Narwhal's home timeline


  1. The biggest trap in"adult" animation is that it uses vulgarity and crass situations too often. It's easy to appeal to juvenile adults with "forbidden" stuff like violence and sexuality but the more lasting stuff are the more day-to-day real adult situations the characters have to deal with. These situations can be comical or otherwise but the basis has to be familiar and relatable and somewhat a base adult life experience. The earlier Simpsons seasons are one of the best as they are not flanderized to the extreme. Bob's Burgers is similar as most episodes deal with heightened but not completely unrealistic situations. I'm not against some violence but it can be grating and numbing and boring when it is used too often.

    about a year ago from web
    • Show all 7 replies
    • @chomper These days you can throw a stone and always hit one. The last one I saw was "Inside Job" on Netflix, mostly because it was produced by Alex Hirsch (Gravity Falls) but it was sadly right in the valley of mediocrity because it went "adult" route and used unnecessary vulgarity.

      about a year ago in context
    • @chomper Hey, I love "Helluva Boss!" I don't deny any of the accusations, lol. Just saying that uuhhhh..... I guess it's lazy *if* you're doing it for fauz gravitas, but it can still be fun. I wouldn't say that's *all* HB has going for it or going on; there's a lot of interpersonal relationship and character development under the bloodbath and pottymouth.

      about a year ago in context
    • @scribus I like most of helluva actually! I just find the edgy humor to be boring and uncreative lol. But I genuinely like a few of the characters and the worldbuilding/lore.

      about a year ago in context
  2. who would have ever thought that the last bastion of healthy social media would be a brony-made website lmfao

    about a year ago from web
  3. Gavin Newsom is still a prick though I’m not apologizing for that

    about a year ago from web
  4. Trying to hit a balance on content is frustrating to me because I don’t want to be vulgar for the sake of it but I also don’t want to be made to tone the adult themes down because the show’s not vulgar enough to appeal to adults. It just seems like there isn’t a market anymore for The Simpsons-level adult content that’s adult on a more conceptual level instead of just relying on vulgarity to appear adult, and that frustrates me.

    about a year ago from web
  5. The teenagers working for me seemed to be under the impression they could just show up to work on their own schedule because I couldn’t possibly fire ALL of them, so today I fired all of them and now they’re super confused about it.

    about a year ago from web
  6. Oh, how I envy those naive enough to believe in a future

    about a year ago from web
  7. I'd need to invest 410€ for playing TOTK (the game, Switch, Pro Controller (ain't gonna play on the minuscule Joycon controllers)).

    about a year ago from web
  8. …and I think I created my account when I was in the UK because all of my rates are in pounds which means that the licenses are actually more expensive than I think.

    about a year ago from web
  9. Number ten: Full frontal nudity

    about a year ago from web
  10. I keep running into this problem where the things I write are usually totally cool on the internet where nobody can really stop me from describing mangoio in the crudest terms possible, but right now I’m writing for what is possibly going to be on television and those same words would probably get me a very nasty letter from standards and practices. It’s very hard to go from writing like you’re your own boss to writing in such a way that won’t lose the network twenty million dollars in Wendy’s advertising.

    about a year ago from web
  11. I am Irish so it’s perfectly okay for me to say racist things about the Irish (but I’m also trying to get an Irish studio to co-finance something for me so maybe I shouldn’t)

    about a year ago from web
  12. Ireland is kind of like if J.R.R. Tolkien was God

    about a year ago from web
  13. currently dating @liquidusmira.. it really is a small world huh

    about a year ago from web
  14. In the spirit of jokes that literally only I am probably even capable of finding funny, I present to you Weird Alice Cooper's "Dare to be Stoopid" -____-

    about a year ago from web
  15. OK.... Tears of the Kingdom... What does "tears" refer to? Is it the liquid coming out of the eyes (for example while crying) or is it the edge of two pieces of a material/object that has been ripped apart (for example tearing a piece of paper in two pieces)?

    about a year ago from web
  16. next time something like NFTs drops that could make me a ton of money but is ethically unsound, could somebody please let me know before you tell everyone else so that I can get in early and when the whole thing explodes I can be like “damn they hired death squads in WHICH developing nation? Oh man I didn’t know my bad dude” and run off with the money while publicly taking a stand against whatever terrible thing I’ve been complicit in

    about a year ago from web
  17. Every time Joe Biden exhibits signs of mental decay his approval rating rises by 10 points

    about a year ago from web
  18. Heard that Bud Light made some 'phobes angry, so I bought a 12-pack

    about a year ago from web
    • @scribus People who think they value freedom of speech actually hate the freedom of speech of others.

      about a year ago in context
    • @scribus no vandalism at my store yet but it’s coming I think, a group of Trumpers came in last week and stole literally every newspaper reporting on his arrest so they could trash it before anyone could read it so I’m expecting those same guys to try some apple with the Bud Light too

      about a year ago in context
    • @scribus The masterminds at Budweiser came up with the perfect evil plan: if you don't buy it you're a somethingphobe, if you buy it you have to drink Bud Light. With this masterful move, they can cause suffering to all peoples of the nation.

      about a year ago in context
  19. I just checked my seldom used other bank account from when I was in college and learned I just had around $500 sitting in there, which isn’t much, but damn, that’s $500 I didn’t know I had

    about a year ago from web
  20. I just learned that John Leguizamo was the sloth in the ice age movies and now I fully believe in parallel universes because I swear to god it was Seth Green

    about a year ago from web
  21. Yakuza: Like a Dragon - 40 hours in and I'm at chapter 11.

    about a year ago from web
  22. You could probably show Fritz the Cat on MTV today

    about a year ago from web
  23. YouTuber got shot in the mall down the street. Prank channel, so, 100% deserved.

    about a year ago from web
    • @zeldatra Not the jackass who thinks it's top kek to make a bunch of noise in a college library, I hope. I wanted to pin him in a corner and give him 10,000 punches!

      about a year ago in context
    • @scribus Tanner Cook, apparently the subject of the prank whipped out a gun and shot him in the stomach, then the sheriff came and arrested them both. Since he didn’t die, I think I’m perfectly fine to say that I hope this incident causes these dudes to think twice about it from now on

      about a year ago in context
    • @zeldatra Except that this is the first I'm hearing his name, sure hope nobody else tries to stage a shooting prank to boost their career of evil

      about a year ago in context
  24. Lashing Trump to a cross and placing a crown of thorns upon his head seems a bit extreme IMO

    about a year ago from web
  25. In case anyone is wondering: I learned this over the course of a nearly 24 hour shift.

    about a year ago from web
  26. @tiff

    about a year ago from web
  27. Anybody in Europe willing to middleman for me?

    about a year ago from web
  28. I can’t wait to get home later tonight and have my pc FrankerZ a brick because it hasn’t installed a security update in two weeks

    about a year ago from web
  29. (Especially for more-than-kissing cousins)

    about a year ago from web
  30. Rand Paul is complaining about "woke" schools that are now disallowing kids from wearing shirts with firearms on them. Maybe this is just because I was part of the first generation to attend school after Columbine, but it seems to me if Republicans think that this is suddenly a thing that is happening right just now they need to get their eyes checked, because I remember growing up in Florida and being told any gun-related clothing would get my ass expelled.

    about a year ago from web