Matti Minnick's home timeline


  1. Four Beatles Began. Only two remain. One became a Knight. The other talks to trains.

    Sunday, 23-Sep-12 22:35:19 UTC from web
  2. Now for a poem.

    Sunday, 23-Sep-12 22:35:08 UTC from web
  3. @scribble is a browser pony now? o3o

    Sunday, 23-Sep-12 20:34:55 UTC from web
  4. I feel really bucking terrible now. Have a bunny.

    Sunday, 23-Sep-12 19:38:10 UTC from web
  5. Going to bed now. Night.

    Sunday, 23-Sep-12 19:36:52 UTC from web
  6. @hoit21 Ripping off my nice clothes to get on my lazy clothes RAWR!

    Sunday, 23-Sep-12 17:05:16 UTC from web
  7. @thatonestocking If I come across the money to get parts, then sure. Teach me how to read these ****ing serial numbers.

    Sunday, 23-Sep-12 17:18:19 UTC from web
  8. **rolls around, cuddling @Derpyshy** Yay random hugs :3

    Sunday, 23-Sep-12 16:53:30 UTC from web
  9. @thatonestocking A lot of people also don't believe you could build a "Hack Mini" HTPC for less than the cost of the Mac Mini itself. That'd be why the one in my grandad's house only cost him £300. The cost of a PC only rises as the requirements of the system rise. If you need a high end system, you pay a high end price. If you need a high end system, but not so much a graphics system, you save money from that. People just seem to think all PC's are expensive, and that they somehow get a bargain when they get a Celeron laptop for £500 >.>

    Sunday, 23-Sep-12 16:50:38 UTC from web
  10. I swear people feel more strongly about which OEM people use than anything else here xD. Oh, and braeburn, but that's a good thing! :3

    Sunday, 23-Sep-12 16:36:16 UTC from web
  11. I want to just go back to sleep and skip today

    Sunday, 23-Sep-12 15:55:55 UTC from web
  12. People confuse me...

    Sunday, 23-Sep-12 15:45:48 UTC from web
  13. Suddenly really want a kigurumi o3o

    Sunday, 23-Sep-12 14:14:34 UTC from web
    • Afternoon everypony.

      Sunday, 23-Sep-12 12:00:27 UTC from web
    • Aaaand... food. Bye.

      Sunday, 23-Sep-12 12:26:19 UTC from web
    • @woona Cuz this doesnt seem. alright.

      Sunday, 23-Sep-12 12:07:15 UTC from web
    • Night everypony! So happy I was part of Grey's 21st birthday <3. Also, @ceruleanspark, i got a sparkley trixie :3

      Saturday, 22-Sep-12 22:11:36 UTC from web
    • I'm back. Dah, my everything hurts, but it was worth it. Nice to be there for @cavatina's first meet and happy birthday to @greymatter.

      Saturday, 22-Sep-12 20:51:20 UTC from web
    • Goodnight everybody, i need to get an _early_ night, I need to be up fairly early tomorrow so I have time to get ready for "Bloody Brilliant Brony Birthday Bash"~ I really cant wait~! So yeah, Night everyone!

      Friday, 21-Sep-12 22:16:05 UTC from web
    • Ugh, Chinese for dinner :(

      Friday, 21-Sep-12 16:25:26 UTC from web
    • @Cavatina would you allow me to wub your tummy?

      Friday, 21-Sep-12 14:25:06 UTC from web
    • @woona @cavatina # :c

      Friday, 21-Sep-12 14:13:54 UTC from web
    • # <3. Also, happy birthday @bitshift <3

      Thursday, 20-Sep-12 23:15:18 UTC from web
    • After too much pondering, i'm still awake. Actually going to sleep now, and feeling much better thanks to my owner listening to my thoughts. He's made sense of them for me, i'm kinda glad he's doing a psychology course~ X3

      Thursday, 20-Sep-12 23:11:06 UTC from web
    • Anyway, i'm off to bed now! I can't wait to meet my dear Ramona in a few days, weeks, months, or whenever. I don't care, i just wanna see her...<3. Thanks to zack for making sense of my fustercluck of thoughts. I love you all, everypony~ <3

      Thursday, 20-Sep-12 23:13:14 UTC from web
      • Hoorah, 7 minutes until my 1 year anniversary on RDN. #

        Thursday, 20-Sep-12 22:54:25 UTC from web
      • I'm heading to bed now, Night everypony <3

        Thursday, 20-Sep-12 22:17:11 UTC from web
      • @woona <3333

        Thursday, 20-Sep-12 22:05:15 UTC from web
      • @derpyshy I'm sorry for not sleeping after saying goodnight, but I don't feel so well ._.

        Thursday, 20-Sep-12 21:20:49 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      • Honestly though, you have been on RDN for a long time. Don't you have anything else to do with your time?

        Thursday, 20-Sep-12 22:02:48 UTC from web