Señor Pooptickler's home timeline


  1. @tiffany

    Thursday, 20-Sep-18 00:08:32 UTC from web
  2. Hey @mushi

    Wednesday, 12-Sep-18 02:05:03 UTC from web
    • Final Space is worth watching if you've got netflix, incidentally.

      Thursday, 23-Aug-18 20:47:34 UTC from web
    • RIP Stefán

      Wednesday, 22-Aug-18 16:05:19 UTC from web
      • @thelastgherkin

        Thursday, 12-Jul-18 06:33:12 UTC from web
      • And if anyone cares, list of current giveaways:
        Last one is a bit tricky to grab since the base game is F2P and the actual giveaway are the DLC. Solution is to go to the dlc pages and manually clicking install on each, they should show up on your library under the game's dlc box after that.

        Friday, 25-May-18 13:38:52 UTC from web
      • For the people who care about federation (Probably just @nerthos and @awl) I have no idea why it isn’t working. This is actually a new server, at a new hosting provider and a functionally fresh install of RDN’s version of statusnet. So unless DigitalOcean, Cloudflare, or the other instances themselves are blocking us (or them), there’s no particular reason why it *shouldn’t* work.

        Thursday, 24-May-18 06:14:26 UTC from web
      • Also if any of you guys plays Pocket Camp or mobile Fire Emblem and want to add me just let me know

        Friday, 25-May-18 13:19:09 UTC from web
        • Might as well fix my avatar while I'm at it

          Friday, 25-May-18 13:17:27 UTC from web
          • giveaway if anyone cares

            Thursday, 24-May-18 02:22:58 UTC from web
            • @cerulean just tried and it seems federation is actually broken as awl mentioned a while back, at least one way. Posts get here but don't make it to other servers.

              Thursday, 24-May-18 02:21:25 UTC from web
              • Our next movie for Garbage Day is The Gods Must Be Crazy (1980)! Friendly chat is OFF!

                Thursday, 24-May-18 02:04:28 UTC from
              • @ceruleanspark What did Frog from Chrono Trigger eat? Frog food? Human food? something else entirely?

                Wednesday, 23-May-18 21:07:25 UTC from web
                • Check in to see Mike Cole made an account. Didn't expect that.

                  Wednesday, 23-May-18 21:07:16 UTC from web
                  • I can't help wondering during some of my office's follies and foibles, is Germany really as crisp and efficient as Eddie Izzard makes it out to be? @adiwan

                    Thursday, 19-Apr-18 17:19:43 UTC from web
                  • They pulled it up on their phone and started showing other students. I had four different people suddenly surrounding me and I just wanted to be left alone. The live, in-person audience was, for some reason, genuinely upsetting to me and I couldn’t handle it, so I excused myself and ran to the cafe so I could stress eat.

                    Monday, 23-Apr-18 20:05:19 UTC from web
                  • apparently you can get a permanent free copy of CK2 right now

                    Thursday, 05-Apr-18 17:45:22 UTC from
                  • well, i might also be that tired due to the ammount of time i spent under the buring sun today

                    Sunday, 04-Mar-18 00:39:11 UTC from web
                  • i Almost played pokemon TCG with a cute girl today, i have not been that nervous in a while D=

                    Sunday, 04-Mar-18 00:08:18 UTC from web
                  • i mean big ups to my family for not teaching me how to do things when i was a kid and then wondering why i suck

                    Saturday, 03-Mar-18 13:40:19 UTC from web
                  • #

                    Saturday, 03-Mar-18 19:00:20 UTC from
                  • #

                    Saturday, 03-Mar-18 18:19:34 UTC from
                  • If someone combined Jedi Outcast or Academy's lightsaber combat with The Force Unleashed's Force abilities, it'd be the perfect Star Wars game for me. Being a Jedi is my favorite part of Star Wars games and those two are the pinnacle of the two aspects of being a Jedi, lightsabers and Force powers.

                    Saturday, 03-Mar-18 17:31:42 UTC from
                  • Not to be overdramatic but if this weather causes my concert on Monday to be postponed I will kill myself

                    Saturday, 03-Mar-18 12:13:02 UTC from web
                  • i had to park my car on the street last night and i had a nightmare afterwards that a big truck lost control, rolled over, and turned my car into a pancake

                    Saturday, 03-Mar-18 17:47:49 UTC from web
                  • I want to share something with everyone: there is not a shoe-tying infograph on the Internet that I have managed to understand. I am legitimately baffled by this thing that most six-year olds know how to do.

                    Saturday, 03-Mar-18 13:09:43 UTC from web
                  • My abilities include eating a whole pizza and tying my shoelaces without help

                    Saturday, 03-Mar-18 17:28:01 UTC from web
                  • #

                    Saturday, 03-Mar-18 17:21:03 UTC from
                  • The utility of screenshots is they can't be deleted, where a tweet or notice can be deleted, or edited.  But the thing people never seem to consider is that they can easily be faked.

                    Saturday, 03-Mar-18 17:05:02 UTC from
                  • if i had $5 million dollars i would hire @nerthos to lead a private army

                    Friday, 12-Jan-18 22:24:23 UTC from