Señor Pooptickler's home timeline


  1. is ivanka trump the Malik Obama of the Trump family???

    Friday, 18-Aug-17 19:49:28 UTC from web
  2. if you found out trump was your dad and Hillary Clinton was your mom what would you do

    Friday, 18-Aug-17 19:45:44 UTC from web
  3. >organ trade is illegal
    wtf, how did churches get them then

    Friday, 18-Aug-17 18:32:34 UTC from
  4. cannot believe this site still exists.

    Friday, 18-Aug-17 18:33:29 UTC from web
  5. Buy Brazilian Virgin Hair at and get the look you want. We make hair weave closure and wigs at our factory. Nowadays MS Glam Hair have a area of 1200 square meters , 50 workers , and 15 salers, Many China Hair. visit us:

    Thursday, 17-Aug-17 17:44:31 UTC from web
  6. Though I guess rabid sjws are less dangerous in that regard than nazis, nazis were crafty.

    Thursday, 17-Aug-17 23:41:19 UTC from web
  7. Don't you just love it when some Communist who never lived in a Communist country tries explaining how Stalin and Mao were totally great leaders to someone who has been to one and had family who suffered under that?

    'cause I don't.

    Thursday, 17-Aug-17 22:59:22 UTC from
  8. The odd thing to me is the fact that it's mostly Leftists using "centrist" as a pejorative. You'd figure a wing that's out of power or losing power throughout the Western world would try to appeal more to centrists in order to get more votes and get back into power. That'd be the logical step, right?

    Ah well, grape it, I've always been right leaning so I ain't gonna interrupt them while they're making a mistake.

    Thursday, 17-Aug-17 23:29:38 UTC from
  9. snooze!

    Thursday, 17-Aug-17 23:30:55 UTC from
  10. Be like me, just be violently reactionary against both sides whenever one of them grows into a reasonable threat.

    Thursday, 17-Aug-17 23:27:09 UTC from web
    • There seems to be some weird war on Centrists with various political factions these days. It's like their assumption of Centrism is "I'm 100% right, they're 100% wrong, therefore Centrists are 50% wrong" which is not how politics or anything like that works.

      I find that line of thinking very dangerous because it means people can justify doing all sorts of actions by saying they're doing it for a "100% good cause", which is how many historical atrocities happened.

      Thursday, 17-Aug-17 23:19:27 UTC from
    • A Megas game would've been rad as hell.

      Thursday, 17-Aug-17 22:31:55 UTC from
    • So who thinks the Juggalo march on DC next month is going to turn violent

      Thursday, 17-Aug-17 22:08:55 UTC from web
    • Managed to make it to the next position at the cost of one SS platoon (I suppose noone will miss them in the end) and unlocked the panzer VI for the mission, which has more than enough armor to make it through the howitzer barrages. However there's no "all hatches closed" command in the game so it's either get there with a crew of 4 and no AA gun or losing the tank commander. #

      Thursday, 17-Aug-17 21:50:34 UTC from web
      • I fear I'm slowly becoming a yob. Last night my friend dared me to put my nutsack on Joe's car bonnet and I did

        Thursday, 17-Aug-17 21:33:02 UTC from web
      • i hate baseball fangraphs. me no fWAR

        Thursday, 17-Aug-17 21:28:23 UTC from web
      • Since the enemy decided to entrench itself and deploy loads of snipers and AT cannons, thus making it impossible for both infantry and the light tanks I have available to advance, I've reverted to WWI tactics and deployed a whole lot of riflemen and machine guns along sandbag lines while I slowly mow down the enemy with mortars. #

        Thursday, 17-Aug-17 21:26:49 UTC from web
        • tfw no mechanic wife

          Thursday, 17-Aug-17 21:00:13 UTC from
        • i come here for the first time in two weeks and immediately get ladleposted at


          Thursday, 17-Aug-17 19:30:45 UTC from
        • for anybody who says they love meat in reply to someone saying they don't
          i wish i could just go through my screen
          and put my finger up to your mouth


          you don't have to speak

          Thursday, 17-Aug-17 19:55:52 UTC from
        • RIP Ross

          Thursday, 17-Aug-17 19:50:11 UTC from web
          • perhaps they're wondering why someone would lick a ladle before putting it back in the food

            Thursday, 17-Aug-17 19:33:39 UTC from
          • delimiter died again? gosh

            Thursday, 17-Aug-17 19:25:07 UTC from
          • Yesterday I proved Gaston's 60 egg a day diet works, today that you can operate a brazilian hair farm. I'm on a roll.

            Thursday, 17-Aug-17 19:25:13 UTC from web
            • When you get called back for an emergency formation halfway through your workout and all you can think is, "we better be going to war with Korea or I'ma be batcaveed."

              Thursday, 17-Aug-17 18:58:54 UTC from web
            • #

              Thursday, 17-Aug-17 18:48:03 UTC from
            • And the totally not unexpected is now happening: people wanting statues of George Washington to be removed because he was a slave holder.

              Of course to be really consistent you have to rename everything named after him as well, such as, you know, the nation's capital. And while you're at it don't forget to remove those documents he signed like the Declaration of Independence.

              Thursday, 17-Aug-17 18:00:04 UTC from
            • I mean, for all I know Kim Jong Un is my cousin

              Thursday, 17-Aug-17 18:21:50 UTC from web
            • My neighbors have a dog that I think is actually more bear than dog

              Thursday, 17-Aug-17 18:05:39 UTC from web
            • i'm heading to the bank today to discuss what options i can take to put myself into even greater debt

              Thursday, 17-Aug-17 17:59:28 UTC from web