chris moss's home timeline


  1. @snowcone Have fun, lvoe. !hugs <3

    Thursday, 14-Feb-13 07:49:35 UTC from web
  2. @snowcone <3 !hugs lvoe.

    Thursday, 14-Feb-13 07:41:19 UTC from web
  3. @snowcone !hughug

    Thursday, 14-Feb-13 07:11:44 UTC from web
  4. @snowcone !hughug, lvoe. <3

    Wednesday, 13-Feb-13 06:33:32 UTC from web
  5. BTW, history happened when the Pope announced today that he's resigning.

    Tuesday, 12-Feb-13 06:24:10 UTC from web
  6. @yodelerty sending that to my wifey

    Sunday, 10-Feb-13 07:46:31 UTC from web
  7. @snowcone The UNBELIEVERS must !HUGS

    Saturday, 09-Feb-13 00:52:48 UTC from web
  8. @snowcone !hugs <3

    Friday, 08-Feb-13 09:08:38 UTC from web
  9. Welp. I have a warm body to cuddle up next to now. Later ponies. !hugs @Twitch

    Thursday, 07-Feb-13 18:18:35 UTC from web
  10. # #

    Thursday, 07-Feb-13 08:11:16 UTC from web
  11. I used to have beautiful feet. Then I got a retail job.

    Tuesday, 05-Feb-13 08:08:12 UTC from web
  12. @pony pony pony pony pony pony pony pony pony pony pony pony pony pony

    Monday, 04-Feb-13 22:01:32 UTC from web
  13. @snowcone !hugs, lvoe.

    Friday, 01-Feb-13 19:36:04 UTC from web
  14. @snowcone !hugs Lvoe. c:

    Monday, 28-Jan-13 19:50:24 UTC from web
  15. Someone just passed me . it is very odd, laughing because # right now :)

    Saturday, 26-Jan-13 18:35:55 UTC from web
  16. @nerthos hello

    Saturday, 26-Jan-13 19:04:08 UTC from web
    • also hello Y'all.

      Saturday, 26-Jan-13 18:49:04 UTC from web
      • *Sneeks in to RDN to # everyone before bed.

        Monday, 21-Jan-13 06:55:40 UTC from web
      • >make a very good friend sick of talking to me. >sleep only ~3 hours before a full day volunteering. Today is off to a good start! #

        Saturday, 19-Jan-13 10:23:09 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      • Hi @pony

        Tuesday, 15-Jan-13 02:23:35 UTC from web
      • * Jumps in out of nowhere, Hugs everypony, and vanishes back into the shadows. *

        Tuesday, 15-Jan-13 02:00:03 UTC from web
      • Hardly anyone talks to me in real life, and my family hardly talks to me, I hate trying to talk and no one listens. I try to text or call people, no one picks up ot texts back. I try to talk about stuff online, and no one still talks to me either. Does everyone really hate me that much? I thinks it's all in my head, but I give up. I'm tired of trying to communicate with everyone in my life. I'm just gonna leave and stay isolated from the world because it's obvious that I'm not worth anything. I've had it with worrying about stupid crap.

        Monday, 14-Jan-13 06:09:47 UTC from web
      • Good night ponies !hug

        Sunday, 13-Jan-13 07:37:41 UTC from web
      • @rdashnet Yup, that's the one we uploaded.

        Sunday, 13-Jan-13 03:38:05 UTC from Your Favorite Mailpony
      • @pony i is :( today

        Friday, 11-Jan-13 00:17:45 UTC from web
      • This is always good advice. # !hugs.

        Saturday, 05-Jan-13 21:36:31 UTC from web
        • Good night everypony, it's approaching 3AM here.

          Wednesday, 02-Jan-13 01:40:54 UTC from web
        • happy new years people!!

          Tuesday, 01-Jan-13 20:07:17 UTC from web
        • @snowcone !hugs

          Tuesday, 01-Jan-13 07:49:52 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
        • Amazing the !eeyup group is still here :)

          Tuesday, 01-Jan-13 00:33:38 UTC from StatusNet iPhone