

  1. The Cabal has arrived.

    Monday, 04-Apr-11 23:23:56 UTC from web
    1. @nikofthebrony Hi hi

      Thursday, 14-Feb-13 19:02:51 UTC from web
    2. @nikofthebrony Hi.

      Thursday, 14-Feb-13 19:08:29 UTC from web
    3. @nikofthebrony I am doing well, feeling warm and fuzzy. How about you?

      Thursday, 14-Feb-13 19:11:38 UTC from web
    4. @nikofthebrony Bleck? What's up?

      Thursday, 14-Feb-13 19:13:10 UTC from web
    5. @nikofthebrony Is that something like Gackt?

      Thursday, 14-Feb-13 19:13:38 UTC from web
    6. @nikofthebrony You know you shouldn't listen to snowcone's depressed ramblings, do you?

      Thursday, 14-Feb-13 19:18:06 UTC from web
    7. @nikofthebrony 'Twas a joke.

      Thursday, 14-Feb-13 19:18:26 UTC from web
    8. @nikofthebrony I have to ask, and forgive if it's private, but just how old are you?

      Thursday, 14-Feb-13 19:18:32 UTC from web
    9. @nikofthebrony Haha. You're 12 and you're afraid of being beaten up? Get a pocket knife. You can't go to jail at your age. Somebody tries to beat you, you reply with stabbings.

      Thursday, 14-Feb-13 19:23:53 UTC from web
    10. @nikofthebrony Then stop. You are only young, in fact VERY young. Your life hasn't even started it, nor is it close to ending. Yes, it is now when things should be looked at and sorted out through your school years. But people place far to much importance on it, it is how you make your life from adult onwards that matters the most. I've known people who've ruined their child hood but they are the most amazing and supportive of people, and they get places because they look after their own and people that need to be looked after it.

      Thursday, 14-Feb-13 19:24:06 UTC from web
      1. @mrdragon Life becomes great around age 16.

        Thursday, 14-Feb-13 19:25:12 UTC from web
      2. @mrdragon this + the fact that it is almost wize to do most things wrong when you are young = golden advice... I do not agree with Nerthos / theizayagherkin 's advice on stabbing though.

        Thursday, 14-Feb-13 19:25:53 UTC from web
        1. @critialcloudkicker agreed.

          Thursday, 14-Feb-13 19:26:27 UTC from web
        2. @critialcloudkicker Well, he apparently can't win by fists, so he must use a weapon.

          Thursday, 14-Feb-13 19:27:23 UTC from web
          1. @theizayagherkin sheer determination and counter's and throws ? Use the force that the knowledge brings in your enemies that you can take their brute force and use it against them ? It would also be a way better alternative to a knife to your own karma or "feeling of self righteousness & kindred spirit"

            Thursday, 14-Feb-13 19:29:44 UTC from web
            1. @critialcloudkicker Well, knives are a good tool to defend oneself against a threat that has no good reason to be there, like a mugger or a bully. I don't endorse the use of a weapon against an unarmed peer in one-on-one combat, but that's not the case. If he had training in martial arts for self defense, the situation wouldn't require a knife.

              Thursday, 14-Feb-13 19:35:21 UTC from web
              1. @theizayagherkin while I agree to an extent that knives can be worthwhile tools, I think against a bully it may be a bit much. Especially at a younger age.

                Thursday, 14-Feb-13 19:38:11 UTC from web
                1. @xeleanorxrigbyx Bullies are a perfect example of blatant evil. A person who for no reason other than sadism hurts others that show signs of not being able to defend themselves. As such they're among the worst kinds of sadists, and should be dealt with accordingly. If one follows the path of evil from a very young age, then there's no chance of redemption.

                  Thursday, 14-Feb-13 19:42:58 UTC from web
                  1. @theizayagherkin So as a 12 year old, you'd stab someone who was picking on you?

                    Thursday, 14-Feb-13 19:43:26 UTC from web
                    1. @xeleanorxrigbyx No, I didn't have the need, I was always strong enough to defend myself, and smart enough to use the authorities to my advantage. Given the need and chance, I totally would have though.

                      Thursday, 14-Feb-13 19:44:51 UTC from web
                      1. @theizayagherkin You've more mettle than I at that age. I'm not against defending yourself - I have a pocket knife and a collapsible steel baton for such an occassion - but I guess I wouldn't have considered it at that age.

                        Thursday, 14-Feb-13 19:46:49 UTC from web
                        1. @xeleanorxrigbyx At age 12 an average human has a hard time causing real damage by bare hands, so tools are needeed.

                          Thursday, 14-Feb-13 19:48:18 UTC from web
                          1. @theizayagherkin But wouldn't that invite more trouble than it solves?

                            Thursday, 14-Feb-13 19:49:09 UTC from web
                            1. @xeleanorxrigbyx In some cases. It would however solve the bullies problem, since they would be afraid of the guy.

                              Thursday, 14-Feb-13 19:52:36 UTC from web
                              1. @theizayagherkin So long as everything went off correctly. One wrong move and the knife is turned on you. Still, can't imagine stabbing someone as the first answer. But they certainly wouldn't mess with him for sure.

                                Thursday, 14-Feb-13 19:53:54 UTC from web
                                1. @xeleanorxrigbyx I'm assuming he already tried more conventional means of defending himself.

                                  Thursday, 14-Feb-13 19:55:00 UTC from web
                                  1. @theizayagherkin Perhaps. Wonder if he has any authorities to his advantage, as it were.

