Colby's home timeline


  1. Got my tires yesterday and put them on my bike today. As it turns out, and as obvious it is in hindsight, the culprit for the puncture was a tiny rock. A rock as pointy as a needle and as black as the tire. I could only find it by guesstimating the location by the puncture location on the hose and then pushing really hard into the spot on the tire. The rock has dug into the rubber and I couldn't see it on my first inspection.

    Sunday, 15-Jan-23 13:50:44 UTC from web
    • @adiwan Well that is just damn devious

      Sunday, 15-Jan-23 14:28:29 UTC in context
    • @scribus In a way I was very lucky that the little piece of Potato Knishes was found in the first place and it didn't got me stranded far away from home. I was lucky that it happened close to home. I have a small set of stairs a few meters in front of my cellar. There I pull my bicycle down so it bounces on the edge of the steps. Just as I opened my cellar door my bike fell on its own (it was on its kickstand) and there I found the flat. Moments before I could cycle and didn't feel anything out of the ordinary, i.e. I had full pressure in the hose (between 4 and 5 bar).

      Sunday, 15-Jan-23 14:40:02 UTC in context
  2. Barely a day has passed and I got a flat on the same tire.

    Friday, 13-Jan-23 09:17:27 UTC from web
  3. fun fact of the year, sherlock holmes as in 01JAN23 has entered the public domain.

    Sunday, 01-Jan-23 06:41:32 UTC from web
  4. Ah... Great... Forgot that the next days the air will smell horrible like farts and eggs and it will be a ordeal to breathe. I can forget to think about airing my apartment. I rather smell my own farts than the horribleness that will come from the outside.

    Saturday, 31-Dec-22 19:06:33 UTC from web
  5. after 6 years I've finally added a profile picture

    Saturday, 31-Dec-22 17:00:40 UTC from web
  6. My 15 year old monitor died yesterday. It "displays" something. Backlight works but the fault is somewhere on the mainboard between the actual screen and the end of image processing. The display cannot even show the OSD properly. As it appears it will be covered by black lines and then it turns into a bright pillar from top to bottom (where the text would be). I just won an auction on ebay for a cheap replacement monitor of the same model. Why? It's 16:10 IPS, has tons of inputs, and it was cheap. 45€ with shipping. Also I cannot afford a brand-spanking-new one.

    Monday, 19-Dec-22 07:33:32 UTC from web
  7. I'm doing an anti-"No Shave November". Usually I shave myself every two weeks but this month I try to shave daily or every other day. My verdict so far: Daily shaving is not worth it as my beard grows so fast that I can feel the stubbles after an hour after the shave. Waxing my face is not an option.

    Wednesday, 16-Nov-22 08:45:40 UTC from web
  8. "Those lazy, lazy leaves"! I was taking the scenic route from shopping through the park and there I slid in a corner and fell. I lost all tyre grip because a brown and slimy moist pile of leaves in the curve acted like it's the best replacement for grease in that moment. Luckily there was not much damage. My pants got dirty, a scratch on my knee, and the side of my pedal was heavily scratched.

    Saturday, 12-Nov-22 13:23:08 UTC from web
  9. Democrats are doing WHAT

    Wednesday, 09-Nov-22 04:54:18 UTC from web
  10. Made myself a mudflap for my bicycle. I could buy one but all the ones for purchase are way too small for what I think I need. Mine reaches further down and is wider in the hopes it will catch more dirt and preventing all that dirt flinging on my shoes and pants.

    Monday, 31-Oct-22 15:25:27 UTC from web
    • @adiwan I used some leftover PVC tarp, 3d printed a small decorative clamping piece that clamps the tarp flap to the mud guard, a M3 screw, two washers, a M3 locknut. I found some mud flaps similar in size online but mine was basically 1€ in costs, including the misprints.

      Monday, 31-Oct-22 17:05:00 UTC in context
  11. I-66 coming out of Washington had a bunch of construction being done on it tonight which meant I couldn’t get into any of the exits leading home. The result is that I had to drive through the dying rural part of Northern Virginia to get home. Two lanes, one in each direction, on a winding, narrow, wooded road in a “The Hills Have Eyes” looking area, critters everywhere, ominous glimpses of dilapidated ranch-style homes with pickups and Trump 2024 signage, and just when you thought it couldn’t get any spookier, a decapitated deer laying in a pool of its own blood that I had to avoid running over. Jordan Peele couldn’t have depicted a more uncomfortable drive.

    Thursday, 29-Sep-22 07:26:11 UTC from web
  12. Sometimes I wonder if I am insane or the world is insane.

