Deleted's home timeline


  1. "Why would I care about what crazy people think about rationality ?" ... Oh this is going on a Tshirt right now.

    Tuesday, 04-Oct-16 22:55:23 UTC from web
    • what does water grenades even mean tho

      Tuesday, 04-Oct-16 21:14:42 UTC from web
    • Joe Biden Fluffle Puffed this country by not running for president

      Tuesday, 04-Oct-16 14:27:15 UTC from web
    • I had a dream last night where me, Dion, and Michael took a 16-week college course where we had to analyze and deconstruct Sword Art Online.

      Tuesday, 04-Oct-16 10:39:23 UTC from web
    • This is new. Someone thinks my comment that ( quote ) "I think videogames should be entertaining, enticing, or educative. Else I am unlikely to play them" is too entitled. How is that entitled ?

      I dare anyone to come up with a video game that is neither of those 3. And no, Microsoft Office does not count.

      Monday, 03-Oct-16 23:48:59 UTC from web
      • Last friday I spend a ton of money on a laptop. This thuesday I will be back at the store because it is prone to crash everytime I have an HDMI device plugged in, pass the audio to the HDMI device, start a game, and press alt+enter ( fullscreen )...

        Monday, 03-Oct-16 15:27:21 UTC from web
        • Ohkay, I either borked my CMD into never asking for administrator priveleges again, or you do not need administrator priveleges to ask for "driverquery"

          Monday, 03-Oct-16 10:14:43 UTC from web
          • So apparently it is "Negaduck" and not "Megaduck" ... Stupid Dutch dubs. Though I still want the series in Dutch since the VA is BA.

            Monday, 03-Oct-16 09:19:55 UTC from web
          • I know it was a big giant stompy robot, and I know it had many oneliners, probably from a video game, one of them was "size matters". Whom was that again ?

            Sunday, 02-Oct-16 19:59:03 UTC from web
            • So howmany diffrent transformers timelines are there ? I mean, there is the Classic continuity, the Beast Wars continuity, Shattered Glass continuity, the Wings continuity, the TransTech continuity and the Masters of Mayhem continuity... Am I missing one ?

              Sunday, 02-Oct-16 12:25:32 UTC from web
            • anyway I'm an organ donor now. only reason it took so long is because i didn't know i could do it through the internet

              Saturday, 01-Oct-16 23:05:23 UTC from web
            • NHS: thank you for signing up as an organ donor
              me: I'm happy to be there for your organ-isation when a kidney-ds my help
              NHS: keep your filthy organs. get out.

              Saturday, 01-Oct-16 22:47:43 UTC from web
            • ... So... What does this say ?

              Saturday, 01-Oct-16 14:40:47 UTC from web
            • Can you believe that there are people out there who have kids on purpose?

              Saturday, 01-Oct-16 14:24:01 UTC from web
            • I made a new blogs you guys, jsyk

              Saturday, 01-Oct-16 14:10:44 UTC from web
            • please clap

              Saturday, 01-Oct-16 13:59:31 UTC from web
            • What a time to be alive

              Saturday, 01-Oct-16 11:16:30 UTC from web
            • It amuses me howmuch footwear I am able to fish from underneath the city of Thunder Totem, a city almost entirely filled with Tauren, and they have little need for boots or slippers I take it.

              Saturday, 01-Oct-16 13:46:34 UTC from web
              • how do I add friends on paypal

                Saturday, 01-Oct-16 13:38:56 UTC from web
              • Megatron : "Well someone is out for a midnight stroll... At Mach 2..." *a few seconds later* ... cheetor... while having his jets on while hopping on the ground with his 2 front legs... ... ... Mach 2 is like 1540 MPH ( 2500 KMPH ). that means Cheetor's superstructure is about 8 times as strong as Diamond, or Megatron is full of it... The latter is more likely.

                Saturday, 01-Oct-16 10:33:04 UTC from web
                • Boots on hooves, bikinis on top

                  Friday, 30-Sep-16 09:08:00 UTC from web
                • It's really funny walking into my dad's store and seeing advertisements for other computers on the laptop screens.

                  Friday, 30-Sep-16 20:48:42 UTC from web
                • *buys new laptop* ... why the hell is my on button a button on my keyboard ?!?

                  Friday, 30-Sep-16 15:34:50 UTC from web
                  • My brain just went there. There being "I wonder if Transformers has a TCG". That is a stupid question ! Oh you mean a TCG with a game-element attached, ehmm, now that you honestly would not know.

                    Thursday, 29-Sep-16 21:47:52 UTC from web
                    • I just saw Inferno vaporise himself by detonating raw energon within arms reach with his flamethrower. Yet I know from when I saw the show as a kid that this will not be the end of this transformer. I dare to bet whatever animator was so proud for being in charge of his vaporisation scene was at least a little bit grumpy for probably having to do somehting like this to the same bot somewhere in S3 :+

                      Thursday, 29-Sep-16 19:48:32 UTC from web
                      • It makes me a little bit sad that Adventure Time ends in 2018. On the other hand it's plenty of time for the creators to end the series properly. Not every series can offer a good ending. I'm looking at you "How I met your Mother".

                        Thursday, 29-Sep-16 17:46:32 UTC from web
                        • @adiwan I thought about that for a bit and I do not think there was much better of a way to end "How I met your Mother", unless if you wanted to some sort of learning curve across a season, which they deliberately did not do because now you can just see an episode anywhere whenever and feel like you pretty much only missed minor things.

                          Thursday, 29-Sep-16 19:09:42 UTC in context
                        • @critialcloudkicker I admit that it wasn't the right example. HIMYM ran for too long and lost its direction in the last 2-3 seasons. And in the end it was too wacky and too rushed with a kick in the balls in the last episode. It was clear that it was a story about "How I want to bang Robin again" and it ended like that as predicted. The most damning fact was that the children's mother was a delight on screen and was killed off extremely fast with barely any time between the death and Ted's desire to be with Robin. The writers crammed every bit of continuity in the last season and last episode that they didn't give the story enough breathing room. The creators of Adventure Time have done so many good stories and I believe they'll do the end gracefully and gradually with closing one plot at a time.

                          Thursday, 29-Sep-16 19:28:41 UTC in context
                        • @adiwan I think you can almost verbatum copy that into a "why I think Batman V Superman is a bad movie". Yes I agree with that fully. Then again, a house build without pre-planning on how the chimney should look will always suffer from something like this "builders fattigue". Though sadly, I doubt this is a problem that is likely to be solved any time soon.

                          Thursday, 29-Sep-16 19:44:32 UTC in context
                      • The more I learn about Pax Cybertronia, the less I like it.

                        Thursday, 29-Sep-16 19:24:08 UTC from web
                        • <<< as you know >>> I wish I knew that by head. I sorta do not, I should spend more time with Linux.

                          How do purge /lib/modules/ without getting all sorts of weird dependancy not found errors ?

                          Thursday, 29-Sep-16 18:52:54 UTC from web
                        • I was wondering why my fairly small but reasonably sized root partition was so full. I realized that I had tons of old Linux kernels installed.

                          Thursday, 29-Sep-16 18:10:24 UTC from web
                        • No you stupid google, I do not want to google rainbows, I wanted to go to Last time I rely on autocomplete...

                          Thursday, 29-Sep-16 18:05:45 UTC from web