Ponychan Staff's home timeline


  1. I think I can remove the idea out of my head to get a proper keyboard smartphone ever again. I guess the next upgrade will be a soulless slab. I guess also it'll be a Google Pixel or similar with a reasonably good outlook for software updates.

    Tuesday, 15-Feb-22 17:06:08 UTC from web
  2. I think it’s time to revisit this idea http://rainbowdash.net/url/876064

    Tuesday, 15-Feb-22 00:47:33 UTC from web
  3. on one hand using AI to replicate actors’ and musicians’ voices is like really weird and shady and isn’t going to end well, but on the other hand, as an internet creator, it seems like a golden opportunity to parody movies that get popular artists to perform marginally related songs for the soundtracks by performing some stupid, tongue-in-cheek blockbuster-style song about Undertale and then using AI to replace my voice with Eminem or something like that.

    Friday, 11-Feb-22 08:33:13 UTC from web
    • @zeldatra You don't have to go that far. A friend of mine uses Text To Speech (AI assisted or not) for his game jam games. It is often a blessing not to hear the programmer doing the voices. I played too many game jam games where a non-native and heavily accented English speaker tries to speak into a crappy gaming-microphone in the most monotone and least engaging way. I genuinely think that the TTS from google at http://translate.google.com delivers better an emotion than these crappy attempts.

      Friday, 11-Feb-22 10:53:33 UTC in context
    • @zeldatra I'm seriously curious if four years of narrating a podcast has made my voice public enough to theoretically steal

      Friday, 11-Feb-22 17:50:03 UTC in context
  4. I got a monitor and docking station from work. Now I can live the multi-monitor life at home!

    Wednesday, 09-Feb-22 18:15:35 UTC from web
  5. I'm at a point that if the destination is within 4km I rather use the bike. Well... Only if it's not pouring rain. I bought a rain poncho and have it always in my backpack but it's already uncomfortable enough when the moisture accumulates under my jacket. I don't need more from the outside.

    Friday, 28-Jan-22 19:03:25 UTC from web
    • @adiwan My poor bike got so rusted and sun-destroyed over the pandemic, but I also just can't ride the damn thing anywhere. Super jealous, lol

      Saturday, 29-Jan-22 01:26:18 UTC in context
    • @scribus Oh yeah. The USA is not very bike friendly from all the videos I've seen. I'd be terrified to cycle there and would do only that on the sidewalks if at all. To protect my bike from the elements and thieves I always put it back into the cellar. It takes a few minutes to put it in and out but at least it'll last a bit longer. A neighbor has a steel frame bike and it has developed an even rust coating.

      Saturday, 29-Jan-22 08:07:24 UTC in context
  6. Wondering if there are any fellow bronies/MLP fans in Montreal, since I can't travel out of Montreal.

    Wednesday, 26-Jan-22 07:03:08 UTC from web
  7. The Eternals movie was a dud. The actors were all good but the plot and direction were my main issues. Good that I didn't waste my money going to the cinema for that.

    Thursday, 13-Jan-22 18:39:20 UTC from web
  8. Suddenly curious how many people who were perfectly into "everypony" can't handle "they/them"

    Sunday, 09-Jan-22 21:30:50 UTC from web
  9. I tasted wine and it gave me the impression of vinegar.
    I tasted champagne and it gave me the impression of very stingy vinegar.
    I tasted beer and it gave me the impression of half-digested and thrown-up bread.
    I tasted mead and it gave me the impression of acetone.
    I tasted vodka and it gave me the sensation of a burning esophagus.
    I think alcohol will never be a thing I can enjoy like any normal person. I am not sad about it. I'm just curious why it is as it is.

    Tuesday, 04-Jan-22 18:05:13 UTC from web
  10. Is next year A New Hope or Rogue One?

    Saturday, 01-Jan-22 20:12:02 UTC from web
  11. Nowadays I'm pretty much # on twitter http://rainbowdash.net/attachment/763113

    Friday, 06-Jun-14 06:58:51 UTC from web
  12. Petition to classify vaporware as a cryptid

    Monday, 27-Dec-21 18:54:04 UTC from web
    • @scribus I'd imagine more a creature that affects people/corporations to become greedy with ambitions that results in vaporware. I imagine a millipede and snake hybrid (tail end rattle snake, body millipede, head snake with fangs) with large bug antennae with floofy balls at the ends. The cryptid uses the floofy balls to distract the victim and hide its hideous body and then bits the victim at the back of the head. The fangs inject some kind of venom that causes the feature creep/greed, which itself causes headaches and frustration. That is the nourishment it needs to asexually reproduce itself and affect others in the company.

      Monday, 27-Dec-21 19:30:01 UTC in context
    • @adiwan That's pretty brutal

      Monday, 27-Dec-21 19:53:09 UTC in context
    • @scribus As any good cryptid should be. A hideous creepy crawler that "explains" a bad thing in life and that multiplies itself by inflicting more of the bad thing.

