Notices by Peejay Encina (phillipjayfry), page 6

  1. @abigpony I'm guessing it might be something for Fallen, since he's the new guy on the team. And I'm psyched that Motta will be having a full part, I didn't even watch the last Nike video, but I only watched Grant Taylor's part since I found it on YouTube.

    Monday, 05-Nov-12 08:03:14 UTC from web in context
  2. @abigpony I hope Motta comes out with something soon, and I'm pretty sure Jimmy Carlin is wiling on something, I see him skating around sometimes since we live in the same city.

    Monday, 05-Nov-12 07:54:13 UTC from web in context
  3. @abigpony Even if Austyn is the taste of the month, I still stand by him, and my boy Dylan Reider! I would be excited to see what Jaws comes out with next, what building will he jump down next? But I recently checked on his instagram account and his ankle is just crazy swollen, so that just bummed me out.

    Monday, 05-Nov-12 07:37:24 UTC from web in context
  4. @abigpony They totally do deserve the respect that they get, but I feel like they just shine in the spotlight a little too much and some other pros also deserve some the glory too. Like Austyn Gillette, the new part he came out with on the Trasher website totally blew me away, I just absolutely love the way he skates.

    Monday, 05-Nov-12 07:20:50 UTC from web in context
  5. @abigpony Yeah, plus I think Nyjah Huston would fit into the category since he's always flipping into grinds and slides on huge handrails flawlessly in a few tries. But I'm not really into skaters like him, Shane O'Niell and P. Rod are cool too, but they're just too mainstream!

    Monday, 05-Nov-12 07:09:02 UTC from web in context
  6. @abigpony And I was referring to LA street skating for the tech stuff.

    Monday, 05-Nov-12 06:59:08 UTC from web in context
  7. @abigpony Yeah, I feel like the techy type of skating only have a limited spot selection, which is like mostly ledges and stairs. And Arizona does have some cool ditch spots, I went there on a skate trip with a group of buddies a while back, plus the skateparks there are fun too.

    Monday, 05-Nov-12 06:56:57 UTC from web in context
  8. @abigpony Yeah, some people uploaded the video on YouTube already. And I agree about the skating, but I guess some of the skaters on the team just aren't hyped up enough to get really gnarly clips, but nonetheless they're still happy with what they got since having fun is what matters most, as corny and cliche that is.

    Monday, 05-Nov-12 06:33:35 UTC from web in context
  9. @abigpony Yeeah, I'm not really down for them either, but the team is definitely gnarly. Figgy definitely killed it in the video.

    Monday, 05-Nov-12 06:17:20 UTC from web in context
  10. @abigpony Cool, the Happy Medium videos are rad for sure. You should snag the new Bake and Destroy video, free with this month's issue of Thrasher.

    Monday, 05-Nov-12 06:09:25 UTC from web in context
  11. @abigpony Skate videos you say? o:

    Monday, 05-Nov-12 06:02:16 UTC from web in context
  12. @abigpony Fortunate for the Hot Topic in my area that they had plenty, and I think I was the only person that bought em.

    Monday, 05-Nov-12 05:23:59 UTC from web in context
  13. *squee!*

    Monday, 05-Nov-12 05:19:39 UTC from web in context
  14. @abigpony Lol, probably!

    Thursday, 20-Sep-12 11:09:46 UTC from web in context
  15. Rainbow Dash doesn't like the pony-tail I gave her:

    Thursday, 20-Sep-12 11:00:04 UTC from web in context
  16. @thelastgherkin Oh no, my worst fear

    Saturday, 15-Sep-12 11:47:35 UTC from web in context
  17. Is Dashie sexy yet?

    Friday, 14-Sep-12 07:26:46 UTC from web in context
  18. @pony Hehe, thank you! :D

    Thursday, 13-Sep-12 07:47:46 UTC from web in context
  19. Here's a sketch of a sad Dashie:

    Thursday, 13-Sep-12 07:40:33 UTC from web in context
  20. @pony Yeah, but I'm not sure if I should really use it. I kinda want to just hang it on my wall, haha.

    Wednesday, 12-Sep-12 06:47:56 UTC from web in context
  21. @pony Yeah, it's a type of sandpaper that sticks to the top of a skateboard that prevents feet from slipping off, called griptape.

    Wednesday, 12-Sep-12 05:26:12 UTC from web in context
  22. Derpy.

    Wednesday, 12-Sep-12 05:21:49 UTC from web in context
  23. Pinkie Pie sketch.

    Wednesday, 12-Sep-12 05:20:31 UTC from web
  24. @abigpony Thank you, I'm glad you like it!

    Monday, 13-Aug-12 03:46:04 UTC from web in context
  25. Non-pony related: The Red Guy from Cow and Chicken.

    Thursday, 31-May-12 08:05:14 UTC from web
  26. Non-pony related: Gerald and Arnold from Hey Arnold.

    Thursday, 31-May-12 08:04:27 UTC from web
  27. Non-pony related: Mordecai from Regular Show drawn on a skateboard.

    Thursday, 31-May-12 07:58:30 UTC from web
  28. Non-pony related: Another Finn and Jake drawn for a skateboard.

    Thursday, 31-May-12 07:56:43 UTC from web
  29. @thelastgherkin Thanks, much appreciated.

    Thursday, 31-May-12 07:47:12 UTC from web in context
  30. Not really pony-related, but here's Finn and Jake that I drew on a skateboard with a hidden Pinkie Pie.

    Thursday, 31-May-12 07:39:31 UTC from web in context