phalanx's home timeline


  1. !midlands Sorry to say everypony, but I will not be able to attend, we will be moving house starting on the Wednesday next week with installation of the carpets, and then be moving everything over the weekend. Sorry guys, maybe next time.

    Friday, 28-Oct-11 14:01:48 UTC from web
  2. !midlands Hay there everypony! The plan for Sheffield is to have lunch at an Italian place, and then laser tag in the afternoon. There'll be a quiz at some point too (with prizes!). If you're pretty sure you can (or can't) make it, could you please let me know ASAP (preferably by DM?)... we gotta book stuff is all.

    Friday, 28-Oct-11 09:35:06 UTC from web
  3. Is it a bad idea to drop school-assigned graphing calculators on the ground?

    Wednesday, 26-Oct-11 15:54:27 UTC from web
  4. Bad news, !midlandsbronies. I can't make it to Sheffield. It's more or less in the middle of my course and I need as much time as I can to revise, seeing as they've compressed a six-month course into six weeks. Soz everypony. :(

    Tuesday, 25-Oct-11 17:47:34 UTC from web
  5. !midlands All in favour of Italian food say *yay*. Having suggested the place myself this pony of course like it. Perhaps it's wise to make a reservation, though, depending on the number of people showing up.

    Tuesday, 25-Oct-11 15:41:27 UTC from web
    • @rotation !midlands I'm not a fan of anything from another country, I can try a few things. But I'm a picky eater, but they have pizza's there and I enjoy a good pizza, so it's got my vote :P

      Tuesday, 25-Oct-11 12:07:45 UTC from web
    • !midlands Unfortunately Sheffield is bad for me too. ^^;;; the student loan still hasn't come through. A month late now... >_> very very not amused.

      Tuesday, 25-Oct-11 10:12:42 UTC from web
    • Whoa, I haven't been on here in a long time... Anyways, !londonbronies , !midlandsbronies , location confirmed for the Reading meetup on the 30th.

      Monday, 24-Oct-11 20:56:27 UTC from web
      • !midlands I'm sorry everypony, but I have failed to procure us a room for the Sheffield meet... the one promising candidate just informed me that they are only willing to hire out for the whole day. and I'm guessing folks aren't wanting to shell out 30+ quid, on top of travel expenses, to hire a room we only need for half an hour. Ah well, plenty of other sweetness we can do!

        Monday, 24-Oct-11 10:38:38 UTC from web
      • !midlands i cant make Sheffield abit to far and im skint atm have fun all of you :)

        Monday, 24-Oct-11 11:12:54 UTC from web
      • !midlands About the gastronomic care during meet-up, I see some ponies have to get going early. Does that mean we're going for lunch somewhere (picnic in the park, weather permitted?) and dinner somewhere, or dinner alone? Although I don't go out for dinner often in't town myself - like my own cooking too - I know of some not too expensive places in centre and Crookes, so if wanted I can search for recommendable places :-)

        Sunday, 23-Oct-11 23:16:33 UTC from web
        • !midlands Yipes! Sheffield is quite a distance. No chance I'll be driven there and back this time. I'll look into some stuff, but it's looking rather bleak.

          Sunday, 23-Oct-11 17:41:56 UTC from web
        • !midlands Looking forward to see you all here in Sheffield :-)

          Sunday, 23-Oct-11 16:31:18 UTC from web
        • !midlands If we're all set, can I get the 100% go ahead and then I can book my tickets at once ^.^

          Sunday, 23-Oct-11 15:34:11 UTC from web
        • !lincsbrony After a survey done amongst members, it has been decided that the next !midlandsbronies meet will take place in Sheffield on Saturday 5th November 2011... wonder what you guys make of this?

          Sunday, 23-Oct-11 15:31:27 UTC from web
        • Damn, despite the fact that it has been the dominant thought in my mind for the past 16 hours, I haven't actually tagged this: So I may not be able to attend the !MidlandsBronies meetup in November due to managerial differences.

          Sunday, 23-Oct-11 03:24:16 UTC from web
          • !MidlandsBronies The deadline for the November meetup survey ( ) is this Sunday at midday. After that, the results will be correlated and we'll start planning this fo' reals.

            Friday, 21-Oct-11 17:26:48 UTC from web
            • !midlandsbronies !londonbronies For those coming to the Berkshire meetup on the 30th, I can confirm we will be meeting in Reading station, as opposed to just outside it. Taken a leaf out of @rotation 's book; I'll be the guy with the flag, and my apologies to @cptscoot for having a silly name :P Here's the forum link, for reference:

              Thursday, 20-Oct-11 16:51:25 UTC from web
            • So Mcdonald's has run not one, but two promotions for FiM in the US but not a single one in the UK? Sucks :( Half of the first season didn't even air here, I don't think.

              Thursday, 20-Oct-11 14:34:13 UTC from web
            • !lincsyorkshirebronies Just a quick question about the meet up. Will it be a combined event with !midlands?

              Thursday, 20-Oct-11 12:42:03 UTC from web
              • !MidlandsBronies Recently I got in touch with my Brony-side. On the forum I saw this announcement of a meet-up at the 5th of November. Just wanted to say I'm interested. No idea how this forum works btw, still trying to figure out how this forum works... Anyway having a meet-up in 'my backyard' would be a great way to meet you all :-)

                Wednesday, 19-Oct-11 20:48:39 UTC from web
              • Once more, any !MidlandsBronies out there who are interested in this November's meetup, please complete this survey to help us plan this gig

                Wednesday, 19-Oct-11 19:39:11 UTC from web
                • Hey guys im new but i love the ponies, if it is in notts that is very cool :)

                  Tuesday, 18-Oct-11 09:48:34 UTC from web
                • Oops, forgot the !MidlandsBronies tag: Do this survey to help us plan the meetup:

                  Monday, 17-Oct-11 21:33:56 UTC from web
                • !midlandsbronies Change of plan! If we are indeed doing Nottingham and are indeed doing the bonfire night thing... well, I'm not. No chance I can afford a hotel room up there.

                  Monday, 17-Oct-11 15:52:45 UTC from web
                  • !midlands Are There ANY ponies from in and around sheffield lurking right now??? More importantly, any metalhead bronies?

                    Monday, 17-Oct-11 08:17:41 UTC from web
                    • @rotation Only 30 for a ticket??? Not nearly as pricy as I was expecting for a train ticket to Manchester! No way in hell I would get the bus though. ^^;

                      Sunday, 16-Oct-11 15:17:51 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                    • !MidlandsBronies So I have made a survey to help us plan where we do this: Go take it!

                      Sunday, 16-Oct-11 12:54:23 UTC from web
                    • !midlandsbronies Also, there seems to be a significant number who want it in or around Sheffield... how we organize a group vote on this, I'm not sure, especially given that my 'please DM me' request last time was met with a mind-boggling 0 responses.

                      Sunday, 16-Oct-11 12:30:10 UTC from web
                    • @rotation I know what I want to get as the prize for the quiz at !midlandsbronies 2: The Reacquainting. I'm also quite keen to see if I can book a wee conference room or something, so we can watch Sisterhooves Social. As I haven't very much loose cash at the moment, though, that may depend on each pony being willing to pop in a few quid for the hire.

                      Sunday, 16-Oct-11 12:28:31 UTC from web