David Nadler's home timeline


  1. Abq Bronies Has Moved To Facebook Guys We Dont Use This PlatForm Any Longer Please Goto Facebook And Type abqbronies We Need To Get The Group Active Again abqbronies I Want To Hang Out And Talk About Ponies And Do Fun And Exciting Things Here In The Land Of Enchantment So Please Goto Our Facebook Abq_Bronies Thanks And Hope To See You There (/ BroHoof

    Sunday, 23-Oct-16 19:05:10 UTC from web
    • Im kinda sad ill never get to go to a meetup

      Friday, 24-Jun-16 01:35:51 UTC from web
    • Hey is this group still active

      Tuesday, 21-Jun-16 21:28:55 UTC from web

      Tuesday, 23-Sep-14 14:24:12 UTC from ban me pls
    • "Got something to say? Need to say it? Unfulfilled?"

      Sunday, 10-Aug-14 22:33:50 UTC from web
    • Do robots even have genders?

      Tuesday, 24-Jun-14 12:11:33 UTC from web
    • @admin ahaha.

      Tuesday, 24-Jun-14 12:07:15 UTC from web
      • So who here is going to Sabaku Con this weekend?

        Wednesday, 09-Apr-14 21:26:53 UTC from web at 35°6'38"N 106°36'35"W
      • Hey there peeps! Sorry I've been so quiet lately, life really is trying it's best to find me in the alps (if you don't get the reference, please watch DBZ Abridged by Team Four Star). I am still alive, however, and trying to keep as close an eye on this group as I can! I started it, and have a responsibility to do my part. However I would not be adverse to a few more Admins....The group is steadily growing, and Negi and I don't have the time, energy, or in some cases funds to keep things moving smoothly on our own.

        Saturday, 18-Jan-14 01:21:41 UTC from web
        • @rabidchama hey bro im new to the group but not to the fandom ive been a brony since 2011 just like you so i am an admin and i would like to help run the group with events and stuff is there anyway you can give me acces to the group to help run it i have been planning events lately even on the facebook page it shows alot of events i planned thanks

          Wednesday, 18-Jan-17 22:11:36 UTC in context
        • @raritymlp2017 Hi there! I'm sorry for the late responses, but things have been rather hectic. To you, and anypony else who's curious, I plan on using Facebook as the primary source for meetups and other events, but understand f there are those who'd prefer the relative anonymity of RDN. ;)

          Monday, 23-Jan-17 23:21:38 UTC in context
      • Any Santa Fe area Bronies here? I just moved here from Atlanta and am super-excited for the new season and the new MLP CCG!

        Friday, 22-Nov-13 02:34:37 UTC from web
        • Any bronies in the Santa Fe area? Just moved here from Atlanta. Greatly looking forward to the new season and also the new MLP CCG.

          Friday, 22-Nov-13 01:44:19 UTC from web