Group actions

!blamenerthos crappyruler error nerthos
Some place, in some apartment in some country far away from the good continent
It's always his fault. Blame the kid from the other side of the world.The one with all of those swords.
Common problems: 404. 502, 801, 777, unplugs your internet cable, filters everything you post.
Blame the new mod (blamenerthos) group
@rarity Your background
Saturday, 08-Jun-13 18:49:29 UTC from web-
@thelastgherkin because Guilmon is our (slightly dumb) Digi-savior. But !blamenerthos because he made it
502 !blamenerthos
Friday, 26-Apr-13 05:43:11 UTC from StatusNet iPhone-
@kingofheroes The only thing that's metaller to eat than snakes is bats!
@fhqwhgads They eat bats too if they fly too low.
@kingofheroes \m/etal!
I wonder if !blamenerthos has grown any as of late
Wednesday, 17-Apr-13 02:17:02 UTC from web -
Thursday, 07-Mar-13 20:22:28 UTC from web
@mushi Press the in context button
@renovatedkitchen tere is not a context, he only said "yes" and i was like "yes what dude?" and he " "
@mushi Then you have been hacked
@mushi but yeah I've just been having a good time XD hows you day?
Monday, 04-Mar-13 22:46:26 UTC from web-
@neurario obby. Speaking of which, track list?
@renovatedkitchen Ah right. I'll get on it
Friday, 01-Mar-13 02:52:34 UTC from web -
!scubaponies We need more people in this group. >.<
Thursday, 28-Feb-13 19:13:41 UTC from web- That wierd guy next door repeated this.
@xeleanorxrigbyx There was definitely another diver on here once I remember seeing their pictures and wondering about how one shops for a camera for that sort of thing
@xeleanorxrigbyx !scubaponies and !blamenerthos are currently lacking
@ceruleanspark Too bad I didnt catch him.
@renovatedkitchen Damn iPhone. Why you post upside down. !blamenerthos
Tuesday, 26-Feb-13 19:29:18 UTC from web-
@renovatedkitchen Ha. Hahahaha. Apple.
@nerthos Apple is master race
@renovatedkitchen You're a funny guy.
@widget No. !blamenerthos
Tuesday, 26-Feb-13 00:32:40 UTC from web -
!blamenerthos I can't focus on my homework.
Monday, 25-Feb-13 01:12:53 UTC from StatusNet iPhone-
@nerthos whatever. I'll be a live beast and you will be a dead man. I'm cool with that. Now I have homework to do.
@renovatedkitchen Keep believing that.
@nerthos go put your safety helmet back on, crazy boy. Bye now
Sunday, 24-Feb-13 22:15:55 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
- monsutaa kaado! likes this.
- monsutaa kaado! repeated this.
502. !blamenerthos
Sunday, 24-Feb-13 17:27:17 UTC from web -
@nerthos send a picture of you for your group !blamenerthos
Saturday, 23-Feb-13 05:45:53 UTC from StatusNet iPhone -
Anyone have any good ideas for the picture for !blamenerthos ?
Saturday, 23-Feb-13 05:41:44 UTC from StatusNet iPhone -
Saturday, 23-Feb-13 05:10:04 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
!blamenerthos gotta find a better display picture
Saturday, 23-Feb-13 04:40:15 UTC from StatusNet iPhone -
Saturday, 23-Feb-13 03:38:53 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
@renovatedkitchen Then it is settled. #renovatedkitchenformod #yousaidyouwantedhatewellhereyougo
@redenchilada I want the actual group and stuff though, IMO its a good idea
@vt3c Oh my god, that would be even more efficient for drama-making. #renovatedkitchenforadmin