer graphics hardware.

      about 10 months ago in context
    • @zeldatra I'm probably beating my head on the wall for nothing, but I cannot understand how Moho can't just let me have a shape object, let that shape have location and size and color info and all, and then let me change its location and angle and whatnot at any given frame.

      about 10 months ago in context
    • @zeldatra My latest effort ended when I noticed that I can rotate/move a group, and then get (x,y) and angle data from the pieces, and then I can go apply it to the other pieces that I want to be moved the same and IT WILL BE DIFFERENT RESULTS FROM THE SAME NUMBERS which we all know I love and never want to injure individuals over :) /s #

      about 10 months ago in context
    • @scribus Just a hunch: Are the objects in a hierarchical structure? If so then it's clear why it doesn't work. The coordinates are in relation to the parent's transformation matrix's spanning coordinate system. For example in Unity game objects are in a hierarchical structure and each transform component has only local coordinates. In order to get world coordinates transformed to local coordinates they have to inversely transformed through the whole hierarchy (matrix multiplication with inverted matrices).

      about 10 months ago in context
    • @adiwan Then why can every other godrotten POS application handle it just fine??

      about 10 months ago in context
    • @adiwan Like, I can get that over the scope of a 3D or even 2D "world" that the *absolute* position of a player character's sword swing is much less relevant than the (...well...) /relative/ position of the sword to the character. God, I wish it could just snap, or use guidelines, or snap to guidelines, or *any* kind of precision that's been available in draw programs since at least 1995. Ugh :shiver: I can't abide loosey-goosey, nosiree, not in this context at least. :p

      about 10 months ago in context
    • @scribus Welp... Time to program a new tool with blackjack and hookers

      about 10 months ago in context