Deleted's home timeline


  1. No fair, I want to buy to replace my current mouse but it does not ship outside of the continent of America it seems :(

    Saturday, 21-Jan-17 00:16:02 UTC from web
    • Finally I can die

      Friday, 20-Jan-17 22:49:00 UTC from web
    • For any USA citizens, reminder that there will likely be racial hate groups and other politically driven thugs attempting to cause disturbances and riots today, so make sure to carry a bottle with water and basic first aid supplies, as well as self-defense tools as law allows in your state. This goes double for people living in urban areas with a leftist majority. Stay safe.

      Friday, 20-Jan-17 13:07:43 UTC from web

      Wednesday, 18-Jan-17 14:13:04 UTC from web
    • what if

      Wednesday, 18-Jan-17 11:00:20 UTC from web
      • @mushi I am confused by that question... I mean, he did ? Sorta ? ... Or maybe we are talking about giving sending Stalin back in time to Januari 1 1889 to kick Klara Hitler in the womb ? ... Or maybe I should play Red Alert 1 again for that sounds very familiar somehow

        Wednesday, 18-Jan-17 13:12:11 UTC in context
    • ... It took me about 2 minutes to realize why the water is so thick they are miniatures

      Tuesday, 17-Jan-17 12:37:57 UTC from web
      • urge to clean RISING

        Tuesday, 17-Jan-17 11:23:10 UTC from
      • What is your favourite leg?

        Tuesday, 17-Jan-17 10:06:57 UTC from web
      • *brainfart* ... So when Gamespy shut down in 2014 along went a lot of game-lobbies and game-servers for a TON of games, including a truckload of Wii and DS(i) titles, maybe even a WiiU or 3DS game somewhere. But in the future, we, the consumer, will have to pay for Nintendo themselves to uphold these servers ? ... Why does this bug me so much ? ... How did Gamespy even make money ?

        Monday, 16-Jan-17 21:52:02 UTC from web
      • Every man, woman and child should have a fat friend just in case a tiger comes along

        Monday, 16-Jan-17 21:40:06 UTC from web
      • am I having a stroke, or is everyone but me having a stroke

        Monday, 16-Jan-17 21:39:50 UTC from web
      • Every man, woman and child should own a tiger just in case another tiger comes along

        Monday, 16-Jan-17 21:35:14 UTC from web
      • Someone just asked me if theoretically their gun would have more stopping power if he was running while he shot... At what age do you generally learn things like Newton's third law ?

        Monday, 16-Jan-17 16:11:16 UTC from web
      • "Fake news" is an anagram of "A few nukes"....... Really makes you think.............

        Monday, 16-Jan-17 15:40:05 UTC from web
      • I just saw a movie theory that linked the movie Zootopia to the whole Contra & FBI & drug epidemic from the history books. And all I have to say is ... WHAT ?!? ... Howmuch conspiracy kool-aid must you drink before you make outrageous jumps like that ( which are, to be honest, not even researched well since the original Zootopia was all about Jack Savage and Shock Collars )

        Monday, 16-Jan-17 14:39:12 UTC from web
      • Aww... Mods ! ... I was reading that :(

        Monday, 16-Jan-17 12:48:55 UTC from web
      • sometimes you have to admit your ideas are just unpopular.

        Sunday, 15-Jan-17 09:20:47 UTC from
      • We are past the season for the Ghost of Christmas Ass.

        Saturday, 14-Jan-17 23:33:04 UTC from web
      • I just witnessed video and audio streamed over the the controller ports to a SNES. It was magnificent.

        Saturday, 14-Jan-17 21:06:47 UTC from web
      • "It is actually really sad to hear accounts of harassment in VR when it is such a new technology" ... I had to take a quad take on that to verify if I heard that right.

        Saturday, 14-Jan-17 17:37:56 UTC from web
        • ... Possibly the best thing I have gotten stuck in my head all year.

          Saturday, 14-Jan-17 13:49:25 UTC from web
        • I normally delete notices from other instances that end up on the top six of popular, but I cannot bring myself to delete Buntain Simpson

          Saturday, 14-Jan-17 11:41:06 UTC from web

          Saturday, 14-Jan-17 08:50:36 UTC from web
        • Now one might argue that two wrongs don't make a right, but I ask you - can two wrongs make it funny?

          Friday, 13-Jan-17 19:00:54 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        • I hope 2017 is the year that people realise "overrated" doesn't even really make sense as a concept

          Friday, 13-Jan-17 14:00:33 UTC from web
        • Today I woke up with a terrible headache, it is almost like half the nerdoverse has been screaming and raging at something. And then I logged on, Ohh Nintendo. Well I guess that means I should severely tone down my expectations before I go see anything.

          Friday, 13-Jan-17 10:44:20 UTC from web
          • Since Tribes : Ascend can be considered dead in the water for all intents and purposes with all the blatant hacking going on. I find myself TERRIBLY excited for this game called Midair.

            Thursday, 12-Jan-17 13:46:08 UTC from web
            • So one of my co-workers is saying that Trump is dumb because he thinks the earth is flat. *rolleyes*

              Wednesday, 11-Jan-17 11:08:16 UTC from web
              • We are number one, exept...

                Tuesday, 10-Jan-17 20:52:27 UTC from web
              • Oh no... it does not even work under DirectX I just found out. Well time to scrap DirectX in it's entirety then

                Monday, 09-Jan-17 23:51:04 UTC from web