

  1. Obey the allcorn.

    Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 13:09:14 UTC from web
    1. @thelastgherkin Alicorn*

      Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 13:11:06 UTC from web
      1. @azureblaze Why would it be alicorn?

        Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 13:11:42 UTC from web
        1. @thelastgherkin Wait what?

          Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 13:13:02 UTC from web
          1. @azureblaze You said it. Why "alicorn"?

            Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 13:14:24 UTC from web
            1. @thelastgherkin Isn't that what you were spelling?

              Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 13:15:14 UTC from web
              1. @azureblaze Wheat and Wheat By Products

                Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 13:16:25 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                1. @ceruleanspark I understand now.

                  Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 13:17:54 UTC from web
                  1. @azureblaze Wait really?

                    Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 13:20:26 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
              2. @azureblaze Alicorn is the substance unicorn horns are made of. An allcorn is a winged unicorn with access to earth pony magic, hence "all".

                Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 13:18:11 UTC from web
                1. @thelastgherkin When was this made up and why haven't I heard of it yet?

                  Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 13:19:40 UTC from web
                  1. @azureblaze The 1800s

                    Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 13:20:39 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                  2. @azureblaze It is as it always was.

                    Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 13:21:28 UTC from web
                2. @thelastgherkin What about sea ponies?

                  Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 13:23:07 UTC from web
                  1. @azureblaze I try not to think about them.

                    Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 13:25:20 UTC from web
                    1. @thelastgherkin [Splashing Intensifies]

                      Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 13:25:37 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                  2. @azureblaze But seriously, the G1 allcorns had gills as well. And their wings were semi-translucent like the Flutterponies.

                    Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 13:25:59 UTC from web
                3. @thelastgherkin What kind of magic do the Earth Ponies posses?

                  Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 13:27:50 UTC from web
                  1. @azureblaze They're "closer to the Earth". Like, agriculture and stuff. Animal caring. That sort of thing.

                    Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 13:29:04 UTC from web
                  2. @azureblaze Green thumb, animal husbandry, latent talent for all related to construction.

                    Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 13:30:37 UTC from web
    2. @thelastgherkin Yes master

      Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 13:15:04 UTC from web

      Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 13:29:13 UTC from web
    4. @flashmint @thelastgherkin this...

      Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 13:30:34 UTC from web
      1. @critialcloudkicker It always amazed me how seaponies developed the ability to sing in just a frequency which can be heard perfectly by the human ear even though it's emitted on a watery medium.

        Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 13:34:05 UTC from web
        1. @nerthos Well, Perhaps they learned from actual ponies

          Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 13:36:33 UTC from web
        2. @nerthos It turns out Seapony voices in a non-aqueous medium sound something like

          Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 13:37:11 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    5. @flashmint Seaponies!

      Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 13:31:34 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
      1. @ceruleanspark ♥ de-ja-vu ♥ :)

        Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 13:32:36 UTC from web