Winstin Moody's home timeline


  1. me: I think kanye west is misunderstood, he's mentally ill and he needs some help, and he's right about some things sometimes.
    kanye literally the next day: i'm going to go joker mode on some Jews

    Tuesday, 11-Oct-22 02:02:44 UTC from web
  2. Theoretically the work rules and environment at highschools nowadays is downright nightmarish, but since in practice what you can and can't do comes down to how you frame it and how good you are at talking your way through the hierarchy, it's not stressful at all for me and so long as I get results the administration doesn't get in the way.
    I do often see other teachers that aren't good at the workplace politics losing hair and sleep over it though.

    Monday, 10-Oct-22 19:11:36 UTC from web
    • @nerthos Ha, "other teachers" / "the District" has been one of the biggest stumbling blocks in my deciding to actually goto school and get teacher-certified up, I do not politick worth a crap

      Monday, 10-Oct-22 19:51:35 UTC in context
    • @scribus For me "other teachers" hasn't been too big a hurdle, because even though some are antagonistic (particularly the ideologues) they also tend to be massive cowards, so my usual strategy of just talking with full honesty to whoever's in charge is not something they know how to deal with.
      The district and the ministry are another issue altogether, they seem to be on some sort of one-sided competition to prove the limits of insanity and incompetence when it comes to regulations and counterproductive ideas can yet be pushed further. The latest great ideas they had was a proposal to remove the attendance requirements so that students can't fail a class by not attending; and to demand tech schools be more lax with dress code (the dress code for tech school is just no hats, no piercings or jewelry in the workshop, pants without holes and knee-length blue or white overall/duster, all of which are basic safety requirements in a workshop)

      Monday, 10-Oct-22 21:03:43 UTC in context
  3. 11 years so far, who's still alive?

    Thursday, 06-Oct-22 18:34:15 UTC from web
  4. @ceruleanspark Saw this the other day, seems up your alley

    Thursday, 06-Oct-22 18:39:46 UTC from web
    • Sometimes I wonder if I am insane or the world is insane.

      Sunday, 25-Sep-22 19:55:12 UTC from web
    • I-66 coming out of Washington had a bunch of construction being done on it tonight which meant I couldn’t get into any of the exits leading home. The result is that I had to drive through the dying rural part of Northern Virginia to get home. Two lanes, one in each direction, on a winding, narrow, wooded road in a “The Hills Have Eyes” looking area, critters everywhere, ominous glimpses of dilapidated ranch-style homes with pickups and Trump 2024 signage, and just when you thought it couldn’t get any spookier, a decapitated deer laying in a pool of its own blood that I had to avoid running over. Jordan Peele couldn’t have depicted a more uncomfortable drive.

      Thursday, 29-Sep-22 07:26:11 UTC from web
    • The legal-in-my-state substances I took hit me way harder than I thought they would last night. Maybe shouldn’t do that again.

      Monday, 26-Sep-22 14:15:59 UTC from web
    • Ooof... Robert Zemeckis can't do it right somehow. The Live-action Pinocchio is borderline bad.

      Monday, 12-Sep-22 16:12:34 UTC from web
    • I am going to find it easier and faster to export 360 individual PNG files than figuring out OpenToonz

      Tuesday, 30-Aug-22 04:54:56 UTC from web
    • Just got off the phone with a very angry customer. I am at home. Beyond furious.

      Tuesday, 30-Aug-22 01:28:14 UTC from web
    • Thought about starting a Sims channel but instead of doing what everyone else does just gradually going down a weird avant-garde surreal psychological horror route.

      Monday, 29-Aug-22 01:37:10 UTC from web
    • What the hell this place still exists? Hi I'm a girl now and I'm in Seattle for a pony convention

      Saturday, 27-Aug-22 22:57:07 UTC from web
    • I’m one of two white guys on the entire planet who wears Kangols and the other one is Eminem which probably doesn’t help my case much

      Saturday, 27-Aug-22 12:47:06 UTC from web
    • Wow I got mail from VP Harris! Wonder which letter it's in response to (and how inflammatory I was)?

