Deleted's home timeline


  1. It just took me just short of 3 hours to get something done under directx ( I tried 9 10 an 11 ), while it took me less than 3 minutes in OpenGL... ... ... I know what I am going to use for this project...

    Monday, 09-Jan-17 23:50:24 UTC from web
    • "Hi, it is me, [name of close friend], I am in the IC right now"
      "Hi, it is me, [name of close friend], I am in the ICU right now"

      One of the 2 will get a way bigger jumpstart reaction out of me. And it still baffles me that people get those 2 mixed up

      Sunday, 08-Jan-17 23:14:48 UTC from web
      • Did anyone have the pleasure to play Cloud Pirates ?

        Sunday, 08-Jan-17 12:57:38 UTC from web
        • ... What does "amagamation" mean ?

          Sunday, 08-Jan-17 12:49:31 UTC from web
        • Welcome to RDN, a censored place for mostly ex-MLP fans where talking about pushing Onions out of butthole's is A-OK.

          Sunday, 08-Jan-17 02:14:58 UTC from web
        • I hate corn

          Sunday, 08-Jan-17 01:07:02 UTC from web
        • who the HECK calls rhubarb a fruit

          Sunday, 08-Jan-17 01:14:53 UTC from web
        • I swear corn is a vegetable

          Sunday, 08-Jan-17 01:11:17 UTC from web
        • Trump: "Goddammit! How come every time us Americans put up a wall stupid Mexicans have to come and knock it down?"

          Sunday, 08-Jan-17 00:27:55 UTC from web
          • Show all 8 replies
          • @nerthos He will use the biggest words in his instructions to the builders.

            Sunday, 08-Jan-17 00:46:25 UTC in context
          • @m14brony It'll be a black wall with gold Ts along the lenght.

            Sunday, 08-Jan-17 00:50:23 UTC in context
          • @m14brony Politicians lie. liars lie. and people with skeletons in their closets most surely are an expert at lies. And last election cycle I did simply not see anyone who would not do something other than that. And I followed the election probably more closely than even Joe Average American, I found it enticing. What continues to surprise me however is that anyone is still surprised by what has now been reduced to 'gimmicks' such as using an opportunistic campain slogan and tweak and fiddle with it till you have something that works.

            Will anything ground-shattering ever happen with the wall and Mexico ? Nah, I doubt it, Secure Fence Act of 2006. Most interesting stuff already has been done by some other Republican methinks

            Once the American President elect touches Obamacare though, that is where I think the puppets will REALLY start to dance.

            Sunday, 08-Jan-17 00:58:58 UTC in context
        • I found this cat today

          Sunday, 08-Jan-17 00:31:30 UTC from web
        • Late Morning RDN

          Saturday, 07-Jan-17 10:26:35 UTC from web
        • *looks outside* ... Oh no... SNOW ! *spends the rest of the day hiding under the covers*

          Saturday, 07-Jan-17 10:21:41 UTC from web

            Friday, 06-Jan-17 10:05:08 UTC from web
          • 1000 Degree Knife vs RDN

            Wednesday, 04-Jan-17 09:57:45 UTC from web
          • I'll try to quote by memory. "The only reason computer monitors are better for gaming is because computer monitors make use of the hyper-threading capabilities of the CPU, and that easily frees up an extra terraflop or so on the GPU, and only gives the illusion of a highter framerate... I dare you, try to hook up your PC to a Smart-TV" ... I hope you are laughing now cus I sure was

            Tuesday, 03-Jan-17 23:52:40 UTC from web
            • This just started getting thrown around on some of my chat-groups. And I LOVE it

              Tuesday, 03-Jan-17 23:33:18 UTC from web
              • DUDE!!!!!! Amethyst just got NAKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cartoon Network, are you for real????????????????????????????????

                Tuesday, 03-Jan-17 22:06:17 UTC from web
              • One of my vague friends is having CPU trouble, it reaches 88 degrees and then probably a thermal shutdown, while it is 30 degrees in normal windows use. Seen what an old beast it is and how he treated it when he asked me to fix it I laughed, HAH not bloody likely. So now he wants a new computer with an i7

                Tuesday, 03-Jan-17 22:05:41 UTC from web
                • oh my god you guys, you know those terrible Frozen Flash games like "Elsa Give Birth a Baby" and banana like that? THERE ARE Z O O T O P I A O N E S

                  Monday, 02-Jan-17 22:43:16 UTC from web
                • Bugbear: people who can't reblog something without adding their own two cents every goddamn time

                  Monday, 02-Jan-17 09:11:21 UTC from web
                • Best wishes for 2017

                  Monday, 02-Jan-17 10:51:14 UTC from web
                  • no offense but shut up

                    Monday, 12-Dec-16 07:03:40 UTC from
                  • Pain ? You wanna know what pain is ? Pain is having to tie up your gaming PC with the mundane task of backing up someone's cracky old tablet android and just seeing the progress bar increase at a rate of 32 bytes per second. This will take at least 30 days :(

                    Saturday, 12-Nov-16 12:49:42 UTC from web
                    • I woke up today with a sore throat, stuffy nose, broken lips, dry eyes, and a very bad cough. But at least America has eliminated yet another presidential nominee and they are probably very close to ending this facade of a race.

                      Wednesday, 09-Nov-16 11:12:27 UTC from web
                      • Donald Trump is more scared of the oval office than it is of him

                        Saturday, 05-Nov-16 13:00:25 UTC from web
                      • Why in the world would the subtitles for this show start roughly 30 minutes after the start of the show ?

                        Tuesday, 01-Nov-16 15:10:16 UTC from web
                        • I tried watching TV again after so long when I found out that I simply can't anymore, it is horrid.

                          Tuesday, 01-Nov-16 14:46:02 UTC from web
                          • I think I am the only one who is even remotely positive on the Nintendo Switch ( NX ? ). My main motivator being something I have shown @adiwan probably a year ago where I crappily photoshopped ( mspaint ) the controls of a PSP onto a Samsung Galaxy S4. I have high hopes for the usability of the device when someone gets to run Linux on the device. Please be beefy enough for fun things like that.

                            Thursday, 20-Oct-16 17:11:27 UTC from web
                            • I just saw Zootopia, Small problem, French Vid, English Audio I am rather surprised by the ending though. Because of the internet I expected Judy Hopps to die ... Darn you misleading fanarts everywhere ! Hmmyeah, it goes down in my top 50 animated movies, somewhere below Wreck-it-Ralph though, Or Wreck-it-Rhino for that matter. Though I am almost ashamed to admit that that part made me laugh... so corny.

                              Friday, 07-Oct-16 12:31:03 UTC from web
                            • "Bonnie Hopps: Of course, it is okay to have dreams."
                              "Stu Hopps: Just as long as you don't believe too much in them."

                              First 10 minutes of the film and that is what sticks with me the most ? Good job at hitting that sore note there...

                              Friday, 07-Oct-16 10:41:47 UTC from web