Group actions
!sweetiebelle michellecreber squeakybelle sweetie
Fan club for the best filly, Sweetie Belle. Nuf said.
Sweetie Belle (sweetiebelle) group
- So adorable! !Sweetie_Belle
Wednesday, 15-Jan-14 12:53:47 UTC from web -
Tuesday, 26-Nov-13 14:45:05 UTC from web
@#cute @#SweetieBelle !Sweetie_Belle !saved !ppr
Sunday, 29-Sep-13 16:18:24 UTC from web-
@flamingpandaomg @sprite heh xD each folder on average contains a bit over 50 files, Some only have 4 and others have over 900 (and need organization obviously). 400 is a good range for me. I started off with only the most applicable and general folders like the mane 6, most secondary, some background characters, and combined group/pairs directory.
!ponyfolder @flamingpandaomg I made the macros directories to hold all the motivational poster types and reaction images that have text directed at the viewer (nopony in the image itself). "macro" literally just means large-scale, but it's come to be used on the internet to describe images with big text and subsequently all images with a focus on text.
!ponyfolder @flamingpandaomg Part of the reason I wanted macros separate was because I felt they didn't mix well visually or in their general purpose as images.
!ppr !saved !Sweetie_Belle @#Sweetie !Scootaloo @#Scootaloo !Celestia @#Celestia #Lyra @#Lyra !Applejack @#AJ
Thursday, 23-May-13 19:58:05 UTC from web-
@pony everything.. !saved
this is a travesty. Rectifying
Thursday, 23-May-13 19:13:19 UTC from web-
There. Now best filly has a group. !ppr !saved !SweetieBelle @#Sweetie