Notices by RainbowDashDC (rainbowdashdc), page 5

  1. @hakupony It's still going on, beilive me...

    Thursday, 19-Jul-12 06:24:37 UTC from web in context
  2. I need to start a talk show called "Skype Hell." Were skype calls go wrong. Today is a perfect example of one. Full of random people, ended up with clop spam, and other not good things...

    Thursday, 19-Jul-12 06:22:41 UTC from web in context
  3. Add me on skype then: Diamondcreeper631

    Thursday, 19-Jul-12 04:46:38 UTC from web
  4. Anyone up for a skype call! I apologize to Hoit for having to listen to us....

    Thursday, 19-Jul-12 04:45:29 UTC from web in context
  5. Well here we go, If anypony wants to go,

    Tuesday, 17-Jul-12 03:52:17 UTC from web
  6. Amnesia Livestream!!!

    Tuesday, 17-Jul-12 03:28:30 UTC from web in context
  7. Hello fellow ponys! I have finally finished my work for the day!

    Monday, 16-Jul-12 23:52:25 UTC from web
  8. Fixed! apparently IE9 decided to block every website except this one.... Ok then. Well, time to troll new storys on again!

    Monday, 16-Jul-12 02:02:40 UTC from web
  9. Well, time to fix this internet issue. Here...

    Monday, 16-Jul-12 01:56:45 UTC from web in context
  10. @redenchilada Apparently so. The internet god has spoken.

    Monday, 16-Jul-12 01:54:02 UTC from web in context
  11. @madykatt Well, I have been ignoring RDN for awhile today...

    Monday, 16-Jul-12 01:51:12 UTC from web in context
  12. I think the world has decided I've been on the internet too long today for, I'm being 404'ed on every website BUT

    Monday, 16-Jul-12 01:49:36 UTC from web in context
  13. and now a 502.

    Monday, 16-Jul-12 01:44:43 UTC from web
  14. @derpyshy ince I'm getting 404's 504's and 505's from it. Lawl.

    Monday, 16-Jul-12 01:42:57 UTC from web in context
  15. @derpyshy Why do I think fimfiction is having issues, or what?

    Monday, 16-Jul-12 01:40:54 UTC from web in context
  16. @redenchilada not jealous, I only need one scoot pic

    Monday, 16-Jul-12 01:39:05 UTC from web in context Repeat of madykatt
  17. @cajunbrony23 Whenever I talk about the show I get the opposite, so I don't lknow who your talking with, lol.

    Monday, 16-Jul-12 01:39:33 UTC from web in context
  18. I think fimfiction is having some serious issues right now...

    Monday, 16-Jul-12 01:38:37 UTC from web in context
  19. Can you guys beilive there was no "Equestria" on facebook? (In terms of a place) So I made one. :D now we can use it as a check-in or whatever....

    Monday, 16-Jul-12 00:35:05 UTC from web
  20. @vodkapony Good! How about you?

    Sunday, 15-Jul-12 22:50:10 UTC from web in context
  21. @vodkapony Greeting!

    Sunday, 15-Jul-12 22:44:02 UTC from web in context
  22. LOLOLOL You: Hi! Stranger: hi looking for a lady to chat to You: You leik ponies? Stranger: yea You: # Your conversational partner has disconnected

    Sunday, 15-Jul-12 22:41:18 UTC from web
  23. My friend asked me why I like ponies my answer was "Why don't you?" To which he said "because I'm not gay like you". I replied "I'm not gay for enjoying a wonderful show."

    Sunday, 15-Jul-12 22:31:17 UTC from web in context
  24. @dariusponyperson Lol.

    Sunday, 15-Jul-12 22:28:51 UTC from web in context
  25. How to be stupid and get away with it as funny:

    Sunday, 15-Jul-12 22:16:52 UTC from web
  26. To be honest I went on 4chan and said WTF. Then left and never went back on again....

    Sunday, 15-Jul-12 22:15:17 UTC from web in context
  27. Well, I'm back once again... after watching chat reactions to "A Royal Wedding" which made my LMFAO.

    Sunday, 15-Jul-12 22:07:11 UTC from web
  28. Well, I decided to stop writing for the day, so I guess I'm back.

    Sunday, 15-Jul-12 20:22:11 UTC from web
  29. @jadenman7 Morning to you too. xD

    Sunday, 15-Jul-12 18:38:20 UTC from web in context
  30. @omni I wish I could say the same, I got that done around 3-4 years ago, I was pretty young too. I don't really remember much what I had done with it.

    Sunday, 15-Jul-12 18:29:45 UTC from web in context