Señor Pooptickler's home timeline


  1. @lain well yeah because if agp exists its entirely sexualizing an identity. like i explained before thats not inherently bad but agp would mean its done in a huuuuuge amount of people, enough to validate arguments that trans is entirely a fetish when we know its not.

    really i need to debate internally whether masculine and feminine are compatible with a no-gender society. because i think things can be masculine and feminine as in yin and yang and no-gender only relates to people themselves.

    Monday, 21-Aug-17 06:54:10 UTC from
  2. So Papa Spraytan is addressing the nation tomorrow night. What're the odds it's a Bud Dwyer reenactment?

    Sunday, 20-Aug-17 22:54:23 UTC from web
  3. Id rather have a spc radio show, where we talk in low voices about mundane topics

    Sunday, 20-Aug-17 22:07:53 UTC from
  4. Made a bad pun using the word mum, which I...guess means I did a dad joke. So I did a dad joke about the word mum. That fits.

    Sunday, 20-Aug-17 22:09:28 UTC from
  5. Basically the internet is grape. People are Potato Knishes. Everyone wants to find a person to hate whenever messes arrive. Barely anyone genuinely cares. Social networks are hell. I only came back for @maiyannah and some friends so I should probably just detach from all of this other stuff forever.

    Sunday, 20-Aug-17 21:34:55 UTC from
  6. 53 cm!

    Sunday, 20-Aug-17 19:58:12 UTC from
  7. I really have to ask who was so incompetent at managing their inventory space that required Mass Effect Andromeda to double the inventory size in a patch.

    Even now after I beat the game and upgraded my preferred abilities to max, I still am barely over the original minimum, let alone the upgraded sizes.

    Sunday, 20-Aug-17 19:06:09 UTC from
  8. Experience aiming with a mouse: 20 years
    Experience aiming with a controller: I played unreal tournament on Dreamcast a few times

    Sunday, 20-Aug-17 19:49:45 UTC from web

      Sunday, 20-Aug-17 18:07:10 UTC from
    • i watched 4 epis of konosuba and it was really boring

      Saturday, 19-Aug-17 21:21:41 UTC from web
    • It's all takeshi's fault

      Saturday, 19-Aug-17 03:38:58 UTC from web
    • The bots are rising.

      Saturday, 19-Aug-17 03:38:48 UTC from web
      • delores the ♂ camboy ♂

        Saturday, 19-Aug-17 03:34:26 UTC from
      • it's happening

        Saturday, 19-Aug-17 03:10:05 UTC from
      • Creepy yanderes are my choice of crazy.

        Saturday, 19-Aug-17 02:25:39 UTC from web
      • In other news, health activists try to fight obesity with hamburgers.

        Saturday, 19-Aug-17 02:13:19 UTC from
      • I honestly miss feeling like I have friends that would stand up for me if some Potato Knishes happened.  I have like, maybe four.

        Saturday, 19-Aug-17 01:46:55 UTC from
      • @toolman @brennen Yes they are very much "jokes", as in they're not serious, as in they're not gonna result in anything in real life. Plus, there's ridiculous bullPotato Knishes that Trump never said. I had some white guy tell me, a US citizen, that Trump will deport me for being Asian, despite Trump never saying anything about US citizens.

        That's the level of paranoia regarding Trump we're dealing with here, and that is directly leading to more and more people taking militant action because they genuinely believe their lives are in danger. And that is a dangerous thing that's purely perpetuated by the Left and the media.

        Saturday, 19-Aug-17 01:29:53 UTC from
      • @citysquirrel In the specific case that had me rambling, a "lolcats" joke was offensive because furries.

        Saturday, 19-Aug-17 01:21:13 UTC from
      • Damn, secret police strikes again.

        Saturday, 19-Aug-17 01:24:51 UTC from web
        • TFW can't do anything fridey night because class in the morning

          Saturday, 19-Aug-17 01:21:58 UTC from web
          • Punch a monopoly.

            Saturday, 19-Aug-17 00:38:16 UTC from
          • @tomey @nerthos see? this is stupid. just make it automatic when you're a US citizen. stop this illusion of choice

            Friday, 18-Aug-17 23:14:42 UTC from
          • The thing that gets to me about this Nazi crap is that there aren't that many actual Nazis in the world, not anymore. The current debate about Nazis isn't about fighting legit Nazis, it's paranoia about a boogyman. Oooh, is that guy a Nazi? Is that a Nazi sympathizer? It's a way to dehumanize a target. Nazis are black holes of morality, anything done to them is completely justified because they're considered the absolute scum of the Earth. And sure, the real Nazis are. But like witches during the witch hunting days, or Communists during the Red Scare days, it's used to dehumanize people you don't like and then use that justification to do all sorts of terrible things to the person with the approval of your own conscious. When I beat that person, I'm not beating a fellow human being! No, I'm just beating a NAZI. He's a NAZI. And if you dare disapprove of what I do, you're also a NAZI, because only a NAZI wouldn't approve of my actions!

            Friday, 18-Aug-17 20:16:14 UTC from
          • from reading online, apparently if men in america don't sign up for the draft by age 26 they're ineligible for financial aide for the rest of their life? weird

            Friday, 18-Aug-17 22:58:21 UTC from
          • Even if you're not particularly interested in military service, the prospect of economical insurance can convince a lot of people.

            Friday, 18-Aug-17 23:00:34 UTC from web
            • #

              Friday, 18-Aug-17 22:30:11 UTC from
            • #

              Friday, 18-Aug-17 21:55:17 UTC from
            • maybe there's a reason why "let's punch a nazi" is almost universally thought to be less offensive than "let's punch a Jew"

              Friday, 18-Aug-17 21:53:56 UTC from web
            • The best part about having to use the crapper in the middle of the night on a military base is when you hear everyone rubbing their weiners around you...

              Friday, 18-Aug-17 20:12:14 UTC from web