Notices by Jim Dimitri (jimbo), page 3

  1. @mrbrown Hahaha well, now I'm in the !snuggle group! ;) Huzzah!

    Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 03:09:04 UTC from web in context
  2. @redenchilada Well, Fluttershy DID invite me first. And I mean, it's Fluttershy, mang.

    Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 03:06:57 UTC from web in context
  3. !snuggle oh man, this is adorable. ;) I'M IN! SNUGGLES FOR ALL.

    Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 03:05:50 UTC from web in context
  4. @fluttershy321 I am not! :) It sounds like there are a lot of snuggles in it, however!

    Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 03:05:10 UTC from web in context
  5. @fluttershy321 Hello!

    Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 03:03:42 UTC from web in context
  6. @starlightbolt LOL thank you! I highly recommend reading up on sizeism, I think it'll open your eyes a lot.

    Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 02:59:02 UTC from web in context
  7. @cabal Well, although I don't want people jailed for it (free speech and all), I wouldn't mind if it was socially unacceptable. Like, if people said something offensive, it would be nice if other people called them out on it, instead of agreeing/not saying anything. Like - socially not okay, like how people would get annoyed with you like if you told an off-color joke.

    Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 02:58:19 UTC from web in context
  8. @mrbrown No worries! This 'conversation' page is getting so big it's making my server slow down, LOL!

    Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 02:56:31 UTC from web in context
  9. @mrbrown Hahaha oh man !hugs for everyone!

    Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 02:54:45 UTC from web in context
  10. @cabal I just wish it wasn't so socially acceptable for people to mock other people for their appearance. :( This happens IRL, as well as online. Mock people's offensive ideas, for Pete's sake, but leave the things they can't even help alone! It's like mocking someone for being blond - it's not like something they can help! (And sleep tight, btw!)

    Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 02:54:28 UTC from web in context
  11. @starlightbolt I hope that one day you widen your world view. :) Best of luck.

    Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 02:52:58 UTC from web in context
  12. @mrbrown LOL! Okay, all hugbox, all the time. ;)

    Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 02:50:32 UTC from web in context
  13. @mrbrown I'm glad we agree, LOL! I'm also glad you're happy with your body - I wish everyone could be like that, it would lessen a lot of stress, I think! And I think, deep down, most of the people who mock these kinds of photos are people who are dissatisfied with their own bodies. Which is sad, too. :( LOL, not that the internet should become a hugbox, but - not a hate machine would be nice!

    Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 02:49:19 UTC from web in context
  14. @mrbrown Ahh, I see! But sometimes, even just saying it can be hurtful, you know? Like, people see "oh, I should be healthy!" and try to do unhealthy things. But I don't think there's anything with promoting being healthy - just as long as you recognize that 'healthy' looks different for everyone else, and it's definitely not always skinny. :) And not always fat, either! Being happy with who you are is one of the most important things, I think.

    Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 02:43:31 UTC from web in context
  15. @mrbrown Well, I agree that people should try to be their healthiest they can be, but the thing is, 'healthy' doesn't always equal thin. And when you start to police people's bodies, it gets really murky. Like, what is healthy for you, which you (general you) think everyone should do, might not be healthy for some people, and might actually be unhealthy! So I try to just keep my lip zipped when it comes to how other people's bodies look - it's their choice, in the end, not mine.

    Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 02:39:18 UTC from web in context
  16. @mrbrown The only problem is with that argument is that it places the blame on the victim of the situation - if the fat person feels unhappy when they are mocked, they should change how they look... instead of making the person who mocked them NOT mock them. It's victim-blaming at its finest. :( And for a lot of people, losing weight isn't easy, or even possible - or, even something they want to do. Which is why I think people should go to the source of the problem (i.e. the immature cowards who are mocking these people) instead of telling the victims to 'deal with it' or 'change themselves.'

    Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 02:35:14 UTC from web in context
  17. @mrbrown Ahh, I see. I am definitely not a perfect reader, myself, but I read his argument as being extremely hateful and sizeist, so I felt the need to call it out. If that wasn't what he meant, then I am very mistaken! However, when he followed it up with "you sound defensive, are you fat?" and "fat people can just CHOOSE to be skinny", I felt that I had made the right call. I am anti-sizeism, I think everyone should be free to live their life in whatever shape is healthiest/most happy for them, and they should be able to do that without being mocked or discriminated against.

    Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 02:31:13 UTC from web in context
  18. @starlightbolt LOLLLL Okay, what about disabled people? If they can't move, is it still their fault they're overweight? Did you know that many anti-depressants also have weight gain as a side effect? How about PCOS, Thyroid disorders, depression, birth control? I find it pretty funny (read: sad) that people are so ready to say OMG YOU CAN HELP BEING FAT, JUST USE YOUR WILLPOWER! when in fact, there's so many illnesses/autoimmune diseases that can cause a person to gain weight, or be unable to lose it. :(

    Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 02:28:37 UTC from web in context
  19. @mrbrown Ahh! See, I'm a little confused then, because I don't know how you could White Knight for someone who seems to be espousing sizeism. :/ I mean, he spends half of his arguments trying to mock me ('you sound fat' and 'you're egotistical' spring to mind), and one of them is even a weight-based insult! So ... I just feel like your efforts are wasted here. But hey, you do what you gotta do.

    Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 02:26:06 UTC from web in context
  20. @mrbrown Yes, I have noticed your White Knight-itude, bravo!

    Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 02:23:34 UTC from web in context
  21. @mrbrown You're hurting my fee fees. :'(

    Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 02:22:15 UTC from web in context
  22. @ponybis You are acting like a jerk, too, when you make hurtful statements that amount to 'people deserve to be made fun of if they are unattractive and have their pictures posted online.' If that is what you meant, by all means, please clarify. But I am not in the mood for more victim-blaming, sexist, sizeist and whatever other bullmangoes ideologies you believe in. (And no, contrary to your wise beliefs: not all people can help being overweight. Please educate yourself, you'll spare everyone a lot of headdesking. And saying "you sound fat" is hilarious, but not in the way you think.)

    Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 02:18:17 UTC from web in context
  23. @redenchilada Ahh, the tone argument! You guys must go to the same 'school of cliched methods to derail,' because telling me I need to be "nice" to people who are ignorant and hateful is equally insipid. I am not obligated to be nice, especially if the person in question responds to my posts with "you sound fat. Are you fat? BTW, I'm a fat fancier, so it's totes okay if I objectify women and in the same breath inform them that you're only fat if you choose to be/are lazy." I don't waste my time arguing with the willfully ignorant. HTH

    Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 02:06:59 UTC from web in context
  24. @redenchilada @mrbrown Sorry, I'm not obligated to be nice to people who insult other people.

    Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 02:02:56 UTC from web in context
  25. @ponybis I don't argue with stupid people, because I enjoy giving my opponents a sporting change. But thanks for trying anyway, lemme know when you think of some more gems to toss my way - I've heard "BUH bye" and "yeah I like it - PSYCH!!!" are coming back into vogue!

    Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 02:00:08 UTC from web in context
  26. @ponybis Sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of this dancing baby video - oh my God, since when can a baby DANCE?!! This is almost as funny as those two WILD AND CRAZY GUYS on SNL!!! :)

    Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 01:53:00 UTC from web in context
  27. @ponybis LOLOLOLOL "you sound fat," it would be more funny if you were more original, or even new. As it is, I just feel like someone just Rickrolled me. Welcome to 2000! I'll BRB, I gotta go find my MC Hammer CD and go do the hammerdance! I'll just go hand-crank my Ford and pop it into my record player I keep in the backseat!

    Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 01:46:29 UTC from web in context
  28. @ponybis The people who think of Anonymous as a group apparently includes @Cabal, who felt like sharing the whole idiotic "we are legion we do not forget DURR HURR" tagline with us. So - just sayian. Anonymous DOES sometimes organize itself as a group; whether or not the "real anonymous" (LOL) doesn't like it, doesn't matter. They are being represented, as are their ideas. If they want to speak out against it, then go for it, for all I care.

    Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 01:41:03 UTC from web in context
  29. @ponybis Victim blaming =/= ideology, JSYK. These people mock bronies primarily for being fat, or 'looking' autistic; but being autistic (even if they were) isn't something people can help, any more than being overweight. People are just built differently, not everyone looks the same. (I won't even get into the whole ridiculous OMG SKINNY IS GOOD, ALL SKINNY PEOPLE ARE HEALTHY AND FAT PEOPLE ARE NOT! nonsense.) You're basically saying that 'fat people aren't allowed to have fun where skinny people might see them and mock them' under the pretense of "but I'm just sparing their feelings!" People should just not mock other people's weights/appearances; it's not up to the victim (the overweight person) to NOT be overweight, it's up to the dole NOT to be an kiwi. HTH

    Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 01:38:10 UTC from web in context
  30. @cabal ... all of a sudden I'm not surprised. You being a part of Anonymous makes wayyyyyy too much sense.

    Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 01:31:47 UTC from web in context