Notices by I don't know (extremedash), page 6

  1. @thedash That's so baller

    Thursday, 27-Feb-14 08:36:22 UTC from Mayonnaise in context
  2. hahahaha you guys like horses that are smaller than normal horses

    Thursday, 27-Feb-14 08:36:08 UTC from Mayonnaise in context
  3. what is thus?

    Thursday, 27-Feb-14 08:29:17 UTC from Mayonnaise
  4. @snowcone dude what?

    Thursday, 27-Feb-14 08:20:06 UTC from Mayonnaise
  5. @snowcone noooooo

    Thursday, 27-Feb-14 08:13:45 UTC from Mayonnaise in context
  6. I'm not drunlk fof

    Thursday, 27-Feb-14 08:03:50 UTC from web in context
  7. what the nuk

    Thursday, 27-Feb-14 08:01:14 UTC from web
  8. @snowcone Dude lie niw

    Thursday, 27-Feb-14 07:53:36 UTC from web
  9. @snowcone Dude like that's pretty soon

    Thursday, 27-Feb-14 07:51:58 UTC from web in context
  10. @snowcone I hope it's me. When do you die?

    Thursday, 27-Feb-14 07:48:56 UTC from web in context
  11. @snowcone I do and we should like make you famous and make out

    Thursday, 27-Feb-14 07:26:23 UTC from Mayonnaise in context
  12. @vt3c Dude like

    Thursday, 27-Feb-14 07:25:11 UTC from Mayonnaise in context
  13. @awl I love you man!

    Thursday, 27-Feb-14 07:17:47 UTC from Mayonnaise in context
  14. @snowcone Dude like you should be a comedian

    Thursday, 27-Feb-14 07:17:25 UTC from Mayonnaise in context
  15. @vt3c dude i love you

    Thursday, 27-Feb-14 07:16:56 UTC from Mayonnaise in context
  16. @awl Dude like floofin love you man

    Thursday, 27-Feb-14 06:59:19 UTC from Mayonnaise in context
  17. @snowcone Dude, you're like funny as floof man

    Thursday, 27-Feb-14 06:58:46 UTC from Mayonnaise in context
  18. @awl you're good man like I loke floor though

    Thursday, 27-Feb-14 06:42:08 UTC from Mayonnaise in context
  19. @snowcone Like floof man, it's floofin ridiculous

    Thursday, 27-Feb-14 06:41:35 UTC from Mayonnaise in context
  20. @awl like everyone

    Thursday, 27-Feb-14 06:30:37 UTC from Mayonnaise in context
  21. dude like go floof yourself

    Thursday, 27-Feb-14 06:19:53 UTC from Mayonnaise in context
  22. @snowcone I can't see that. I'm on my phone.

    Thursday, 27-Feb-14 05:28:51 UTC from Mayonnaise in context
  23. @snowcone which one.

    Thursday, 27-Feb-14 05:14:08 UTC from Mayonnaise in context
  24. @thedash roommates* girlfriend...

    Thursday, 27-Feb-14 05:11:45 UTC from Mayonnaise in context
  25. Gonna be hard to explain to my girlfriend why there was a pick of a giant schlong up on my computer from FA.

    Thursday, 27-Feb-14 05:09:41 UTC from Mayonnaise in context
  26. @snowcone What notice?

    Thursday, 27-Feb-14 05:02:15 UTC from Mayonnaise in context
  27. @nerthos Like tonight I'm goin' out with some to some bars. One of them also works at one of the bars so discounted drinks!

    Wednesday, 26-Feb-14 22:05:16 UTC from web in context
  28. @nerthos Because they are really cool bros, it's the same reason why I started the brony stuff a long time ago. The people are cool.

    Wednesday, 26-Feb-14 21:57:07 UTC from web in context
  29. @thedash (c) Dash Podcasts

    Wednesday, 26-Feb-14 21:46:30 UTC from web in context
  30. Totally starting a furry podcast called Furr the Win.

    Wednesday, 26-Feb-14 21:46:06 UTC from web in context