brian's home timeline


  1. This was the last video I watched on youtube.

    Tuesday, 08-Jul-14 16:26:02 UTC from web
    • It's a shame that no sub groups are picking up Jinsei or Francesca. Both are hilarious.

      Tuesday, 08-Jul-14 16:18:40 UTC from web
    • the first episode of Sword Art Online was p good

      Monday, 07-Jul-14 15:21:09 UTC from web
    • I knew RDN was full of nerds but I assumed you could all dress yourselves at the very least. Apparently not.

      Monday, 07-Jul-14 13:48:42 UTC from web
    • In regards to this whole boob/sock money I just wanted to add that in the military when we are in our service and dress uniforms (baiscally anything other than our cammies) we have to keep our wallets in our socks because otherwise it looks "unprofessional"

      Monday, 07-Jul-14 13:58:13 UTC from web
    • @mushi Wixossはオンラインないでもあなたはフルデックをダウンロード出来る。

      Monday, 07-Jul-14 13:09:49 UTC from web
    • *watching colbert report* ah... guntalk :)

      Monday, 07-Jul-14 13:21:12 UTC from web
    • I ship therefore it's tr/u/e

      Monday, 07-Jul-14 13:16:23 UTC from web
    • brb, gonna buy something for my headache

      Monday, 07-Jul-14 13:16:30 UTC from web
    • @miki wow. They probably had P4AU and no one even played it with you. That is a shame.

      Monday, 07-Jul-14 12:17:18 UTC from web
    • What should I even use as my ringtone, or for my text message tone even

      Monday, 07-Jul-14 04:09:17 UTC from web
    • how to beat me on yu-gi-oh =(

      Monday, 07-Jul-14 03:00:29 UTC from web
    • @sc either having no control of my fate at all or that nothing at all is real. I like to believe that the world is real, and that because we all have gift of a soul and life which enables free will and that there is a supreme force to guide us and prevent a sure chaos that would be caused by 7billion independent wills.

      Monday, 07-Jul-14 03:15:16 UTC from web
    • @nerthos look up sabagebu. I think you'll like it. Or I could be totally off the mark and you'll hate it.

      Monday, 07-Jul-14 02:24:57 UTC from web
    • oh, my other yu-gi-oh firend made a new deck, lets see hat this one can do

      Sunday, 06-Jul-14 23:50:01 UTC from web
    • I laughed a bit too hard at this

      Monday, 07-Jul-14 00:12:56 UTC from web
    • Guys, we need to form up to take down 4chan. Come on we can do it.

      Sunday, 06-Jul-14 23:47:38 UTC from web
    • I don't think I'm very good at insulting people

      Sunday, 06-Jul-14 23:38:20 UTC from web
    • ここに誰かは日本語を喋る出来ますか?

      Sunday, 06-Jul-14 23:45:36 UTC from web
      • I still manually refresh out of habit

        Sunday, 06-Jul-14 22:54:50 UTC from web
      • I wish the timeline worked properly on the Steam browser. Having to reload to get new posts is disgusting

        Sunday, 06-Jul-14 22:53:48 UTC from web
      • This anime season is really good. Almost everything I've watched so far has been superb and exceeding my expectations.

        Sunday, 06-Jul-14 16:39:29 UTC from web
      • so metal

        Sunday, 06-Jul-14 14:26:53 UTC from web
      • @metaltao just out of curiosity what is your namesake?

        Sunday, 06-Jul-14 03:58:11 UTC from web
      • man, i wanted to play more with the jankis, butr i'm reall sleepy. by ebey guys!

        Sunday, 06-Jul-14 03:51:42 UTC from web

        Sunday, 06-Jul-14 00:11:31 UTC from web
      • I scared mushi away

        Sunday, 06-Jul-14 00:10:14 UTC from web
        • "i dont like feet on my head!"

          -mushi's little sister

          Saturday, 05-Jul-14 23:49:04 UTC from web
        • @whitebag I barely consider RDN part of the brony community to be honest.

          Saturday, 05-Jul-14 23:49:15 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        • @mushi あなたは「錬金少女メルルの歌」を聞くか?

          Saturday, 05-Jul-14 23:23:57 UTC from web