    Sunday, 25-Sep-22 19:55:12 UTC from web
  13. If anybody needs a unicorn cartoon fix The comic is cute, I look forward to this

    Saturday, 17-Sep-22 01:37:35 UTC from web
  14. Ooof... Robert Zemeckis can't do it right somehow. The Live-action Pinocchio is borderline bad.

    Monday, 12-Sep-22 16:12:34 UTC from web
  15. starting the week to something cursed

    Monday, 12-Sep-22 13:39:17 UTC from web
  16. I think captchas will evolve in the next few years using A.I.-generated images. I expect that there is a prompt and the user has to decide which of the pictures were generated with that prompt.

    Monday, 12-Sep-22 06:43:02 UTC from web
  17. They think: "Why don't we store everything flat, use compound foreign keys, and make relations as cumbersome to find out and create views that are less helpful as they do rarely use JOIN and use a BAZILLION of WHERE clauses. WHO NEEDS READABILITY AND PERFORMANCE?

    Friday, 09-Sep-22 10:40:06 UTC from web
    • @adiwan JOINS are inexpensive, but when you need do trillions of them, they become an obstacle. This problem was why Amazon created DynamoDB

      Friday, 09-Sep-22 23:19:50 UTC in context
    • @oracle Well... It's not an environment with a ton of activity. A lot but not Amazon-a-lot. The database is an older Oracle installation because legacy software running needs exactly that old version. It stems from a time where entity frameworks were the rage and thus all objects were stored in a database. That same database is misused as a semi-persistent storage for message queues. In the recent past it was a few times as the culprit for some major downtime, as it is the biggest single point of failure without redundancy. I'm pretty soured by that.

      Saturday, 10-Sep-22 07:32:45 UTC in context
  18. Re-upped all of my animation programs with an old email account I had from community college that I never lost access to, therefore qualifying for the much cheaper student pricing. Don’t be a snitch, ‘kay?

    Saturday, 20-Aug-22 06:10:41 UTC from web
    • @zeldatra My old school and university were very quick disabling my accounts. I had a month to backup everything. In that time I could snatch the last time a student discount on the Amazon Prime membership. For all the other stuff (except for cinema) the student discounts were for products that are too expensive to begin with, even with a meager discount of 5% to 10% like laptops. The only discount that I abused was getting Windows licenses for 10€ over the MSDN program my university was part of. I got licenses for the family and a hand full for me.

      Saturday, 20-Aug-22 09:19:29 UTC in context
    • @adiwan my state’s community college system oversees all forms of adult education so once you’re enrolled you’re never “unenrolled” in the sense that you’ll always be a student because they offer courses that don’t contribute to a degree, and you need the student email to enroll for it, therefore, for as long as I live in this state, I am a student and don’t have to pay $70 a month for ToonBoom

      Saturday, 20-Aug-22 17:30:10 UTC in context
  19. I drive past the NRA headquarters every day on my way to work (yes, they are a DC company…) and, like, not that I think anyone should do it, but how funny would it be if that place got shot up? Like that’d at least be a little funny, right?

    Monday, 15-Aug-22 13:19:17 UTC from web
  20. I am so Potato Knishesing glad Trump supporters are so goddamn dumb. Guy attacks an FBI field office in Ohio, and his grand master plan to get through the bullet proof glass is to use… a nail gun. I mean hey, it says “bullet proof”, not “nail proof”.

    Friday, 12-Aug-22 15:42:46 UTC from web
  21. All those MTV cartoons in the late 90s/early 2000s had the right idea, animating with thick outlines is way easier than thin ones. Daria should be the gold standard.

    Wednesday, 03-Aug-22 15:19:39 UTC from web
    • Show all 4 replies
    • @scribus I’m sure it’s eyeroll-inducing when I talk about how I think The Simpsons looked better before the switch to HD but this is basically exactly why. The new studio is better about it than Film Roman was but the crispness of the art drew a lot of attention to the crudeness of the character designs and made the whole product look a lot worse. The brighter colors are headache inducing. The improved readability of small movements means characters aren’t moving much at all. And now that things are going into 4K that’s all probably gonna get a lot worse. There are gonna be a thousand individually animated objects in a single frame just to prove it can be done. It’s gonna be visual overstimulation like you wouldn’t believe.

      Thursday, 04-Aug-22 06:24:06 UTC in context
    • @zeldatra Overstimulation... That's what I sometimes feel watching anime. Some try to fill a frame with so much detail and end up distracting at best and unreadable at worst.

