Group actions
Of all the worst things that could possibly happen this is the worst thing
What? I really mean it this time!
Of all the worst things that could possibly happen this is the worst thing (ofalltheworstthingsthatcouldpossiblyhappenthisistheworstthing) group
... Best group name ever: !ofalltheworstthingsthatcouldpossiblyhappenthisistheworstthing
Monday, 02-Apr-12 21:55:18 UTC from web -
Friday, 11-Nov-11 06:42:22 UTC from web-
@nightwillow NNNNnnnnoooooooo!! D: !ofalltheworstthingsthatcouldpossiblyhappenthisistheworstthing
@scribus IKNOWRIGHT?
What the hell would He Who Must Not Be Named's cutie mark have been? Surely that would have been a tell that he was going to turn out evil?
Thursday, 27-Oct-11 16:16:25 UTC from web-
@seanthebluesheep That may actually be the last one I read? haha Oh, I need to just start over, then. XD !ofalltheworstthingsthatcouldpossiblyhappenthisistheworstthing
@b trhnzs f*** f*** f*** f*** f*** f*** f*** wake meyst rc. &!$';4
@scribuscampbell So I pull my phone out of my pocket and see that my hip decided to type out that lovely #pocketpost and I just couldn't bring myself to let it goto waste. . . :p
@abigpony NNNoooooo!!! DX !ofalltheworstthingsthatcouldpossiblyhappenthisistheworstthing
Wednesday, 26-Oct-11 06:34:37 UTC from web -
Another soon-to-be-forgotten novelty group!? !ofalltheworstthingsthatcouldpossiblyhappenthisistheworstthing D:
Sunday, 16-Oct-11 02:30:10 UTC from web- RDN's Lucifer likes this.
- Eris repeated this.
@redenchilada Hey, as long as we're on about groups, did !facetradeforgreatjustice ever actually happen or did everyone !derp out on it?
@scribusthehomicidalmaniac We need to do that some time, still. I'm fully willing. Maybe tomorrow? We'll need to arrange who uses what avatar.
@redenchilada Yeah, why not? :p I've been switching things up enough this month, anyway.