                                    Thursday, 14-Feb-13 19:57:52 UTC from web
                                    1. @xeleanorxrigbyx He seems the kind who lacks the determination and fluenty to use authorities against enemies, as evidenced by the "my life sucks" post.

                                      Thursday, 14-Feb-13 19:59:11 UTC from web
                                      1. @theizayagherkin But I can't imagine that type of attitude to be used to strike back. More the sit back and take it type.

                                        Thursday, 14-Feb-13 20:02:04 UTC from web
                  2. @theizayagherkin How about the bullies that beat you up for lunch money ?

                    Thursday, 14-Feb-13 19:45:01 UTC from web
                    1. @critialcloudkicker Petty thieves. Send them to prison to face real thugs. The fear they'll meet will make them unable to steal again.

                      Thursday, 14-Feb-13 19:46:19 UTC from web
                      1. @theizayagherkin But like you said, if someone is allowed to stab them and get away schot free because they are a minor... does not the same apply for petty theft like that ?

                        Thursday, 14-Feb-13 19:47:20 UTC from web
                        1. @critialcloudkicker The key is doing it in self defense, and using a hole in the laws to avoid being wrongly punishment. If you do itwitout a reason punishment must be delivered, minor or not. You are accountable for your actions from the point you develop sentience and onwards. Kids understand the notions of right and wrong, that can't be denied since they try to cover their tracks, so being a kid is no reason to get away free, but sadly law is wrong on that area.

                          Thursday, 14-Feb-13 19:51:40 UTC from web
              2. @theizayagherkin Amen to that. Martial arts is a sure way to train anyone to tackle future endeavours. If I ever get chidren I will make sure to put them on it. If only to make sure they do not get bullied as easy. It still does not help @nikofthebrony though, unless if you do had martial arts

                Thursday, 14-Feb-13 19:38:28 UTC from web
    11. @nikofthebrony Reflection? Are we talking witchcraft here? Hurting someone who's trying to hurt you is not only the most logical thing to do, but also the RIGHT thing to do.

      Thursday, 14-Feb-13 19:26:28 UTC from web
    12. @nikofthebrony You will! It's apart of life, and I am sorry to say it is something we have all gone through. it is those that do the right thing that will find that they may be treated the worst for it. But despite that we should always do the right thing no matter what.

      Thursday, 14-Feb-13 19:26:39 UTC from web
    13. @nikofthebrony Speak to me in private sometime, we'll get this sorted out

      Thursday, 14-Feb-13 19:29:51 UTC from web
      1. @mrdragon By all means, yes. Talking about something makes it feel better, and MrDragon is a wize person at that. Although I am not sure either how PM's work nowadays

        Thursday, 14-Feb-13 19:32:03 UTC from web
    14. @nikofthebrony See, you should 1) stop thinking about being angry as a different personality and 2) realize that violence is wrong when used against good people who have done nothing to deserve being hurt, but righteous when using it against someone who's hurting an innocent. Define person as a human who lives in good will and without hurting those who don't deserve it, and then set violence as right against humans who aren' persons.

      Thursday, 14-Feb-13 19:31:05 UTC from web
      1. @theizayagherkin I can see now why some people did express their feelings towards you. Although not quite correct. I can see why someone would call you a zionist now.

        Thursday, 14-Feb-13 19:33:30 UTC from web
        1. @critialcloudkicker By their actions humans earn their fate. You reap what you sow. Sow violence against innocents and justice demands volence be used against you. Be kind and good and earn the right to be protected by people like me who don't have a problem putting down those who are evil.

          Thursday, 14-Feb-13 19:38:22 UTC from web
          1. @theizayagherkin Now you are speaking like a charming person. I doubt there is anyone who would disagree with that to be honest... I do have a problem with the "stab your bullies with a knife if they bully you" approach though.

            Thursday, 14-Feb-13 19:40:02 UTC from web
            1. @critialcloudkicker

              Thursday, 14-Feb-13 19:43:37 UTC from web
    15. @nikofthebrony If you go to the tab on the right that says Inbox, there should be an option for a dropdown to send private messages.

      Thursday, 14-Feb-13 19:31:31 UTC from web
    16. @nikofthebrony I think you may have to be subscribed to them though. Not sure about that one though.

      Thursday, 14-Feb-13 19:32:07 UTC from web
      1. @xeleanorxrigbyx Yes, you do have to be subscribed to them.

        Thursday, 14-Feb-13 19:33:37 UTC from web
    17. @nikofthebrony You can subscribe to me on here and send me a Private message that way, or you can contact me via some form of Instant Messenger, or email.

      Thursday, 14-Feb-13 19:32:27 UTC from web
    18. @nikofthebrony There's LOTS of humans who aren't people.

      Thursday, 14-Feb-13 19:35:41 UTC from web
    19. @nikofthebrony If you believe you aren't, if you feel like you deserve to be wronged because you're a bad person yourself, then I will not try to help you, though you are better than most by asking for a punishment for the wrongs you have caused. As such, I will not chastise you either

      Thursday, 14-Feb-13 19:40:25 UTC from web
    20. @nikofthebrony I think that "treat everyone else as you would like to be treated" is by itself something that enforces everyone to be the same. We call this society. And it is flawed by everyone's uniqueness.

      Thursday, 14-Feb-13 19:42:32 UTC from web
    21. @nikofthebrony Then IMO you're being kind of dumb.

      Thursday, 14-Feb-13 19:43:13 UTC from web