phoebe or phee's home timeline


  1. It finally happened. I got replaced in my job (english instruct9r at a kumon school) by the boss' 18 yo son

    about 24 days ago from web
  2. Somebody at Sega is going to hell for designing UFO Catcher

    about 9 months ago from web
  3. this site needs to get about 20% cooler

    about 9 months ago from web
  4. Silksong Never

    about 9 months ago from web
  5. also, i've finished the NES version of Gradius because for some reason i got hyped for shumps

    Monday, 24-Oct-22 20:52:01 UTC from web
  6. so, anyway, i basically got a GF now. bet you didnt expect that

    Sunday, 23-Oct-22 03:21:33 UTC from web
  7. your local console pleb bought yet another console. praise me

    Sunday, 09-Oct-22 15:15:07 UTC from web
  8. it is kind of a long shot, but are any of you nerds good with that Julia programing language?

    Wednesday, 30-Mar-22 14:17:33 UTC from web
  9. anyway, i bouth my 18th console recently. I usually dont like digital only stuff, but this gens been looking rater boring so far, so i only wanted a cheap gamepass machine. currently playing bug fables

    Thursday, 02-Sep-21 23:30:36 UTC from web
  10. So, i'm in my PhD now, i got a cotutelle scholarship with the university of Lorraine, in france (i speak nearly nothing of french tho, so my first time going to france qas a hell of an adventure. Brazil is even messier than before and i might have gotten even more reclusive than before (though now i'm much more well paid :'v )

    Friday, 11-Jun-21 01:55:19 UTC from web
  11. My bois

    Thursday, 10-Jun-21 04:33:09 UTC from web
  12. i drew a girls scratching her dog's belly

    Monday, 14-Jan-19 22:55:13 UTC from web
  13. i just learned that my adv. organic chem professor is from latvia .

    Friday, 02-Nov-18 13:11:34 UTC from web
    • .

      Thursday, 18-Oct-18 00:16:41 UTC from web
      • Momo Knows it

        Monday, 15-Oct-18 21:07:01 UTC from web
        • @nerthos because if it is. I'd say having a presitend who says children die because the mothers have cavities, that platypus milk is an amazonian product and is is constantly saying he supports the military dictature is not not my biggest dream

          Saturday, 13-Oct-18 14:25:04 UTC from web
        • @mushi So what are your feelings on the first round results?

          Monday, 08-Oct-18 05:15:05 UTC from web
        • not to imply anything, but i was watching a documentary on drugs on natgeo today and i had the curiosity to look at the ecstasy's molecule and as coincidetal as it seems, it seems it can be done with a reaction i saw just today studying for advanced organic chemistry

          Tuesday, 02-Oct-18 04:14:37 UTC from web
          • well, this is random and pretty pointless since noeory will really care. But i'd just like to apaolgize for going full retard with all that Twilight thing back then. Really, i dont know how it got to that....

            Friday, 27-Jul-18 03:02:13 UTC from web
            • i dont know how the hell i'm going to the doctorate selection exam in the wednesday if it keeps like this. ANd knwo the post grad secretary, they could probably wait untill we're 30 mins waiting for the exam to let us know that they had delayed it

              Saturday, 26-May-18 21:17:01 UTC from web
              • well, my japanese test got delayed because of the chaotic state of the country :v

                Saturday, 26-May-18 16:37:06 UTC from web
              • hah mei's face is on a butt

                Thursday, 24-May-18 03:18:13 UTC from web
                • i love it when i find headlines that begin with "MAn in florida"

                  Thursday, 24-May-18 03:01:11 UTC from web
                • Bible for minecrafters

                  Thursday, 24-May-18 02:40:06 UTC from web
                  • .

                    Thursday, 24-May-18 02:35:01 UTC from web
                    • I cant beleive minna no nihongo literally showed 2 dicks

                      Tuesday, 22-May-18 22:45:26 UTC from web
                      • i watched the new boku no hero episode with my imouto's friends and i think that is as intimate i ever got with a girl *thinking emoji*

                        Sunday, 20-May-18 04:36:56 UTC from web
                      • !art drawing a thingy i thought would be cute

                        Saturday, 19-May-18 01:04:14 UTC from web
                      • Good to see game devs finally care for what is really important

                        Friday, 27-Apr-18 21:55:09 UTC from web
                        • my little witch academia collector edition just came!

                          Thursday, 26-Apr-18 20:17:08 UTC from web