Kento's home timeline


  1. @pony Now I have something to read that should entertain me. Thank you.

    Tuesday, 27-Mar-12 11:26:14 UTC from web
  2. Traynor better be glad I like her, she's not exactly doing her job very well...

    Tuesday, 27-Mar-12 10:58:10 UTC from web
  3. I'm torn between disgust for the fans who buy stuff at grossly inflated prices and jealousy at their creators' profits.

    Tuesday, 27-Mar-12 10:47:13 UTC from web
  4. $10,000 for a doormat???

    Tuesday, 27-Mar-12 10:40:21 UTC from web
  5. Whilst I was crazy, I made this:

    Tuesday, 27-Mar-12 10:20:28 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
  6. Ah, spam bots. That feels more like it.

    Tuesday, 27-Mar-12 10:16:45 UTC from web
  7. I'm @egnaroesroh and this is a place on the internet.

    Tuesday, 27-Mar-12 09:54:48 UTC from web
  8. @thelastgherkin =( I really, really need to stop being so busy now. Tell @ceruleanspark I send my best wishes.

    Sunday, 18-Mar-12 09:56:10 UTC from web
    • Ponies aren't just for girls, let this tale unfurl! !TwilightSparkle !PinkiePie, !AppleJack and !Fluttershy ! Do not be afraid, we will never fade! !RainbowDash and !Rarity. Join the herd and you will see! # #

      Thursday, 15-Mar-12 18:34:05 UTC from web
    • Is it still called China in equestria? Equestria does not have a China.

      Saturday, 10-Mar-12 12:10:15 UTC from web

      Saturday, 10-Mar-12 11:59:11 UTC from web
    • My Filly Princess~, My Filly Princess~ Ah ah ah ah...

      Saturday, 10-Mar-12 11:57:04 UTC from web
      • Still tired. I stayed up later than I intended sniping an ebay auction to buy my girlfriend the full set of McDonalds ponies.

        Saturday, 10-Mar-12 11:43:14 UTC from web
      • I always consider putting, "I have arrived! Worship me!" when I show up, but that just seems like @ceruleanspark's thing.

        Saturday, 10-Mar-12 11:42:27 UTC from web
      • alright now !applejack !pinkieism !pinkiepie !fluttershy !rainbowdash !rarity !twilightfans !twilightsparkle !scootaloo !braeburn !spitfire !celestiafanclub !princesslunafans !luna !trixie !pipsqueakfans !snailsfans more soon

        Tuesday, 06-Mar-12 21:21:17 UTC from web
        • Nnnflippers splash splash

          Tuesday, 06-Mar-12 13:13:08 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
        • My goodness I don't think I'm anywhere near done looking and I already have 40 songs to download!

          Tuesday, 06-Mar-12 12:57:37 UTC from web
          • I must never lack a computer for a good three weeks ever again. I'm not even half done with checking for all the pony music I missed.

            Tuesday, 06-Mar-12 12:32:33 UTC from web
            • O.o I love this cover.

              Tuesday, 06-Mar-12 12:26:11 UTC from web
            • !appleloosa

              Tuesday, 06-Mar-12 12:26:43 UTC from web
            • Does Anypony have a good Braeburn wallpaper? Mines currently discord, which is getting old

              Tuesday, 06-Mar-12 12:09:27 UTC from web
            • @chipperlunaro My mother's sort of like that. The workplace practically fears her retirement because of how screwed they'll be when she leaves and nobody else can handle the work load like she does.

              Tuesday, 06-Mar-12 12:11:56 UTC from web
            • Suddenly I realize my computer is Octavia themed.

              Tuesday, 06-Mar-12 12:09:22 UTC from web
              • Are we all joining in on this question now?

                Tuesday, 06-Mar-12 12:00:32 UTC from web
              • I can see this being some sort of pony musical. It's actually pretty impressive.

                Tuesday, 06-Mar-12 11:55:59 UTC from web
                • I will repeat my earlier suggstion: A picture of everyponies OC performing the smile-chorus.

                  Tuesday, 06-Mar-12 11:47:43 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                • @ceruleanspark Ah! Le Flour.. She's not really my type, but if I somehow ended up married to her, I'm sure I could make it work somehow... Pygmalionism comes to mind

                  Tuesday, 06-Mar-12 10:54:28 UTC from web
                • I figure @ceruleanspark will enjoy this. The idea of a rhyme battle between Zecora and Iron Will was brought up. This happened.

                  Tuesday, 06-Mar-12 11:25:00 UTC from web
                • Drinking chocolate milk and talking about making out with horses - Rainbow Dash Network.

                  Tuesday, 06-Mar-12 11:32:49 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                • I am back and alive!

                  Tuesday, 06-Mar-12 11:12:28 UTC from web