      Monday, 27-Dec-21 20:01:38 UTC in context
  13. Enjoyed s4 of Aggretsuko. Haida is probably the biggest chump he's been yet, but the resolution was solid.

    Monday, 20-Dec-21 06:37:40 UTC from web
    • @scribus I perceived the season more on the meh side. As much I appreciate the layoff narrative and commentary I think that the season was a little bit all over the place. The aftermath of the idol career was extremely side-lined and Retsuko's relationship plot with Haida was weirdly piecemealed. The rest was fine.

      Monday, 20-Dec-21 07:39:11 UTC in context
    • @adiwan Yeah, it wasn't the best season, but it helped pull me out of my funk for a while. I agree it felt scattered, like they were told this would be the last and they needed to cram two seasons into one. I did quite like getting to see a softer side of Ton and his family. By the end I almost missed having a job, but that's probably just the two++ years of isolation talking, heh

      Monday, 20-Dec-21 19:24:53 UTC in context
  14. Dangit, the tail end of this batch of cookies started separating while I was baking the first half

    Wednesday, 15-Dec-21 05:18:39 UTC from web
  15. It's not that Germany has also its fair share of dumbass politicians *sigh*

    Wednesday, 08-Dec-21 21:26:34 UTC from web
  16. Dramatically redrawing voting district borders after every election is insane.

    Wednesday, 08-Dec-21 13:02:51 UTC from web
  17. Winter cycling is not as bad as I thought. In Summer I sweat excessively after I come home cycling. It's not the case on colder days, or it is less severe. Only the cold air is hard on my lungs but wearing a mask delays the problems a bit as I re-inhale warmer air.

    Tuesday, 07-Dec-21 08:16:14 UTC from web
  18. If I hit the Lotto, I want to commission a house built to a scale that makes me feel 5 again. And a regular-sized copy next door. With a doghouse on the same floorplan.

    Thursday, 02-Dec-21 03:59:40 UTC from web
  19. I drove about 1200km (745 miles) this weekend. I visited my grandparents and picked up my mother back home. I drove most of the time 150km/h (93 mph) and needed only 5 hours for each direction. I'm somewhat exhausted.

    Sunday, 28-Nov-21 17:06:36 UTC from web
  20. squid game but for horses

    Tuesday, 09-Nov-21 23:51:59 UTC from web
  21. Lubing my bike chains was a success. Cycling feels a little bit more smoother now. I think I have a little bit less resistance so I could cycle with one higher gear than usual with the same force. Maybe my brain tricks me thinking that. At least the gunk is scrubbed off. I wonder why there are no more bike chain covers that attempt to fully enclose the chain.

    Tuesday, 09-Nov-21 08:29:27 UTC from web
    • @adiwan I think stuff like that and tire fenders fell out of favor due to so-called "weight weenies" but I know less than Jon Snow so.... :p

      Tuesday, 09-Nov-21 19:01:43 UTC in context
    • @scribus Tire fenders are practically standard here as well as half-enclosed chain guards. Also a rack is basically standard, except for mountain and racing bikes. I just looked up and I found some after-market fully-enclosed chain guards. Only "Holland bikes" have the fully-enclosed bike chain guard out of the box. I guess I never put that much attention to that feature.

      Tuesday, 09-Nov-21 19:09:55 UTC in context
  22. lubing black bike chains (bbc)

    Sunday, 07-Nov-21 22:26:54 UTC from web
  23. Yes I do think I will silence user "game incest"

    Saturday, 06-Nov-21 09:43:59 UTC from web
  24. I think I`m gonna buy a cheap used sewing machine.

    Monday, 01-Nov-21 21:28:22 UTC from web
  25. I hate every software interface almost as much as I hate every website telling me to install their app or most of the people on the roads in CA, possibly more depending on the day

    Monday, 01-Nov-21 19:08:00 UTC from web
  26. Got a modest 3% raise.

    Wednesday, 27-Oct-21 17:07:27 UTC from web
  27. Seems the latest is, someone took the gun or guns target shooting or hunting over the weekend

    Monday, 25-Oct-21 17:25:27 UTC from web
  28. Customer came in complaining that her cake order didn’t get finished on time. Told her that the baker died and so we were unable to finish today’s orders. She then asked who was going to make her cake because she needs it now. Certified customer service moment.

    Sunday, 24-Oct-21 14:51:52 UTC from web
  29. Well I just took my first Adderall. Time to see if it's ADHD or not, I guess!

    Thursday, 21-Oct-21 16:43:42 UTC from web
  30. My store really said “Columbus Day is racist? Dope” and ended holiday pay starting this year, a move negotiated with and sanctioned by UFCW, of course.

    Tuesday, 12-Oct-21 02:51:06 UTC from web