Group actions
The group for massive and just avatar swaping
All up in it
Take a guess. I dare you.
The group for massive and just avatar swaping (facetradeforgreatjustice) group
@shalabajza Redenchilada isn't here anymore, so it sort of died out. You should join the !facetradeforgreatjustice group so you know when we do one with lots of users. If half the timeline swaps avatars then it will be really fun.
Wednesday, 01-Feb-12 18:42:57 UTC from web-
@shalabajza Hi! I'm good, had lots of fun with the avatar swap. Sadly colfax doesn't want to swap with carcino. That would have been hilarious.
Guys. 5:00 CST. !facetradeforgreatjustice. Let's do this.
Wednesday, 01-Feb-12 17:20:29 UTC from web-
@nerthos Change it before then, then!
@redenchilada How about I go to bed instead, and when I wake up I will have no idea what's going on?
@thelastgherkin Sounds good!
Sunday, 22-Jan-12 19:56:39 UTC from web
Speaking of avatars, we still haven't done !facetradeforgreatjustice yet.
Tuesday, 22-Nov-11 19:23:01 UTC from web -
So I guess our date for !facetradeforgreatjustice is cancelled? Pity.
Monday, 31-Oct-11 18:50:06 UTC from web -
!facetradeforgreatjustice Hey @thatonepony, when are the faces getting assigned? I'd like to be ready before tomorrow, since I'll be at school then.
Sunday, 30-Oct-11 15:27:45 UTC from web-
@redenchilada Try spelling his name right. :P
@colfax No u. He changed it recently. HEY @THEONEPONY GET IN HERE
!facetradeforgreatjustice So are we claiming faces to take or are we getting assigned? (ceruleanspark why are you not in this group)
Saturday, 29-Oct-11 16:16:03 UTC from web-
@redenchilada Because I hate you Alec.
@ceruleanspark ;-;
@theonepony Ok.
@theonepony Let's do it! Let's get everyone in !facetradeforgreatjustice assigned!
Saturday, 29-Oct-11 16:12:22 UTC from web-
@ceruleanspark :o But she isn't part of the face trade! (actually I don't know if that's a bad thing)
@redenchilada I just joined, sounds like a blast
@redenchilada I don't know wich one to take D:
Hey guys. Let's do !facetradeforgreatjustice on Halloween!
Friday, 28-Oct-11 16:47:22 UTC from web -
Another soon-to-be-forgotten novelty group!? !ofalltheworstthingsthatcouldpossiblyhappenthisistheworstthing D:
Sunday, 16-Oct-11 02:30:10 UTC from web- RDN's Lucifer likes this.
- Eris repeated this.
@redenchilada Hey, as long as we're on about groups, did !facetradeforgreatjustice ever actually happen or did everyone !derp out on it?
@scribusthehomicidalmaniac We need to do that some time, still. I'm fully willing. Maybe tomorrow? We'll need to arrange who uses what avatar.
@redenchilada Yeah, why not? :p I've been switching things up enough this month, anyway.
So when is this !facetradeforgreatjustice going down?
Wednesday, 14-Sep-11 12:08:35 UTC from web-
@scribus Depends! It helps to have as many members as possible first, though... maybe Saurday?
Hey guys. !facetradeforgreatjustice.