G0hst_Reaper's home timeline


  1. I * really * hope season 4 is more like season 1. I actually don't want them to make something similar to season 2, because season 3 felt to me like a literal attempt to be like season 2.

    Wednesday, 05-Jun-13 23:15:39 UTC from web
  2. Yo, why does everyone like Luna so much?

    Wednesday, 05-Jun-13 23:17:28 UTC from web
  3. Which seat can I taaaaaaaaaa wub wub wub bwaaaaaaaaaa

    Wednesday, 05-Jun-13 22:53:49 UTC from web
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=NRbDLIXAp4o&feature=endscreen in honor of the men who stormed the beaches of Normandy

    Wednesday, 05-Jun-13 22:36:50 UTC from web
  5. So tired, why.

    Wednesday, 05-Jun-13 22:51:21 UTC from web
  6. @randomwonderbolt sorry!

    Wednesday, 05-Jun-13 22:42:33 UTC from web
  7. # # just found a nice way to kill time =D http://www.koalastothemax.com/?aHR0cDovL2kuaW1ndXIuY29tL05LZHpCa3IucG5n

    Wednesday, 05-Jun-13 22:33:00 UTC from web
    • I just won two rounds of SC2. Wow.

      Wednesday, 05-Jun-13 22:24:41 UTC from web
    • All the Spikes in 3 Seasons: Spike Spike Spike. There are a lot more Spikes than I originally thought.   We have another compilation of all of them.  Have that plus stats below the break! >http://www.equestriadaily.com/2013/06/all-spikes-in-3-seasons.html http://ur1.ca/e7776

      Wednesday, 05-Jun-13 22:20:04 UTC from Sethisto
    • spike

      Wednesday, 05-Jun-13 22:21:29 UTC from web
      • Oh OK I did not drive him away

        Wednesday, 05-Jun-13 22:16:41 UTC from web
      • This place really cool! What do you guys usually do?

        Wednesday, 05-Jun-13 21:51:26 UTC from web
      • Bronies brought way too much internet upon these 2 http://ur1.ca/e7742

        Wednesday, 05-Jun-13 22:11:43 UTC from web
      • # yes

        Wednesday, 05-Jun-13 21:48:54 UTC from web
      • It is a cultoon, not a cart.

        Wednesday, 05-Jun-13 21:43:04 UTC from web
      • how to communicate with you guys..

        Wednesday, 05-Jun-13 21:40:05 UTC from web
      • hahah true, how is everyone?

        Wednesday, 05-Jun-13 21:44:45 UTC from web
      • I found you guys through EQD and got supper excited and registered! How's atlanta?=D

        Wednesday, 05-Jun-13 21:41:21 UTC from web
        • how do you use things?

          Wednesday, 05-Jun-13 21:39:18 UTC from web
        • Can I just spam this?

          Wednesday, 05-Jun-13 21:37:11 UTC from web
        • Vinyl Scratch

          Wednesday, 05-Jun-13 21:36:41 UTC from web
        • Octavia, G0hst. Celestia OP Ghost

          Wednesday, 05-Jun-13 21:36:59 UTC from web