phalanx's home timeline


  1. !midlandsbronies does anyone like the idea of some kind of gig as a meetup? Hell theres some awsome tours come november/december, it cant be that difficult to find some everyone would like!

    Monday, 26-Sep-11 12:31:00 UTC from web
  2. !midlandsponies Nottingham's always an option for somewhere more northerly than Brum, but still in the midlands. Pretty nice centre too.

    Monday, 26-Sep-11 12:19:29 UTC from web
  3. !midlandsbronies Okay, we've had suggestions for Leeds, Brum (again), Blackpool and Manchester. If ponies are fancying attending, would be cool to hear feedback and preferences!

    Monday, 26-Sep-11 12:17:23 UTC from web
  4. In my stupidity, if i wanted to tag a comment with "midlandsbronies" what would I have to do?

    Monday, 26-Sep-11 11:55:20 UTC from web
  5. So. whens the next uk brony meet?

    Monday, 26-Sep-11 11:30:03 UTC from web
  6. Actually, no, I wasn't getting ready, I was just getting on the train at 8am XD !Midlandsbronies

    Saturday, 24-Sep-11 07:03:47 UTC from web
    • I remember, this time one week ago I was getting ready to head out to the !MidLandsBronies meet up, I was anxious as hell but excited as well, and nervous about a step in my journey going papayas up, heh.

      Saturday, 24-Sep-11 07:02:08 UTC from web
      • !midlands Not wanting to give to many choices, but leeds is also open to suggestions. Maybe.

        Friday, 23-Sep-11 16:55:08 UTC from web
      • @rotation Good thinking! @mrdragon I also suggest we pick a date and a place. :) @rotation *thumbs up*

        Friday, 23-Sep-11 16:45:17 UTC from web
      • # All of my ponies that I bought/was given are still in their packaging :P !MidLandsBronies (reposted to add the group tag)

        Friday, 23-Sep-11 14:43:22 UTC from web
        • Oh god, how did I get here? I'm not very good with computer.

          Thursday, 22-Sep-11 16:04:35 UTC from web
        • So I'm looking for more of those Brum !midlands meet pics, and... I've just found a meetup group for the Birmingham Social Anxiety Group. Um.

          Thursday, 22-Sep-11 09:48:18 UTC from web
        • !ceruleanfanclub HA. HA. I'M USING THE INTERNET

          Monday, 19-Sep-11 17:57:49 UTC from web
          • Words gets to me that we ,the !midlandsbronies ended up on Equestria Daily, but I can't seem to find the article :( Maybe it's the mobile version being sucky, I don't know.

            Monday, 19-Sep-11 13:24:21 UTC from MuSTArDroid
          • !midlandsbronies WE'RE ON EQD

            Monday, 19-Sep-11 10:15:03 UTC from web
          • !midlandsbronies Ponies who bought me the Applejack Truck... Identify yourselves! I was really, really touched. Thank you.

            Monday, 19-Sep-11 09:40:35 UTC from web
            • @loak Oh hi der. How's it going?

              Monday, 19-Sep-11 03:12:04 UTC from web
            • OK !midlandsbronies! We will be on tonight's nightly round up on EqD! (And by tonight's I mean tomorrow morning's.)

              Sunday, 18-Sep-11 22:07:46 UTC from web
            • #

              Sunday, 18-Sep-11 21:15:45 UTC from web
            • !midlandsbronies Did anypony send photos to Sethisto, and if so was it the one where I'm looking like a tool or not?

              Sunday, 18-Sep-11 20:07:31 UTC from web
            • I just realised, I haven't uploaded most of the photos I took yesterday at !midlandsbronies, better rectify this soon!

              Sunday, 18-Sep-11 14:52:22 UTC from web
            • !midlandsbronies Finally recovered! Thanks to @rotation for an entertaining meetup yesterday!

              Sunday, 18-Sep-11 13:04:53 UTC from web
            • Looking over the !midlands pics... @rotation is a lot like me, but larger.

              Sunday, 18-Sep-11 12:13:23 UTC from web
            • The vlog I said I would do on yesterday's brony meet up uploaded as I slept. Sadly the video ratings seem to have been hit by the same Anti Brony trolls that fell upon my video that reccomended FiM. :/ But oh well. I know @pinhooves really wanted to see it. @ceruleanspark, @pawnheart and others are in it :P !midlandsbronies

              Sunday, 18-Sep-11 12:00:56 UTC from MuSTArDroid
            • And @rotation of course :) !midlandsbronies

              Sunday, 18-Sep-11 12:01:22 UTC from MuSTArDroid
              • Hello everypony! !midlandsbronies Would have posted earlier, but after my dinner I pretty much crashed out last night... I just want to thank everypony who came out to the meet yesterday, I think it was tremendously successful! It was a pleasure meeting each and every one of you. I'm sorry I had to crash out so early on, many poor night's sleep catching up with me I'm afraid! A horde of ponies bearing a multicoloured flag singing 'Winter Wrap-Up' whilst marching through Birmingham city centre (on a match day!) is something I will likely never forget! Good chat, with funny, interesting ponies... AND I somehow procured myself TWO different Applejacks? BEST DAY EVER! I know I've said it before (but, tarnation, I'm gonna say it again!) - Thank you so, so much @rotation for bringing it all together so well. You organised it, came all the way down from Glasgow, corralled ponies at the station with his awesome hand-painted flag and, what's more, brought copious swag and cupcakes!Thank you all

                Sunday, 18-Sep-11 04:37:45 UTC from web
              • The corrected vlog on today's Brony meet up in Birmingham is now uploading, says it'll take 150 minutes, so I'm off to bed now, later :) It will be up on my YouTube channel before I awaken! (link on my channel) !midlandsbronies

                Sunday, 18-Sep-11 02:46:39 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                • Gah, the render came out wrong x.x Gotta do it again, and it's gonna take longer this time. :( !midlandsbronies

                  Sunday, 18-Sep-11 01:51:52 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                  • The clip of us in "The Entertainer" store is the wrong way around, be prepared to get sore necks as we get ready to buy ponies! !midlandsbronies

                    Sunday, 18-Sep-11 01:35:36 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                    • 17 minutes to go on the rendering of the !midlandsbronies vlog :)

                      Sunday, 18-Sep-11 01:25:38 UTC from MuSTArDroid