raiderjoseph subscribers

These are the people who listen to raiderjoseph's notices.

  • monsutaa kaado! mushi monsutaa kaado! Brazil

    " I'm a Mushi's Witness we don't celebrate birthdays or Christmas or fun " -Tiff " Don't you know mushi is offended by friendship" -Darkw00d

  • Kento enormousapples Kento Aina Haina, HI

    SUP BRONIES! My names Kento (or Bento), and I'm a freshman in High School. I've started watching the greatest show on the god damn earth about 4 months ago, and I've been working on converting a lot of my friends into bronies, to hopefully mass the Hawaii Brony Population... Also, I Play Guitar, enjoy the 360, etc.

  • Shelbert MidevilFrenchBeheader mylilbrony Shelbert MidevilFrenchBeheader Georgia

    Derpy Hooves and Rainbow = :D Brony For Life

  • midnightaperture midnightaperture Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

    My interest? Ponies. Obviously. lol Co-founder of Nova Scotia Bronies, the brony group for Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Derpy Hooves is best pony. More to come!

  • derps derps