      Friday, 19-Aug-22 19:22:41 UTC from web
    • Although tbf the whole reason I need the discount is because I’m teaching myself Storyboard Pro ($65 without the student discount; $7 with it) so I can go for a job opportunity in the United Kingdom, so, you know, this student discount might be what makes it harder to get the student discount.

      Saturday, 20-Aug-22 17:32:56 UTC from web
    • Next clone was struck by lightning almost immediately upon arriving home. Didn’t die, but they definitely have some kind of hidden “unlucky” flag or something that’s causing this.

      Friday, 19-Aug-22 13:14:59 UTC from web
      • @zeldatra I made a spellcaster Zelda Hylia for laughs (and because I'd been obsessing with HW:AOC again) and she evidently really likes the clone spell. Now there's an Iliana and a Ciera and like 2 or 3 others walking around town, with wildly different behaviors. I first found out when I thought I had caught the princess skinny-dipping in the hot tub and saw that she had changed her name :p

        Friday, 19-Aug-22 19:48:23 UTC in context
      • @scribus there are three different clones of my main sim wandering around town right now (not counting the dead one, RIP Francis) because it’s a shockingly common work goal at the top level of the scientist career and I am slightly concerned that the neighborhood will be overrun as caring for all of them is a chore and I’ve basically been moving them into the family bin one by one and marking them as “unplayed” so that their AI will try and ingratiate them into the neighborhood storytelling feature.

        Friday, 19-Aug-22 20:34:52 UTC in context
    • Today in The Sims 4: Cloned myself. Twice. First clone was evil (ie a bit of a prick) so I abandoned him on the street. Second clone was a perfect copy, but he died in a freak accident literal hours after being created. I think I shouldn’t clone myself anymore.

      Thursday, 18-Aug-22 07:42:53 UTC from web
    • oh please oh please oh please don’t let this jury summons be the Chris Chan trial

      Tuesday, 16-Aug-22 00:32:54 UTC from web
    • this is taking a very long time

      Sunday, 14-Aug-22 04:30:41 UTC from web
    • I am so Potato Knishesing glad Trump supporters are so goddamn dumb. Guy attacks an FBI field office in Ohio, and his grand master plan to get through the bullet proof glass is to use… a nail gun. I mean hey, it says “bullet proof”, not “nail proof”.

      Friday, 12-Aug-22 15:42:46 UTC from web
    • I am a very punctual moderator

      Friday, 12-Aug-22 08:51:38 UTC from web
    • The best play is to have neither a real nor a fake girlfriend. More money for comics and action figures!

      Thursday, 11-Aug-22 19:02:10 UTC from web
    • I download things multiple times by accident because I forget I had it in the Downloads folder or I had a copy in the more appropriate folder, which I also forget I had.

      Wednesday, 10-Aug-22 08:56:28 UTC from web
    • Federal officials are reporting that over 300 pirated copies of the Disney-Pixar film Cars 2 were found on President Trump’s personal computer. The password was “EricDonIvanka123”.

      Tuesday, 09-Aug-22 18:25:12 UTC from web
    • Nixon’s had worse days, I’m sure.

      Tuesday, 09-Aug-22 13:08:19 UTC from web
    • All those MTV cartoons in the late 90s/early 2000s had the right idea, animating with thick outlines is way easier than thin ones. Daria should be the gold standard.

      Wednesday, 03-Aug-22 15:19:39 UTC from web
      • Show all 4 replies
      • @scribus I’m sure it’s eyeroll-inducing when I talk about how I think The Simpsons looked better before the switch to HD but this is basically exactly why. The new studio is better about it than Film Roman was but the crispness of the art drew a lot of attention to the crudeness of the character designs and made the whole product look a lot worse. The brighter colors are headache inducing. The improved readability of small movements means characters aren’t moving much at all. And now that things are going into 4K that’s all probably gonna get a lot worse. There are gonna be a thousand individually animated objects in a single frame just to prove it can be done. It’s gonna be visual overstimulation like you wouldn’t believe.

