jeffbridges groups

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  • Pacific Northwest Bronies pnwbronies Pacific Northwest Bronies Pacific Northwest

    A group for all the bronies living in the Pacific Northwest of North America. Oregon, Washington State, British Columbia & Northern California! Come join us!

  • Pony Politics ponitics Pony Politics

    For us ponies that happen to be fans of politics! Discuss about the real world or Equestria, or whatever.

  • Rhythm Game Ponies rgp Rhythm Game Ponies

    Fans of rhythm and music games from Bemani to Rock Band, Ouendan/EBA to Audiosurf. If you like note-stompin', riff-whalin', drum-poundin', circle-smashing, or other wacky fun this is the high-octane, high-BPM group for you. Pretty colors and loud noises!

  • Writers of Pony writers Writers of Pony Internets

    Write a story for the herd? Post the link, talk about your story, get ideas and feedback. Or hey, even if you don't write fanfics, might as well see what people have written, right? (Though, please label your fics people. Tell us if you're giving a FluttershyxBloomberg clopfic)


User ID
Member since
28 Apr 2011
Daily average