Spike Pines's home timeline


  1. In my group's next D&D campaign I'll own a tavern. I'll name it "The Drunk Unicorn".

    Wednesday, 15-Nov-17 21:32:23 UTC from web
  2. Good lord, what is going on in there?

    Tuesday, 14-Nov-17 20:43:05 UTC from web
  3. anybody who defends the abuse of a child should most certainly kill themselves

    Friday, 10-Nov-17 23:17:15 UTC from web
  4. http://pny.lv/2cj6o GAZE INTO THE IRIS

    Friday, 10-Nov-17 22:58:08 UTC from web
    • (to straight couple) Which of you is the Baman and which is the Piderman

      Friday, 10-Nov-17 21:53:57 UTC from web
    • I have learned that if you have a mustache and wear a green sweater to work people will call you Ned Flanders

      Tuesday, 07-Nov-17 21:17:22 UTC from web
    • would u smash tikal the echidna y/n

      Tuesday, 07-Nov-17 15:55:35 UTC from web
    • The neat thing about naming my Rimworld colonists after RDN members is I can finally live out my fantasy of murdering @tiff and wearing his skin

      Thursday, 02-Nov-17 14:13:57 UTC from web
    • Cute pet names to call your partner:

      Tuesday, 31-Oct-17 22:57:36 UTC from web
    • Is email notification working here?

      Thursday, 02-Nov-17 09:33:43 UTC from web
    • Game concept: Pokémon Champion Simulator. It's a tower defence style strategy game where you play as the champion of the Pokémon League, and have to plot out the Elite Four's monsters and items in advance to stop as many would-be champions.

      Monday, 30-Oct-17 10:20:27 UTC from web
    • It totally sucks that a MLP forum that I frequently visit is down because a hacking group was bored

      Saturday, 28-Oct-17 08:24:39 UTC from web
    • So far she says “like a Stephen King novel but good!” Which... yeah OK

      Sunday, 29-Oct-17 14:57:22 UTC from web
    • http://pny.lv/2a6pw HE'S BACK

      Friday, 27-Oct-17 17:59:47 UTC from web
    • They call it footage because they're literally talking about the length of film you used up.

      Thursday, 26-Oct-17 22:39:28 UTC from web
      • http://pny.lv/29z8b

        Thursday, 26-Oct-17 22:38:38 UTC from web
        • Things I've been forbidden to do in the past 30 minutes: Commit suicide in or out of the house, sleep rough outside an anime convention

          Thursday, 26-Oct-17 21:30:44 UTC from web
          • All aboard the hubris train: http://pny.lv/29q5p

            Wednesday, 25-Oct-17 18:21:30 UTC from web
            • Though that second one could be the plot of SAYER.

              Tuesday, 24-Oct-17 22:33:38 UTC from web
              • Where have all the real crazies like Gene Ray and Francis E Dec gone? I miss when conspiracies were about hiding the true nature of the diurnal cycle or jewish moon computers that control humans by remote implants.

                Tuesday, 24-Oct-17 22:33:28 UTC from web
              • It's always weird to me when somebody draws porn and as set dressing includes framed images of previous porn they've drawn as if anyone would hang that up in their home

                Tuesday, 24-Oct-17 21:01:17 UTC from web
              • RDN: Racist against robots.

                Monday, 23-Oct-17 21:58:28 UTC from web
                • fact: I got more comments about Sans's tongue in Episode 1 than I did about the absurd amounts of cleavage Undyne showed in Episode 2.

                  Monday, 23-Oct-17 20:07:05 UTC from web
                • Is predictive text a bad thing?

                  Monday, 23-Oct-17 19:44:49 UTC from web
                • New His Dark Materials book from Pullman. Somehow magically turning out to be worth that 15 odd year wait.

                  Thursday, 19-Oct-17 20:15:04 UTC from web
                  • If I start doing overtime every Saturday at work I can make almost 2 grand a month

                    Friday, 13-Oct-17 21:49:27 UTC from web
                  • My area is under a drought advisory, which means the weather people in my area are Fluffle Puffing retarded/have not gone outside in the last three days.

                    Friday, 13-Oct-17 19:55:57 UTC from web
                  • I CAN'T SEE THROUGH METAL KENT

                    Thursday, 12-Oct-17 21:23:24 UTC from web
                    • How are "Skinners Sense of Snow" and "Children of a Lesser Clod" in seasons 11 and 12. They're so good.

                      Thursday, 12-Oct-17 21:16:56 UTC from web
                      • A little morphine would refresh my memory

                        Thursday, 12-Oct-17 21:16:29 UTC from web