Notices by Klay King (klayking), page 3

  1. !yorkshirebronies I sent the meetup poster off to EqD once more, but I haven't been able to check it. Anyone seen it pop up in a roundup in the last day or two?

    Tuesday, 12-Jun-12 17:05:59 UTC from web
  2. I can't wait for the !yorkshirebronies meetup on Saturday! I've been working constantly on finishing college work for as long as I can remember, so it'll be nice to be able to not do work for a change! Have I missed any important news in the Poniverse over the last 3 weeks? I haven't been able to check up on EqD because I was so busy, and I doubt I'll ever catch up on what I've missed.

    Monday, 11-Jun-12 17:45:16 UTC from web in context
  3. !yorkshirebronies @wychwood You and me both! I've been out of the loop for 5 days! I feel really bad because I only just found out that Eduard Khil has died!

    Tuesday, 05-Jun-12 21:53:50 UTC from web in context
  4. !yorkshirebronies Who was talking about pony playing cards at the last meet?

    Saturday, 05-May-12 11:19:21 UTC from web
  5. !yorkshirebronies One big meetup before the really big one in the summer sounds like a good idea. Anyone agree?

    Tuesday, 01-May-12 19:21:03 UTC from web in context
  6. !yorkshirebronies We have equal numbers in our group to Midlands! Buck yeah!

    Saturday, 28-Apr-12 22:38:41 UTC from web
  7. !yorkshirebronies @trister Same. See you tomorrow!

    Friday, 27-Apr-12 23:05:40 UTC from web in context
  8. !yorkshirebronies Be sure to bring your raincoats and / or umbrellas tomorrow! It may well rain.

    Friday, 27-Apr-12 15:40:10 UTC from web
  9. !yorkshirebronies The weather has been terrible this past week. We need rainy day plans. I say we just go stand inside the Merrion centre, or other similar shopping centres.

    Thursday, 26-Apr-12 23:43:17 UTC from web in context
  10. !yorkshirebronies Damn, sorry I've been out of it for so long. College derped and now we only have half the time to do a crapload of work. Anyway, I'll be there at the weekend!

    Tuesday, 24-Apr-12 21:28:56 UTC from web in context
  11. @sparkstorm Don't worry, I don't expect anyone to be going heavy on the alcohol! And yeah, it would be in the evening.

    Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 00:03:52 UTC from web in context
  12. !yorkshirebronies Turns out a few people I've been talking to can't make the meetup on the 28th. I was going to suggest having it one week later, but then it conflicts with Sheffield. Is two weeks later too much? Maybe we should stick with 28th anyway. I hear there is a furry meet in Leeds that day. Chaos will happen if we run into them!

    Monday, 16-Apr-12 22:44:54 UTC from web in context
  13. @elscire I contacted Purple Tinker aaages ago, still no response.

    Sunday, 15-Apr-12 20:12:27 UTC from web in context
  14. @stecissunrise Four. Also, how are you doing these days? Long time no talk! :D

    Wednesday, 11-Apr-12 23:39:56 UTC from web in context
  15. !yorkshirebronies Oh man, MAGIC.MOV didn't disappoint!

    Wednesday, 11-Apr-12 23:21:40 UTC from web in context
  16. @purplephish20 Just watched it half an hour ago! That guy is totally a Brony! :D

    Wednesday, 11-Apr-12 17:20:56 UTC from web in context
  17. !yorkshirebronies @totality There's a woman who works in CEX in Leeds who sometimes wears a My Little Zombie shirt! :D

    Wednesday, 11-Apr-12 16:38:11 UTC from web in context
  18. !yorkshirebronies This isn't affiliated with us but if you're interested then go have some fun in Sheffield! :D Discussion:

    Tuesday, 10-Apr-12 23:49:10 UTC from web
  19. @sparkstorm Oh, were you the Rainbow Dash? D: I usually get several requests like that a day so I ignore them automatically! XD

    Sunday, 08-Apr-12 21:50:46 UTC from web in context
  20. @purplephish20 Drawball?

    Sunday, 08-Apr-12 19:13:18 UTC from web in context
  21. @purplephish20 zoom in as much as you can at the furthest right part.

    Sunday, 08-Apr-12 18:34:02 UTC from web in context
  22. !yorkshirebronies Can anyone here read Japanese? We got slightly vandalised on the drawball. It's either a troll or *points hoof* @elscire ! XD

    Sunday, 08-Apr-12 18:12:05 UTC from web in context
  23. !yorkshirebronies So we have our own little corner in drawball! Head to the far right of the canvas and add some ponies before the trolls arrive!

    Sunday, 08-Apr-12 14:57:56 UTC from web in context
  24. !yorkshirebronies Haha, last weekend's meetup had 2 more people than the Las Vegas one! We're oficially bigger than Vegas!

    Sunday, 08-Apr-12 11:15:48 UTC from web in context
  25. !yorkshirebronies Yep, shouldn't have taken me to see guns. I'm on a gun rant now! XD Have a better shot of Lil' Mac: And a pic of what the admins on our server use against haters! :D

    Saturday, 07-Apr-12 22:57:35 UTC from web in context
  26. @derpyshy

    Saturday, 07-Apr-12 22:54:54 UTC from web
  27. !yorkshirebronies You may mock me for drooling at them magnums, but anyone who has read Fallout: Equestria can't deny that Little Macintosh is godlike. I liked it so much I made it! And then modified an AK into the zebra rifle!

    Saturday, 07-Apr-12 22:42:55 UTC from web in context
  28. !yorkshire @trister Yes, have fun there! It sounds like it is going to be good!

    Saturday, 07-Apr-12 21:43:39 UTC from web
  29. !yorkshirebronies Updated with a video! :D

    Saturday, 07-Apr-12 20:19:42 UTC from web
  30. !yorkshirebronies Micro-meet was a success! We raided a museum where I ended up drooling at guns, a pub where we made some of the most epic ponystacks known to man, and finally a PC store where we watched The Last Roundup at full volume on the biggest screen! Here's the album, complete with captions! I know there are several pockets of nearby bronies; for example, Sheffield. You guys should do something like this, it's awesome! Under £10 too!

    Saturday, 07-Apr-12 20:03:26 UTC from web in context