Corey Ander's home timeline


  1. I rememberd my first twinkle. It was a brisk winter day in 1963. I bit into it and it filled me with joy. It was so good, it even made the program I watched seem delicious. That's why I get a smile on my face whenever I think of... The Kennedy Assassination --Frank Connif, Cinematic Titanic

    Monday, 19-Nov-12 16:59:42 UTC from web
  2. 13:45. I could use some sleep.

    Monday, 19-Nov-12 16:45:29 UTC from web
  3. Good morning.

    Monday, 19-Nov-12 15:00:33 UTC from web
  4. Nope I need sleep. G'night everyone.

    Monday, 19-Nov-12 11:46:08 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
  5. I apparently invaded @ceruleanspark's profile.

    Monday, 19-Nov-12 11:41:55 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    • ...I meant a day off

      Monday, 19-Nov-12 11:40:20 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
      • Who else thinks staying up until 3AM is a bad habit?

        Monday, 19-Nov-12 11:33:02 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
      • @chibiterasu I was a member here July last year. Did you go by any other names?

        Monday, 19-Nov-12 08:30:45 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
      • Picnic time

        Monday, 19-Nov-12 05:00:31 UTC from web
        • Goodnight everypony, I'll see you tomorrow.

          Monday, 19-Nov-12 04:57:18 UTC from web
          • So in scribblenauts... I created a giant atomic jests.

            Monday, 19-Nov-12 04:37:55 UTC from web
          • Urrrgh

            Monday, 19-Nov-12 04:00:48 UTC from web
          • @theawesomepony Can you make more? Free art for me. :)

            Monday, 19-Nov-12 04:14:39 UTC from web
            • I forget, on exactly what grounds does the fandom call Berry Punch a drunk?

              Monday, 19-Nov-12 04:08:40 UTC from web
              • @zeldatra That fact that the show also includes a character by the name of Spike who happens to have slept inside of a bunch bowl thus allowing for the excellent pun of " The punch has been Spiked." Thus implying that any drinker of punch(Berry Punch is the first one in that long list) is drinking spiked punch and will inherently be drunk.

                Monday, 19-Nov-12 04:14:33 UTC in context
            • Should this be my new avatar?

              Monday, 19-Nov-12 04:10:21 UTC from web
            • What the zoobidey flip-flop-bop did you just say about me, you flippidy zoob woobity? I'll have you know I zooped and flooped to the top of my class in the zobbler wobbler, and I've rop-wop-flopped in numerous shoobidy doobidies on floppity pudding, and I have over 300 shibbidy bops. I am trained in flap-floppities and I'm the top doober in the entire shibbidy. You are nothing to zoobidy-me but just another zoobidy. I will zoop you the blop out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this floobidy Earth, mark my flibbidy flop. You think you can flop away with zoobing that doobie-woobie to me over the Interzoobies? Think again, flap-flopper. As we speak I am zipping my blopping bloop of flobbidies across the boopidy and your floopidy is being flopped right now so you better poopidy for the big zoobidy flop party, son. You're jeeber zeebered, son.

              Thursday, 15-Nov-12 01:52:04 UTC from web
            • @macpony55 Yo

              Monday, 19-Nov-12 04:00:00 UTC from web
            • @chibiterasu You likes teh potatoes?

              Monday, 19-Nov-12 04:06:08 UTC from web
            • @chibiterasu So much love :D And potatoes, don't forget potatoes

              Monday, 19-Nov-12 04:03:07 UTC from web
            • @chibiterasu Nevee disrupt a testing setting.

              Monday, 19-Nov-12 03:54:08 UTC from web
            • @chibiterasu Yes sir.

              Monday, 19-Nov-12 03:48:10 UTC from web
            • RT @chibiterasu Guys, I do have to say that, give @zach a chance. Look, if you don't give him another chance and try to let him prove himself to you, all you guys do is risk making him extremely angry and hateful of RDN, thus furthering our potential hate for him. We will repeat our mistakes in 2011, fragmenting into the @zach haters and the people ok with @zach. Arguments will erupt, @redenchilada will scream the word # as a war cry despite how hackneyed and overused it is, and people will have open arguments everywhere. Just be smart and give him a chance. Hate me if you will, I'm just being civil here.

              Monday, 19-Nov-12 03:36:17 UTC from web
              • @thatonestocking There are many things you can do. Or you could just grab her by a leg and make her eat the floor when she starts being too anoying. It really works. My brother used to be really annoying because my mother always was there to defend him. Then I started using violence, and now he's a cool guy.

                Monday, 19-Nov-12 03:07:26 UTC from web
              • @thatonestocking -_- He's like my best friend here.

                Monday, 19-Nov-12 03:20:00 UTC from web
              • Hey @madflavors! What's up?

                Monday, 19-Nov-12 02:42:18 UTC from web
              • I'm new here O: ~Joined yesterday, joined by meeting a friend on FB and finding out where any brony conventions near Iowa are held.

                Monday, 19-Nov-12 02:35:01 UTC from web
              • How is everyone tonight?

                Monday, 19-Nov-12 02:27:49 UTC from web
              • # Mr. Cake has a gay brother named Fruit Cake.

                Monday, 19-Nov-12 02:02:41 UTC from MuSTArDroid
              • Hello every pony.

                Monday, 19-Nov-12 02:02:18 UTC from web