      Thursday, 04-Aug-22 13:33:37 UTC in context
    • @adiwan Kind of how I felt with Bless the Harts. It's like amateur movies, where they used cheap cameras and full-focus lenses, and everything is clear but nothing clearly stands out. Sort of a soap opera effect.

      Thursday, 04-Aug-22 18:48:31 UTC in context
  22. I’ve been transferred to a new store closer to DC for my new promotion starting on Sunday and I gotta say: now that I have to deal with the traffic repercussions, I firmly believe that all construction on the metro line should immediately be halted as not having to stop for construction workers would shave ten minutes off my drive easily.

    Friday, 29-Jul-22 17:11:24 UTC from web
  23. Wow didnt think this place was still around

    Sunday, 17-Jul-22 00:05:08 UTC from web
  24. the best way to enact change in the world, as we all know, is to tweet a poorly doctored image of Donald Trump in a diaper at somebody who disagrees with you. This is how we solve our problems in America now.

    Sunday, 03-Jul-22 06:28:02 UTC from web
  25. I spoiled myself with a game treat and bought the game Tunic. It's a fine game. It is a cross between Zelda and Dark Souls. I had quite some fun but oh boy it is hard. Thankfully there is an accessibility option to make it easy. I used it only two times because my thumbs were already hurting enough and I didn't want to start a boss fight 100 times over. It is best to get into the game blind. I do admit that I looked up stuff at the end of the game because the puzzles to get the true ending are hard as heck and I have a life beyond that game.

    Monday, 27-Jun-22 20:04:49 UTC from web
  26. Finished watching "Dead End Paranormal Park". It was mostly harmless. Not groundbreaking but it is "just a cartoon". LGBTQ representation aside it the show is unfocused and the episodes themselves are lacking the energy to stand on their own. The pace accelerated towards the end but didn't manage to fully have any lasting impact as a whole.

    Wednesday, 22-Jun-22 07:22:11 UTC from web
    • @adiwan That's sounding sadly par for Netflix, post-BoJack. They coulda had another with Tuca and Bertie, but nnoooo, they had to fall asleep at the wheel.... Disenchantment is disenchanting me as of late, feels like every season is bookended by interesting big-P Plot moments, and filled with trivial slice-of-life misadventures. A whole season of not exploring themes and character, ending with some sudden developments and cliffhangers, only to be semi-resolved in the first 2 of the next season and shunted aside until the final 2 or 3....

      Wednesday, 22-Jun-22 19:23:54 UTC in context
    • @scribus Centaurworld was good. Not my jam but good. Carmen Sandiego was good. Glitch Techs is also very fun. Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts too. Kid Cosmic is a definitive recommendation. Dogs in Space is a good "nothing to see else"-watch.

      Wednesday, 22-Jun-22 19:46:54 UTC in context
    • @adiwan Yeah, Carmen Sandiego was good, even if they did whitewash the history of the Samurai caste.... Lol

      Wednesday, 22-Jun-22 21:13:34 UTC in context
  27. Thinking about retiring my Thinkpad x201. I LOVE the keyboard but it makes problems. When I hit the power button to turn it on, there is a 50:50 chance that the screen is blank and does nothing. It caused me some bigger problems with sleep mode and did the exact same thing on wake-up. Only turning the laptop completely off and on again helps, but on sleep mode all RAM content is gone. Hibernation is fine but it takes longer as a normal boot.

    Saturday, 18-Jun-22 08:23:24 UTC from web
  28. Big corporations use their power to suppress everything that can threaten their business. Microsoft famously adopts free and open standards and alter them such that they are dominating them.,_extend,_and_extinguish

    Friday, 17-Jun-22 19:05:47 UTC from web
  29. Well I've already pitched a papaya on every other chat forum I have, but why tf does YT's top result for a Rubik's Cube have NO USEFUL INFORMATION in it??

    Monday, 13-Jun-22 04:07:31 UTC from web
    • @scribus Whenever I look up for something to know how it works I almost exclusively find videos that only scratch the surface of the thing and mostly those videos end up with "Now you know how it works". Tutorials are also a bane in my existence where the tutorial is more about everything else but the topic it tutorials about (including 1/3 of the video dedicating to personal banana of the video creator and a good portion to social media call to action blah blah).

      Monday, 13-Jun-22 05:27:25 UTC in context
  30. I'm debating with myself if I should buy and play TUNIC . And if I do, should I buy it from GOG or Steam?

    Saturday, 11-Jun-22 17:59:18 UTC from web