Kento's home timeline


  1. Huh. Apparently messages from RDN are now filtered as spam in my Gmail account. I'm okay with this, saves me the effort of weeding them out of my regular mail.

    Tuesday, 27-Mar-12 11:12:11 UTC from web
  2. @ceruleanspark So how are things going anyway? Aside from the coughing that is.

    Friday, 08-Jun-12 12:56:12 UTC from web
  3. That feel when I haven't been here in forever again. How's things going? Hopefully better than on my end.

    Friday, 08-Jun-12 12:22:06 UTC from web
  4. We love fine give you an awful lot of free stuff when you order from them.

    Wednesday, 04-Apr-12 11:06:46 UTC from web
  5. @ponydude Pretty sure that's Jack Harkness.

    Monday, 02-Apr-12 11:57:17 UTC from web
  6. I had a good idea for a few... saucy short stories (About a page each) earlier and want everyone's opinions on it now that it's finished. I'm sure some of you enjoy these kinds of stories, so I'd like to hear some feedback. For everyone else, I've separated each story so that you can read the beginning of each of the stories without reading anything "unsavory" and at least give an opinion on the beginning part. Thanks in advance! # just in case

    Sunday, 01-Apr-12 13:40:48 UTC from web
    • I'm glad that I use a client instead of the website. Otherwise I would become insane.

      Sunday, 01-Apr-12 13:02:46 UTC from Choqok
    • OK I am no longer in hospital.

      Sunday, 01-Apr-12 12:36:56 UTC from web
    • Also I'm here and about to get 2 3DS games, what should they be?

      Sunday, 01-Apr-12 12:24:47 UTC from web
    • I'd do an April fools but I am in hospital.

      Sunday, 01-Apr-12 11:51:24 UTC from web
    • Success.

      Sunday, 01-Apr-12 10:36:26 UTC from web
    • My mind was blown when Stacy's Mom makes sense when changing it to Her (Sweetie Belle's) Sister from Spike's perspective.

      Sunday, 01-Apr-12 10:27:31 UTC from web
      • Well, I'm on an hour later than I probably should have. G'night all.

        Friday, 30-Mar-12 13:09:23 UTC from web
      • Hello everypony. Oh, it looks like you're coming down with a bad case of Handsome Doctor Pony-itis. Fortunately, I have the cure riiiiiight here.

        Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 09:38:12 UTC from web
      • Better yet, the RDN trading card game. "I counter your Cerulean's bananas with my !modfight!"

        Friday, 30-Mar-12 12:44:23 UTC from StatusNet Android

        Friday, 30-Mar-12 12:31:58 UTC from web
      • @ceruleanspark So how goes yourself? Sadly, I won't be on too long. I have to wake up early to go to an art museum.

        Friday, 30-Mar-12 12:21:16 UTC from web
      • I don't even think it's possible for Blossomforth to accomplish this without breaking anything.

        Friday, 30-Mar-12 11:52:55 UTC from web
      • Tangled is an awesome show :D

        Tuesday, 27-Mar-12 12:33:00 UTC from web
      • If you haven't tried it yet, I strongly recommend clicking the "Cornify" button in the bottom right corner a bunch of times.

        Tuesday, 27-Mar-12 12:25:08 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
      • If anypony was going to be a lesbian it'd totally be Rarity. Simply because only a mare could /possibly/ be fabulous enough for her love.

        Tuesday, 27-Mar-12 12:15:22 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
      • @luminosity

        Tuesday, 27-Mar-12 11:38:52 UTC from web
      • Does anyone know if rainbow dash is a lesbian?

        Tuesday, 27-Mar-12 12:09:17 UTC from web
      • Waiting for the inevitable beach episode.

        Tuesday, 27-Mar-12 12:06:35 UTC from web
      • Hmm. This? or This?

        Tuesday, 27-Mar-12 11:58:56 UTC from web
      • I know this is totally spoilers for the finale, but it's awesome.

        Tuesday, 27-Mar-12 11:52:55 UTC from web
      • @sambuaga This would come in handy if I weren't a lazy person and didn't walk anywhere. Thanks for trying though.

        Tuesday, 27-Mar-12 11:56:40 UTC from web
        • @greydragon412 Yeah! What's up!?!? Do you have a picture of a pony head turned sideways somewhere? But not all the way.

          Tuesday, 27-Mar-12 11:49:32 UTC from web
        • I'm going to start getting ready for school. I'll see you all later! Bye

          Tuesday, 27-Mar-12 11:42:53 UTC from web
        • Well I just disabled it. It's currently 12:40GMT. Join me in counting how long it takes for someone to complain.

          Tuesday, 27-Mar-12 11:40:02 UTC from StatusNet Desktop