A brony group for anypony located in and around the greater Tulsa area. Yes, it's really a group in Oklahoma! We have a forum! http://z13.invisionfree.com/Tulsa_Bronies/index.php?act=idx
United States
Hi, I'm HuggablySoft, RDN's residential super cutesy, super huggable, adorable love muffin! >w<
A lot of people consider me as one of the nicest and most kind persons on RDN. ~♥
I like making music, drawing art and socializing with interesting people about interesting things. :P
huggablysoft groups
tulsabronies Tulsa Bronies Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA
stlouisbronies St. Louis Bronies St. Louis, MO
For the bronies, fillies, and gentlecolts in the Greater Saint Louis area, St. Louis City, and the surrounding counties. Share news, gossip, general information, and discuss about how Friendship is Magic. Open to all who wish to meet, greet, and otherwise get together!
linux Linux http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux
Linux [or more correctly GNU/Linux] is a generic term referring to Unix-like computer operating systems based on the Linux kernel.
mintrefresh Mint Refresh THE INTERWEBS http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/123825
A script akin to RDNRefresh. Refreshes the timeline of the page by fetching data from the site and asynchronously displays it on the page for your viewing pleasure!
android Android OS Everywhere http://www.android.com/
Android is Google's open source OS for mobile devices such as phones, tablets & netbooks. It is based on the Linux kernel & GNU software.
okcbronies Oklahoma City Bronies Oklahoma City Area https://www.facebook.com/pages/OKC-Bronies/327928190585163
For anypony who lives in the Norman/OKC/Moore area
unity Ubuntu Unity https://launchpad.net/~canonical-dx-team/+archive/une
Unity is great for the minimalist, stateless configurations that suit a dual-boot environment.
canonical Canonical Ltd. http://www.canonical.com
Canonical is the commercial sponsor of Ubuntu project.
ponytubers YouTubers That Are Bronys Equestria http://www.youtube.com
This Group Is For Bronys Who Are Part Or Wanna Become Part Of The Youtube Communitys