fluttershyisbestpony's home timeline


  1. @thatonestocking Yeah, neither is my Elspeth, Knight-Errant or Lightsaber Sean Connery, because the interactions those cards create are too hard for the software to model properly.

    Saturday, 29-Dec-12 21:32:14 UTC from web
  2. I guess the reason people always say they prefer Obsidian to Bethesda is that Fallout 3 doesn't give you nearly enough opportunities to clip permanently into the terrain.

    Saturday, 29-Dec-12 21:30:37 UTC from web
  3. Their molecules are touching each other! They must be shipped!

    Saturday, 29-Dec-12 21:04:56 UTC from web
  4. 94 octane fuel is freaking expensive

    Saturday, 29-Dec-12 20:30:56 UTC from MuSTArDroid
  5. Yup, I've definitely been infected with the sick. :c

    Saturday, 29-Dec-12 20:15:58 UTC from web

    Saturday, 29-Dec-12 20:17:45 UTC from web
  7. Why dont they keep parachutes on airliners as a just in case?

    Saturday, 29-Dec-12 19:12:54 UTC from web
  8. @redenchilada didn't you have an avatar that used to look a lot like mine?

    Saturday, 29-Dec-12 18:32:49 UTC from web
  9. It's funny, if you think about it; when the show ends we probably won't change that much. We don't talk about it a whole lot anyway, unless we're bickering over best pony and how it is factually Scootaloo no compromises there.

    Saturday, 29-Dec-12 18:33:09 UTC from web
    • Whats going to happen to this site when the show ends ?

      Saturday, 29-Dec-12 18:24:36 UTC from web
    • I now have 101 games on steam (excluding free to play things like some source mods and TF2)

      Saturday, 29-Dec-12 18:14:55 UTC from web

      Saturday, 29-Dec-12 16:54:48 UTC from web
    • Dad, I literally just fixed your computer, please stop using mine.

      Saturday, 29-Dec-12 17:15:35 UTC from MayonnaiseHD
    • http://derpiboo.ru/109835

      Saturday, 29-Dec-12 17:09:38 UTC from web
      • http://derpiboo.ru/196726 "If you ignore her front hooves, she looks like a flying Geodude. # #

        Saturday, 29-Dec-12 17:00:07 UTC from web
        • Can we have a Rainbow Dash writing fanfiction logo

          Saturday, 29-Dec-12 16:25:19 UTC from web
        • Tags Hidden....Tags Hidden Everywhere.

          Saturday, 29-Dec-12 16:02:23 UTC from web
        • Rainbow Dash writes self-insert Mary Sue fanfiction. This is canon. # #

          Saturday, 29-Dec-12 16:06:52 UTC from web
          • Wait this video says E10 I'm confused now

            Saturday, 29-Dec-12 15:56:13 UTC from web
            • Play bongos on my belly: Done! # #

              Saturday, 29-Dec-12 15:56:02 UTC from web
              • In general, 60 percent of people say they own thift-store clothing. But among those who prefer Reese's Pieces to M&Ms, 74 percent own thift-store clothing. (via Correlated) http://www.correlated.org OH SNAP!! D:

                Saturday, 29-Dec-12 15:45:18 UTC from web
              • Holy mangoes I just slept until 2:30 PM.

                Saturday, 29-Dec-12 14:42:06 UTC from MayonnaiseHD
              • http://fav.me/d5pmdkz

                Saturday, 29-Dec-12 12:58:56 UTC from web
              • You lot are boring. You're putting me to sleep. Zzzzz...

                Saturday, 29-Dec-12 06:24:41 UTC from web
              • It's time to play the "my opinion is right yours is wrong" game!! :D

                Saturday, 29-Dec-12 06:17:41 UTC from web
              • @yodelerty is worst pone

                Saturday, 29-Dec-12 06:16:57 UTC from web
              • @ramiel It will look even better qhen Scootaloo is no longer in the logo.

                Saturday, 29-Dec-12 06:03:21 UTC from web
              • My pony has a first name, it's S C Oo Ta Loo. My pony has a second name, it's T E Rr Ib Ble

                Saturday, 29-Dec-12 06:12:03 UTC from web