Ramiel's home timeline


  1. Our next movie for Garbage Day is The Gods Must Be Crazy (1980)! Friendly chat is OFF! https://tube.seriousposter.club/r/Dads_shack  https://cherryposter.club/attachment/1912357

    Thursday, 24-May-18 02:04:28 UTC from shitposter.club
  2. @ceruleanspark What did Frog from Chrono Trigger eat? Frog food? Human food? something else entirely?

    Wednesday, 23-May-18 21:07:25 UTC from web
    • Check in to see Mike Cole made an account. Didn't expect that.

      Wednesday, 23-May-18 21:07:16 UTC from web
      • So I understand Brexit voters were largely halfwits at best.

        Wednesday, 02-May-18 19:05:13 UTC from web
      • I can't help wondering during some of my office's follies and foibles, is Germany really as crisp and efficient as Eddie Izzard makes it out to be? @adiwan

        Thursday, 19-Apr-18 17:19:43 UTC from web
      • What the hell is Forskolin anyway. I'd literally never heard of the stuff before bots started trying to use my website to sell it

        Tuesday, 24-Apr-18 21:51:24 UTC from web
      • They pulled it up on their phone and started showing other students. I had four different people suddenly surrounding me and I just wanted to be left alone. The live, in-person audience was, for some reason, genuinely upsetting to me and I couldn’t handle it, so I excused myself and ran to the cafe so I could stress eat.

        Monday, 23-Apr-18 20:05:19 UTC from web
      • Hi, welcome to Chilis

        Sunday, 15-Apr-18 21:31:30 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      • guess not also holy hell my profile pic

        Sunday, 15-Apr-18 19:52:15 UTC from web
      • is homestuck still a banned word

        Sunday, 15-Apr-18 19:52:01 UTC from web
        • Hello all. Thoughts on FOSTA?

          Friday, 13-Apr-18 02:22:55 UTC from web
        • https://68.media.tumblr.com/94d59d8492894516df97decdd0430108/tumblr_p6l0poHGSI1rxriu5o1_1280.jpg

          Thursday, 05-Apr-18 22:44:37 UTC from web
        • https://68.media.tumblr.com/5b34c4e975e591f3c8ae2098efa3fb7b/tumblr_p6l2ct7FPe1rxriu5o1_1280.png Season 8 looks way different

          Thursday, 05-Apr-18 22:42:42 UTC from web
        • apparently you can get a permanent free copy of CK2 right now store.steampowered.com/app/203

          Thursday, 05-Apr-18 17:45:22 UTC from niu.moe
        • It's over. Mom's gone.

          Monday, 26-Mar-18 17:05:37 UTC from web
        • The Friends episode where Phoebe gets a job telemarketing and talks that guy out of suicide is too real.

          Sunday, 25-Mar-18 21:11:20 UTC from web
          • Today I had a database problem too. For some reason, after an update of my debian installation, there was no MYSQL service installed anymore. I had to remove the mysql-server package and install the mariadb-server package to get it operational again.

            Sunday, 25-Mar-18 20:21:28 UTC from web
          • Well, I think I fixed this hellhole

            Sunday, 25-Mar-18 20:17:26 UTC from web
            • blb http://rainbowdash.net/attachment/871015

              Sunday, 25-Mar-18 18:46:01 UTC from web
              • Hashtag ugly basard send dash

                Sunday, 25-Mar-18 00:08:12 UTC from web
                • feet are just dicks for your legs

                  Saturday, 24-Mar-18 23:56:07 UTC from web
                • Today was this sites birthday apparently. Certainly I just got billed for the domain name.

                  Sunday, 04-Mar-18 21:05:30 UTC from web
                • well, i might also be that tired due to the ammount of time i spent under the buring sun today

                  Sunday, 04-Mar-18 00:39:11 UTC from web
                • i Almost played pokemon TCG with a cute girl today, i have not been that nervous in a while D=

                  Sunday, 04-Mar-18 00:08:18 UTC from web
                • i mean big ups to my family for not teaching me how to do things when i was a kid and then wondering why i suck

                  Saturday, 03-Mar-18 13:40:19 UTC from web
                • # https://gs.smuglo.li/attachment/1074965

                  Saturday, 03-Mar-18 19:00:20 UTC from gs.smuglo.li
                • # https://gs.smuglo.li/attachment/633110

                  Saturday, 03-Mar-18 18:19:34 UTC from gs.smuglo.li
                • If someone combined Jedi Outcast or Academy's lightsaber combat with The Force Unleashed's Force abilities, it'd be the perfect Star Wars game for me. Being a Jedi is my favorite part of Star Wars games and those two are the pinnacle of the two aspects of being a Jedi, lightsabers and Force powers.

                  Saturday, 03-Mar-18 17:31:42 UTC from community.highlandarrow.com
                • Not to be overdramatic but if this weather causes my concert on Monday to be postponed I will kill myself

                  Saturday, 03-Mar-18 12:13:02 UTC from web
                • i had to park my car on the street last night and i had a nightmare afterwards that a big truck lost control, rolled over, and turned my car into a pancake

                  Saturday, 03-Mar-18 17:47:49 UTC from web