        Thursday, 04-Aug-22 06:24:06 UTC in context
      • @zeldatra Overstimulation... That's what I sometimes feel watching anime. Some try to fill a frame with so much detail and end up distracting at best and unreadable at worst.

        Thursday, 04-Aug-22 13:33:37 UTC in context
      • @adiwan Kind of how I felt with Bless the Harts. It's like amateur movies, where they used cheap cameras and full-focus lenses, and everything is clear but nothing clearly stands out. Sort of a soap opera effect.

        Thursday, 04-Aug-22 18:48:31 UTC in context
    • Linda Ellerbee once said that in television you’re not supposed to sound like you’re from anywhere, but I think that’s BS, so next time I’m doing a Cajun accent.

      Tuesday, 02-Aug-22 18:08:18 UTC from web
      • @zeldatra I believe I ended up calling my Sage and Savant narrator voice something like "Euro-American Transatlantic Null" because "A Don LaFontaine impression that misses the mark enough to be so unrecognizable it's considered original" was wordy and too insidery

        Tuesday, 02-Aug-22 18:29:38 UTC in context
    • I hide my southern accent when acting to avoid having to explain why characters who live on the west coast talk like they have a confederate flag on their Ford pickup and I’ve only just today learned that the generic, region-ambiguous accent I’m doing when I do that is called “broadcast English”. Fitting.

      Tuesday, 02-Aug-22 18:02:50 UTC from web
    • It should be illegal to put two toll booths on one road a mile apart from each other

      Monday, 01-Aug-22 15:44:55 UTC from web
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      • @scribus It’s those goddamn Australians, I tell ya hwat, they bought the road and put seven million toll booths on it. These are some of the cheaper ones. There’s a variable-rate booth coming out of DC, right near where I went to community college, that has charged me anywhere from just a dollar to $10 depending on the time and day.

        Monday, 01-Aug-22 17:48:41 UTC in context
      • @zeldatra ffffuuuuuuuu hhhoowwww do they a) justify, and b) expect people to pay that N-times per day!?! Ours are just toll lanes, which can go up to 15.85+ afaik for maybe 1/3 or 1/5 of the entire trip

        Monday, 01-Aug-22 19:40:02 UTC in context
      • @scribus I’ve never been a single issue voter but I got real close in 2021 when a Republican (“independent” but only because the word “Republican” is a four-letter word in my district) candidate for local office promised to introduce legislation regulating the amount and cost of toll booths on the greenway, if the rest of his platform wasn’t so cartoonishly evil I might’ve been willing to cross over just for that.

        Tuesday, 02-Aug-22 04:23:09 UTC in context
    • Big fan of the conspiracy theory that Democrats are only pushing for popular, bipartisan legislation because they know Republicans will reflexively vote against it and make themselves look bad, and that actually they’re the ones who are against it.

      Sunday, 31-Jul-22 19:13:37 UTC from web
      • @zeldatra If the R's are so r'd that they will knowingly and willfully vote against their own self-interest, and even their own wants and desires, how tf could anyone work with that at all? I mean I know already but jfc man it is really tiring being neck-deep in hell and watching bubble-headed news anchors whine about how thousands dead in an historic heat wave isn't "fun" enough and asking what is wrong with *meteorologists* these days.

        Sunday, 31-Jul-22 20:41:33 UTC in context
      • @scribus I dunno what’s more embarrassing: Believing Democrats have concocted an evil scheme to make everyone’s lives worse by using reverse psychology to get Republicans voting against things Republicans want, or watching Republicans fall for the reverse psychology mind games and still deciding to vote for them.

        Sunday, 31-Jul-22 23:36:40 UTC in context