Señor Pooptickler's home timeline


  1. Lies in bed topless but with jeans on vaping at 415 am

    Friday, 29-Dec-17 10:17:33 UTC from
  2. All the people saying 2017 was a brilliant year for games, not seeing where on Earth they got that from.

    Friday, 29-Dec-17 17:11:36 UTC from
  3. I don't suck.

    Friday, 29-Dec-17 13:40:05 UTC from


    Friday, 29-Dec-17 11:23:20 UTC from
  5. Merry christmas guys

    Monday, 25-Dec-17 02:54:22 UTC from web
  6. @davidsoto100 Alternatively just remove the back seats to lose some weight.

    Friday, 29-Dec-17 05:37:24 UTC from web
    • @maiyannah Hey, asking you because you live in canada and know the law system there, I can't report this to the cops proper from here, so if you can do it, I'd appreciate it

      Friday, 03-Nov-17 05:11:07 UTC from web
    • Black customer just came in and insinuated that my (Indian) co-worker is a racist and that I (very white looking) am always very helpful

      Sunday, 15-Oct-17 23:43:52 UTC from web
    • Just made £90 minus tax on a Saturday hell yeah

      Saturday, 21-Oct-17 12:06:55 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    • Uuuh... how else am I supposed to go back to bed That's how the left has an use. Like the skeleton war

      Saturday, 21-Oct-17 09:10:05 UTC from
    • I found a cool post from @nerthos about how to summon me but I already redashed it and that specific reason is why I left 3 years ago.

      Wednesday, 04-Oct-17 04:24:49 UTC from web
    • The Unrestricted Dumping-Ground, U.S.A. [1903] -

      Friday, 29-Sep-17 10:31:21 UTC from
    • wait, there are multiple universes out there or something

      Friday, 29-Sep-17 05:00:44 UTC from
    • #

      Friday, 29-Sep-17 03:37:33 UTC from
    • @cybermeow they're still manufactured to hit a price point. How much power do you need in a daily driver, for real.

      Tuesday, 26-Sep-17 20:58:21 UTC from
    • Guilty as charged. Seeing money pile up is really bad. Doesn't really make sense. I understand that I can't remember the golden rule about early access: disappear and erase your traces once you've made enough money to start a neet colony. We all work fine.

      Friday, 29-Sep-17 03:10:05 UTC from
    • apparently half of you are meeting your girlfriends here while i'm only meeting guys who call me a grape

      Friday, 29-Sep-17 02:22:06 UTC from
    • @ceruleanspark Thought you might like this one

      Friday, 29-Sep-17 02:34:55 UTC from web
      • I suppose this time the filter calling someone a fruit is not wrong.

        Friday, 29-Sep-17 02:24:04 UTC from web
        • Six years guys. That's a third as much as some of you have been alive, and over half how old some were when they made an account. For me it has been a fourth of a lifetime. Even met my girlfriend here even if her stay was only two days. I might not come around as much nowadays, but this place still means something. Thanks to the people who keep it running, and thanks to those that made it fun. Might broadcast some assorted horses in a while to celebrate.

          Friday, 29-Sep-17 02:19:21 UTC from web
          • Charlie Hebdo deserved the attack.

            Thursday, 31-Aug-17 00:56:59 UTC from web
            • Didn't manage to get boots but I got a cool italian cut suit, which I'm going to be paying for the rest of the year

              Monday, 28-Aug-17 04:17:02 UTC from
            • @hakui @delores then with knightly orders it's "praise the lord and contribute to the church and we'll make the road to jerusalem safe"
              Who would have known templar orders would be useful to protect Europe from islam now

              Saturday, 26-Aug-17 04:24:17 UTC from
            • Where's my french vanilla

              Thursday, 24-Aug-17 07:54:13 UTC from web
            • I'm really digging this /g/ project

              Tuesday, 22-Aug-17 22:31:32 UTC from
            • Human history is a worst case scenario.

              Tuesday, 22-Aug-17 22:40:07 UTC from
            • Are we memeing 8values again?

              Tuesday, 22-Aug-17 21:18:44 UTC from
            • Already looked at the eclipse through a telescope with a sun filter. Pretty badass, could even see sunspots.

              Monday, 21-Aug-17 16:49:59 UTC from
            • @ the Conservative feller on the BBC this morning saying that Big Ben's silence will be a detriment to the nation: I have never heard the bongs in the West Midlands, buddy

              Monday, 21-Aug-17 10:32:35 UTC from web
            • Still can't believe is gone, how to get memes now?

              Monday, 21-Aug-17 07:01:59 UTC from web